Fernanda Viegas
Authored Publications
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XRAI: Better Attributions Through Regions
International Conference on Computer Vision 2019 (ICCV) (2019) (to appear)
Human-Centered Tools for Coping with Imperfect Algorithms during Medical Decision-Making
Jason Hipp
Daniel Smilkov
Martin Stumpe
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2019)
TensorFlow.js: Machine Learning for the Web and Beyond
Daniel Smilkov
Nikhil Thorat
Yannick Assogba
Ann Yuan
Nick Kreeger
Ping Yu
Kangyi Zhang
Eric Nielsen
Stan Bileschi
Charles Nicholson
Sandeep N. Gupta
Sarah Sirajuddin
D. Sculley
Rajat Monga
SysML, Palo Alto, CA, USA (2019)
Visualizing Dataflow Graphs of Deep Learning Models in TensorFlow
Kanit Wongsuphasawat
Daniel Smilkov
Dandelion Mane
Doug Fritz
Dilip Krishnan
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2017)
Google's Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System: Enabling Zero-Shot Translation
Mike Schuster
Maxim Krikun
Yonghui Wu
Nikhil Thorat
Macduff Hughes
Google (2016)
TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems
Ashish Agarwal
Eugene Brevdo
Craig Citro
Matthieu Devin
Ian Goodfellow
Andrew Harp
Geoffrey Irving
Yangqing Jia
Rafal Jozefowicz
Lukasz Kaiser
Manjunath Kudlur
Dan Mané
Rajat Monga
Chris Olah
Mike Schuster
Jonathon Shlens
Benoit Steiner
Ilya Sutskever
Kunal Talwar
Paul Tucker
Vijay Vasudevan
Pete Warden
Yuan Yu
Xiaoqiang Zheng
tensorflow.org (2015)
Google+ Ripples: A Native Visualization of Information Flow
Jack Hebert
Geoffrey Borggaard
Alison Cichowlas
Jonathan Feinberg
Christopher Wren
Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (2013), pp. 1389-1398