
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10081 publications
    A scalable system to measure contrail formation on a per-flight basis
    Erica Brand
    Sebastian Eastham
    Carl Elkin
    Thomas Dean
    Zebediah Engberg
    Ulrike Hager
    Joe Ng
    Dinesh Sanekommu
    Tharun Sankar
    Marc Shapiro
    Environmental Research Communications (2024)
    Preview abstract In this work we describe a scalable, automated system to determine from satellite data whether a given flight has made a persistent contrail. The system works by comparing flight segments to contrails detected by a computer vision algorithm running on images from the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager. We develop a `flight matching' algorithm and use it to label each flight segment as a `match' or `non-match'. We perform this analysis on 1.6 million flight segments and compare these labels to existing contrail prediction methods based on weather forecast data. The result is an analysis of which flights make persistent contrails several orders of magnitude larger than any previous work. We find that current contrail prediction models fail to correctly predict whether we will match a contrail in many cases. View details
    First Passage Percolation with Queried Hints
    Kritkorn Karntikoon
    Aaron Schild
    Yiheng Shen
    Ali Sinop
    AISTATS (2024)
    Preview abstract Optimization problems are ubiquitous throughout the modern world. In many of these applications, the input is inherently noisy and it is expensive to probe all of the noise in the input before solving the relevant optimization problem. In this work, we study how much of that noise needs to be queried in order to obtain an approximately optimal solution to the relevant problem. We focus on the shortest path problem in graphs, where one may think of the noise as coming from real-time traffic. We consider the following model: start with a weighted base graph $G$ and multiply each edge weight by an independently chosen, uniformly random number in $[1,2]$ to obtain a random graph $G'$. This model is called \emph{first passage percolation}. Mathematicians have studied this model extensively when $G$ is a $d$-dimensional grid graph, but the behavior of shortest paths in this model is still poorly understood in general graphs. We make progress in this direction for a class of graphs that resembles real-world road networks. Specifically, we prove that if the geometric realization of $G$ has constant doubling dimension, then for a given $s-t$ pair, we only need to probe the weights on $((\log n) / \epsilon)^{O(1)}$ edges in $G'$ in order to obtain a $(1 + \epsilon)$-approximation to the $s-t$ distance in $G'$. We also demonstrate experimentally that this result is pessimistic -- one can even obtain a short path in $G'$ with a small number of probes to $G'$. View details
    Preview abstract A product manager’s specific role varies from one company to the next. Still, all product managers balance many aspects of their job, including customers’ needs, a vision for new products, and the project team. So what tools and strategies are needed to create a successful career as a product manager? What are the “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Product Manager”? Authority Magazine speaks with Aqsa Fulara, a product manager at Google to answer these questions with stories and insights from her experiences. View details
    Security & Privacy Product Inclusion
    Dave Kleidermacher
    Emmanuel Arriaga
    Eric Wang
    Sebastian Porst
    Arxive (2024)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we explore the challenges of ensuring security and privacy for users from diverse demographic backgrounds. We propose a threat modeling approach to identify potential risks and countermeasures for product inclusion in security and privacy. We discuss various factors that can affect a user's ability to achieve a high level of security and privacy, including low-income demographics, poor connectivity, shared device usage, ML fairness, etc. We present results from a global security and privacy user experience survey and discuss the implications for product developers. Our work highlights the need for a more inclusive approach to security and privacy and provides a framework for researchers and practitioners to consider when designing products and services for a diverse range of users. View details
    Preview abstract Floods are one of the most common natural disasters, with a disproportionate impact in developing countries that often lack dense streamflow gauge networks. Accurate and timely warnings are critical for mitigating flood risks, but hydrological simulation models typically must be calibrated to long data records in each watershed. Here we show that AI-based forecasting achieves reliability in predicting extreme riverine events in ungauged watersheds at up to a 5-day lead time that is similar to or better than the reliability of nowcasts (0-day lead time) from a current state of the art global modeling system (the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Global Flood Awareness System). Additionally, we achieve accuracies over 5-year return period events that are similar to or better than current accuracies over 1-year return period events. This means that AI can provide flood warnings earlier and over larger and more impactful events in ungauged basins. The model developed in this paper was incorporated into an operational early warning system that produces publicly available (free and open) forecasts in real time in over 80 countries. This work highlights a need for increasing the availability of hydrological data to continue to improve global access to reliable flood warnings. View details
    Preview abstract Effective model calibration is a critical and indispensable component in developing Media Mix Models (MMMs). One advantage of Bayesian-based MMMs lies in their capacity to accommodate the information from experiment results and the modelers' domain knowledge about the ad effectiveness by setting priors for the model parameters. However, it remains ambiguous about how and which Bayesian priors should be tuned for calibration purpose. In this paper, we propose a new calibration method through model reparameterization. The reparameterized model includes Return on Ads Spend (ROAS) as a model parameter, enabling straightforward adjustment of its prior distribution to align with either experiment results or the modeler's prior knowledge. The proposed method also helps address several key challenges regarding combining MMMs and incrementality experiments. We use simulations to demonstrate that our approach can significantly reduce the bias and uncertainty in the resultant posterior ROAS estimates. View details
    Preview abstract Private Everlasting Prediction (PEP), recently introduced by Naor et al. [2023], is a model for differentially private learning in which the learner never publicly releases a hypothesis. Instead, it provides a black-box access to a ``prediction oracle'' that can predict the labels of an endless stream of unlabeled examples drawn from the underlying distribution. Importantly, PEP provides privacy both for the initial training set and for the endless stream of classification queries. We present two conceptual modifications to the definition of PEP, as well as new constructions exhibiting significant improvements over prior work. Specifically, our contributions include: (1) Robustness: PEP only guarantees accuracy provided that all the classification queries are drawn from the correct underlying distribution. A few out-of-distribution queries might break the validity of the prediction oracle for future queries, even for future queries which are sampled from the correct distribution. We incorporate robustness against such poisoning attacks into the definition of PEP, and show how to obtain it. (2) Dependence of the privacy parameter delta in the time horizon: We present a relaxed privacy definition, suitable for PEP, that allows us to disconnect the privacy parameter delta from the number of total time steps T. This allows us to obtain algorithms for PEP whose sample complexity is independent from T, thereby making them "truly everlasting". This is in contrast to prior work where the sample complexity grows with polylog(T). (3) New constructions: Prior constructions for PEP exhibit sample complexity that is quadratic in the VC dimension of the target class. We present new constructions of PEP for axis-aligned rectangles and for decision-stumps, that exhibit sample complexity linear in the dimension (instead of quadratic). We show that our constructions satisfy very strong robustness properties. View details
    Preview abstract With the rise of open data in the last two decades, more datasets are online and more people are using them for projects and research. But how do people find datasets? We present the first user study of Google Dataset Search, a dataset-discovery tool that uses a web crawl and open ecosystem to find datasets. Google Dataset Search contains a superset of the datasets in other dataset-discovery tools—a total of 45 million datasets from 13,000 sources. We found that the tool addresses a previously identified need: a search engine for datasets across the entire web, including datasets in other tools. However, the tool introduced new challenges due to its open approach: building a mental model of the tool, making sense of heterogeneous datasets, and learning how to search for datasets. We discuss recommendations for dataset-discovery tools and open research questions. View details
    Preview abstract We study the price of anarchy of the generalized second-price auction where bidders are value maximizers (i.e., autobidders). We show that in general the price of anarchy can be as bad as 0. For comparison, the price of anarchy of running VCG is 1/2 in the autobidding world. We further show a fined-grained price of anarchy with respect to the discount factors (i.e., the ratios of click probabilities between lower slots and the highest slot in each auction) in the generalized second-price auction, which highlights the qualitative relation between the smoothness of the discount factors and the efficiency of the generalized second-price auction. View details
    Preview abstract We propose OmniNOCS, a large-scale monocular dataset with 3D Normalized Object Coordinate Space (NOCS) maps, object masks, and 3D bounding box annotations for indoor and outdoor scenes. OmniNOCS has 20 times more object classes and 200 times more instances than existing NOCS datasets (NOCS-Real275, Wild6D). We use OmniNOCS to train a novel, transformer-based monocular NOCS prediction model (NOCSformer) that can predict accurate NOCS, instance masks and poses from 2D object detections across diverse classes. It is the first NOCS model that can generalize to a broad range of classes when prompted with 2D boxes. We evaluate our model on the task of 3D oriented bounding box prediction, where it achieves comparable results to state-of-the-art 3D detection methods such as Cube R-CNN. Unlike other 3D detection methods, our model also provides detailed and accurate 3D object shape and segmentation. We propose a novel benchmark for the task of NOCS prediction based on OmniNOCS, which we hope will serve as a useful baseline for future work in this area. Our dataset and code is available at the project website: View details
    Experiencing InstructPipe: Building Multi-modal AI Pipelines via Prompting LLMs and Visual Programming
    Zhongyi Zhou
    Jing Jin
    Xiuxiu Yuan
    Jun Jiang
    Jingtao Zhou
    Yiyi Huang
    Kristen Wright
    Jason Mayes
    Mark Sherwood
    Ram Iyengar
    Na Li
    Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 5
    Preview abstract Foundational multi-modal models have democratized AI access, yet the construction of complex, customizable machine learning pipelines by novice users remains a grand challenge. This paper demonstrates a visual programming system that allows novices to rapidly prototype multimodal AI pipelines. We first conducted a formative study with 58 contributors and collected 236 proposals of multimodal AI pipelines that served various practical needs. We then distilled our findings into a design matrix of primitive nodes for prototyping multimodal AI visual programming pipelines, and implemented a system with 65 nodes. To support users' rapid prototyping experience, we built InstructPipe, an AI assistant based on large language models (LLMs) that allows users to generate a pipeline by writing text-based instructions. We believe InstructPipe enhances novice users onboarding experience of visual programming and the controllability of LLMs by offering non-experts a platform to easily update the generation. View details
    Human I/O: Towards Comprehensive Detection of Situational Impairments in Everyday Activities
    Xingyu Bruce Liu
    Jiahao Nick Li
    Xiang 'Anthony' Chen
    Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 18
    Preview abstract Situationally Induced Impairments and Disabilities (SIIDs) can significantly hinder user experience in everyday activities. Despite their prevalence, existing adaptive systems predominantly cater to specific tasks or environments and fail to accommodate the diverse and dynamic nature of SIIDs. We introduce Human I/O, a real-time system that detects SIIDs by gauging the availability of human input/output channels. Leveraging egocentric vision, multimodal sensing and reasoning with large language models, Human I/O achieves good performance in availability prediction across 60 in-the-wild egocentric videos in 32 different scenarios. Further, while the core focus of our work is on the detection of SIIDs rather than the creation of adaptive user interfaces, we showcase the utility of our prototype via a user study with 10 participants. Findings suggest that Human I/O significantly reduces effort and improves user experience in the presence of SIIDs, paving the way for more adaptive and accessible interactive systems in the future. View details
    Minimizing Live Experiments in Recommender Systems: User Simulation to Evaluate Preference Elicitation Policies
    Martin Mladenov
    James Pine
    Hubert Pham
    Shane Li
    Xujian Liang
    Anton Polishko
    Ben Scheetz
    Proceedings of he 47th International ACM/SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR-24), Washington, DC (2024), pp. 2925-2929
    Preview abstract Evaluation of policies in recommender systems (RSs) typically involves A/B testing using live experiments on real users to assess a new policy's impact on relevant metrics. This ``gold standard'' comes at a high cost, however, in terms of cycle time, user cost, and potential user retention. In developing policies for onboarding new users, these costs can be especially problematic, since on-boarding occurs only once. In this work, we describe a simulation methodology used to augment (and reduce) the use of live experiments. We illustrate its deployment for the evaluation of preference elicitation algorithms used to onboard new users of the YouTube Music platform. By developing counterfactually robust user behavior models, and a simulation service that couples such models with production infrastructure, we are able to test new algorithms in a way that reliably predicts their performance on key metrics when deployed live, sometimes more reliably than live experiments due to the scale at which simulation can be realized. We describe our domain, our simulation models and platform, results of experiments and deployment, and suggest future steps needed to further realistic simulation as a powerful complement to live experiments. View details
    Preview abstract Text-to-image diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in transforming textual prompts into coherent images, yet the computational cost of their inference remains a persistent challenge. To address this issue, we present UFOGen, a novel generative model designed for ultra-fast, one-step text-to-image synthesis. In contrast to conventional approaches that focus on improving samplers or employing distillation techniques for diffusion models, UFOGen adopts a hybrid methodology, integrating diffusion models with a GAN objective. Leveraging a newly introduced diffusion-GAN objective and initialization with pre-trained diffusion models, UFOGen excels in efficiently generating high-quality images conditioned on textual descriptions in a single step. Beyond traditional text-to-image generation, UFOGen showcases versatility in applications. Notably, UFOGen stands among the pioneering models enabling one-step text-to-image generation and diverse downstream tasks, presenting a significant advancement in the landscape of efficient generative models. View details
    Preview abstract Large Language Models (LLMs) may offer transformative opportunities for text input, especially for physically demanding modalities like handwriting. We studied a form of abbreviated handwriting by designing, developing and evaluating a prototype, named SkipWriter, that convert handwritten strokes of a variable-length, prefix- based abbreviation (e.g., “ho a y” as handwritten strokes) into the intended full phrase (e.g., “how are you” in the digital format) based on preceding context. SkipWriter consists of an in-production hand-writing recognizer and a LLM fine-tuned on this skip-writing task. With flexible pen input, SkipWriter allows the user to add and revise prefix strokes when predictions don’t match the user’s intent. An user evaluation demonstrated a 60% reduction in motor movements with an average speed of 25.78 WPM. We also showed that this reduction is close to the ceiling of our model in an offline simulation. View details