
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10081 publications
    First Passage Percolation with Queried Hints
    Kritkorn Karntikoon
    Aaron Schild
    Yiheng Shen
    Ali Sinop
    AISTATS (2024)
    Preview abstract Optimization problems are ubiquitous throughout the modern world. In many of these applications, the input is inherently noisy and it is expensive to probe all of the noise in the input before solving the relevant optimization problem. In this work, we study how much of that noise needs to be queried in order to obtain an approximately optimal solution to the relevant problem. We focus on the shortest path problem in graphs, where one may think of the noise as coming from real-time traffic. We consider the following model: start with a weighted base graph $G$ and multiply each edge weight by an independently chosen, uniformly random number in $[1,2]$ to obtain a random graph $G'$. This model is called \emph{first passage percolation}. Mathematicians have studied this model extensively when $G$ is a $d$-dimensional grid graph, but the behavior of shortest paths in this model is still poorly understood in general graphs. We make progress in this direction for a class of graphs that resembles real-world road networks. Specifically, we prove that if the geometric realization of $G$ has constant doubling dimension, then for a given $s-t$ pair, we only need to probe the weights on $((\log n) / \epsilon)^{O(1)}$ edges in $G'$ in order to obtain a $(1 + \epsilon)$-approximation to the $s-t$ distance in $G'$. We also demonstrate experimentally that this result is pessimistic -- one can even obtain a short path in $G'$ with a small number of probes to $G'$. View details
    A scalable system to measure contrail formation on a per-flight basis
    Erica Brand
    Sebastian Eastham
    Carl Elkin
    Thomas Dean
    Zebediah Engberg
    Ulrike Hager
    Joe Ng
    Dinesh Sanekommu
    Tharun Sankar
    Marc Shapiro
    Environmental Research Communications (2024)
    Preview abstract In this work we describe a scalable, automated system to determine from satellite data whether a given flight has made a persistent contrail. The system works by comparing flight segments to contrails detected by a computer vision algorithm running on images from the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager. We develop a `flight matching' algorithm and use it to label each flight segment as a `match' or `non-match'. We perform this analysis on 1.6 million flight segments and compare these labels to existing contrail prediction methods based on weather forecast data. The result is an analysis of which flights make persistent contrails several orders of magnitude larger than any previous work. We find that current contrail prediction models fail to correctly predict whether we will match a contrail in many cases. View details
    TouchSDF: A DeepSDF Approach for 3D Shape Reconstruction Using Vision-Based Tactile Sensing
    Mauro Comi
    Yijiong Lin
    Alex Church
    Laurence Aitchison
    Nathan Lepora
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2024)
    Preview abstract Humans rely on their visual and tactile senses to develop a comprehensive 3D understanding of their physical environment. Recently, there has been a growing interest in exploring and manipulating objects using data-driven approaches that utilise high-resolution vision-based tactile sensors. However, 3D shape reconstruction using tactile sensing has lagged behind visual shape reconstruction because of limitations in existing techniques, including the inability to generalise over unseen shapes, the absence of real-world testing, and limited expressive capacity imposed by discrete representations. To address these challenges, we propose TouchSDF, a Deep Learning approach for tactile 3D shape reconstruction that leverages the rich information provided by a vision-based tactile sensor and the expressivity of the implicit neural representation DeepSDF. Our technique consists of two components: (1) a Convolutional Neural Network that maps tactile images into local meshes representing the surface at the touch location, and (2) an implicit neural function that predicts a signed distance function to extract the desired 3D shape. This combination allows TouchSDF to reconstruct smooth and continuous 3D shapes from tactile inputs in simulation and real-world settings, opening up research avenues for robust 3D-aware representations and improved multimodal perception in robotics. Code and supplementary material are available at: this https URL View details
    The Scaling Law of Synthetic Images for Model Training, for Now
    Lijie Fan
    Dilip Krishnan
    Dina Katabi
    Phillip Isola
    Yonglong Tian
    CVPR (2024)
    Preview abstract Recent significant advances in text-to-image models unlock the possibility of training vision systems using synthetic images, potentially overcoming the difficulty of collecting curated data at scale. It is unclear, however, how these models behave at scale, as more synthetic data is added to the training set. In this paper we study the scaling laws of synthetic images generated by state of the art text-to-image models, for the training of supervised models: image classifiers with label supervision, and CLIP with language supervision. We identify several factors, including text prompts, classifier-free guidance scale, and types of text-to-image models, that significantly affect scaling behavior. After tuning these factors, we observe that synthetic images demonstrate a scaling trend similar to, but slightly less effective than, real images in CLIP training, while they significantly underperform in scaling when training supervised image classifiers. Our analysis indicates that the main reason for this underperformance is the inability of off-the-shelf text-to-image models to generate certain concepts, a limitation that significantly impairs the training of image classifiers. Our findings also suggest that scaling synthetic data can be particularly effective in scenarios such as: (1) when there is a limited supply of real images for a supervised problem (e.g., fewer than 0.5 million images in ImageNet), (2) when the evaluation dataset diverges significantly from the training data, indicating the out-of-distribution scenario, or (3) when synthetic data is used in conjunction with real images, as demonstrated in the training of CLIP models. View details
    Computational Methodologies for Understanding, Automating, and Evaluating User Interfaces
    Yuwen Lu
    Yue Jiang
    Christof Lutteroth
    Toby Jia-Jun Li
    Jeffery Nichols
    Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
    Preview abstract Building on the success of the first two workshops on user interfaces (UIs) at CHI 2022 and CHI 2023, this workshop aims to advance the research field by further exploring current research trends, such as applying large language models and visual language models. Previous work has explored computational approaches to understanding and adapting UIs using constraint-based optimization models and machine learning-based data-driven approaches. In addition to further delving into these established UI research areas, we aim to trigger the exploration into the application of the latest advancements in general-purpose large language and vision-language models within the UI domain. We will encourage participants to explore novel methods for understanding, automating, and evaluating UIs. The proposed workshop seeks to bring together academic researchers and industry practitioners interested in computational approaches for UIs to discuss the needs and opportunities for future user interface algorithms, models, and applications. View details
    Human Language to Analog Layout Using Glayout Layout Automation
    Ali Hammoud
    Chetanya Goyal
    Sakib Pathen
    Arlene Dai
    Anhang Li
    Mehdi Saligane
    Preview abstract Current approaches to Analog Layout Automation apply ML techniques such as Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCN) to translate netlist to layout. While these ML approaches have proven to be effective, they lack the powerful reasoning capabilities, an intuitive human interface, and standard evaluation benchmarks that have been improving at a rapid de- velopment pace in Large Language Models (LLMs). The GLayout framework introduced in this work translates analog layout into an expressive, technology generic, compact text representation. Then, an LLM is taught to understand analog layout through fine-tuning and in-context learning using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). The LLM is able to successfully layout unseen circuits based on new information provided in-context. We train 3.8, 7, and 22 Billion parameter quantized LLMs on a dataset of less than 50 unique circuits, and text documents providing layout knowledge. The 22B parameter model is tuned in 2 hours on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. The open-source evaluation set is proposed as an automation benchmark for LLM layout automation tasks, and ranges from 2-transistor circuits to a ∆Σ ADC. The 22B model completes 70% of the tasks in the evaluation set, and is able to pass DRC and LVS verification on unseen 4 transistor blocks. View details
    Preview abstract Modern text-to-image generation models produce high-quality images that are both photorealistic and faithful to the text prompts. However, this quality comes at significant computational cost: nearly all of these models are iterative and require running sampling multiple times with large models. This iterative process is needed to ensure that different regions of the image are not only aligned with the text prompt, but also compatible with each other. In this work, we propose a light-weight approach to achieving this compatibility between different regions of an image, using a Markov Random Field (MRF) model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on top of the latent token-based Muse text-to-image model. The MRF richly encodes the compatibility among image tokens at different spatial locations to improve quality and significantly reduce the required number of Muse sampling steps. Inference with the MRF is significantly cheaper, and its parameters can be quickly learned through back-propagation by modeling MRF inference as a differentiable neural-network layer. Our full model, MarkovGen, uses this proposed MRF model to both speed up Muse by 1.5X and produce higher quality images by decreasing undesirable image artifacts. View details
    Efficient Language Model Architectures for Differentially Private Federated Learning
    Yanxiang Zhang
    Privacy Regulation and Protection in Machine Learning Workshop at ICLR 2024 (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Cross-device federated learning (FL) is a technique that trains a model on data distributed across typically millions of edge devices without data ever leaving the devices. SGD is the standard client optimizer for on device training in cross-device FL, favored for its memory and computational efficiency. However, in centralized training of neural language models, adaptive optimizers are preferred as they offer improved stability and performance. In light of this, we ask if language models can be modified such that they can be efficiently trained with SGD client optimizers and answer this affirmatively. We propose a scale-invariant \emph{Coupled Input Forget Gate} (SI CIFG) recurrent network by modifying the sigmoid and tanh activations in the recurrent cell and show that this new model converges faster and achieves better utility than the standard CIFG recurrent model in cross-device FL in large scale experiments. We further show that the proposed scale invariant modification also helps in federated learning of larger transformer models. Finally, we demonstrate the scale invariant modification is also compatible with other non-adaptive algorithms. Particularly, our results suggest an improved privacy utility trade-off in federated learning with differential privacy. View details
    On the Benefits of Traffic “Reprofiling” The Single Hop Case
    Henry Sariowan
    Jiaming Qiu
    Jiayi Song
    Roch Guerin
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2024)
    Preview abstract Datacenters have become a significant source of traffic, much of which is carried over private networks. The operators of those networks commonly have access to detailed traffic profiles and performance goals, which they seek to meet as efficiently as possible. Of interest are solutions that guarantee latency while minimizing network bandwidth. The paper explores a basic building block towards realizing such solutions, namely, a single hop configuration. The main results are in the form of optimal solutions for meeting local deadlines under schedulers of varying complexity and therefore cost. The results demonstrate how judiciously modifying flows’ traffic profiles, i.e., reprofiling them, can help simple schedulers reduce the bandwidth they require, often performing nearly as well as more complex ones. View details
    Preview abstract Verifying credentials, such as educational degrees, professional licenses, and permits, is a crucial yet challenging task for organizations globally. Traditional verification methods often rely on third-party vendors, introducing vulnerabilities like bias, security breaches, and privacy risks. While blockchain technology offers a promising solution for credential management, existing approaches often store sensitive credential data off-chain in centralized databases or InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), leaving them susceptible to data breaches and loss. This paper presents a novel, privacy-preserving credential verification system built on a permissioned blockchain network. This system, implemented using the Hyperledger Fabric framework, offers several key advantages over traditional methods, including enhanced security and improved privacy. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, the system ensures the robust and privacypreserving storage of credentials directly on the blockchain. This eliminates the reliance on vulnerable off-chain storage and mitigates associated risks. Furthermore, our analysis of a common credential dataset demonstrates the practical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of our solution, suggesting its widespread adoption. By addressing the limitations of both traditional and existing blockchain-based approaches, our system provides a robust, secure, and efficient solution for credential management in diverse sectors. View details
    Preview abstract In the present computerized period, information driven navigation is essential for the progress of cooperative work areas. This paper gives an extensive examination of how information designing, distributed storage, and business insight synergistically engage groups. We look at the basic standards of information designing, zeroing in on the plan, development, and the management of adaptable information pipelines. The job of distributed storage is investigated, featuring its ability to give adaptable, secure, and open information arrangements. Besides, we dive into business knowledge instruments and their capacity to change crude information into significant experiences. Through contextual analyses and exact information, we delineate the groundbreaking effect of these advances in group efficiency, coordinated effort, and dynamic cycles. This examination highlights the significance of incorporating hearty information designing works on, utilizing distributed storage arrangements, and utilizing complex business knowledge apparatuses to establish information engaged cooperative conditions. View details
    Specifying BGP using TLA+
    Aman Shaikh
    Preview abstract This presentation is about the TLA+ specification we have written for BGP, the routing protocol underpinning the Internet. The specification also serves as a crucial first-step towards the use of TLA+ for verification of network designs. View details
    Preview abstract Specialized Large multi-modal models (LMMs) have exhibited remarkable performance across numerous tasks, however, generalist LMMs suffer from performance degradation when training with a large collection of tasks. Recent research suggests Mixture of Experts (MoE) Models help instruction tuning, however, for LMMs of parameter size around O(50-100B), the prohibitive cost of replicating and storing the expert models severely limits the number of experts we can use. We propose Omni-SMoLA that softly mixes many multimodal low rank experts to large models without introducing significant new parameter count compared to conventional MoE models. The core idea is that the large model provides a foundational backbone and different lightweight experts learn specialized knowledge residually. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the SMoLA approach helps improve the generalist performance across a broad range of visual question answering and captioning tasks, achieving a new state-of-the-art generalist performance that matches or outperforms single specialized LMM baselines. View details
    Learning from Models Rivals Learning from Data for Visual Representations
    Yonglong Tian
    Lijie Fan
    Dina Katabi
    Dilip Krishnan
    Phillip Isola
    CVPR (2024)
    Preview abstract We introduce SynCLR, a novel approach for learning visual representations exclusively from synthetic images and synthetic captions, without any real data. We synthesize a large dataset of image captions using LLMs, then use an off-the-shelf text-to-image model to generate multiple images corresponding to each synthetic caption. We perform visual representation learning on these synthetic images via contrastive learning, treating images sharing the same caption as positive pairs. The resulting representations transfer well to many downstream tasks, competing favorably with other general-purpose visual representation learners such as CLIP and DINO v2 in image classification tasks. Furthermore, in dense prediction tasks such as semantic segmentation, SynCLR outperforms previous self-supervised methods by a significant margin, e.g., improving over MAE and iBOT by 6.2 and 4.3 mIoU on ADE20k for ViT-B/16. View details
    Model-Free Preference Elicitation
    Carlos Martin
    Tuomas Sandholm
    Proceedings of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24), Jeju, South Korea (2024), pp. 3493-3503
    Preview abstract Elicitation of user preferences is becoming an important approach for improving the qualityof recommendations, especially when there is little or no user history. In this setting, arecommender system interacts with the user by iteratively presenting elicitation questionsand recording their responses. Various criteria have been proposed for optimizing thesequence of queries in order to improve user understanding and thereby the quality ofdownstream recommendations. A compelling approach for preference elicitation is theExpected Value of Information (EVOI), a Bayesian approach which computes the expectedgain in user utility for possible queries. Previous work on EVOI has focused on probabilisticmodels of users for computing posterior utilities. In contrast, in this work we exploremodel-free variants of EVOI which rely on function approximations in order to avoid strongmodeling assumptions. Specifically, we propose to learn a user response model and a userutility model from data which is often available in real-world systems, and to use thesemodels in EVOI in place of the probabilistic models. We show that our approach leads toimproved elicitation performance. View details