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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.
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PreFix: Optimizing the Performance of Heap-Intensive Applications
Chaitanya Mamatha Ananda
Rajiv Gupta
Han Shen
CGO 2025: International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, Las Vegas, NV, USA (to appear)
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Analyses of heap-intensive applications show that a small fraction of heap objects account for the majority of heap accesses and data cache misses. Prior works like HDS and HALO have shown that allocating hot objects in separate memory regions can improve spatial locality leading to better application performance. However, these techniques are constrained in two primary ways, limiting their gains. First, these techniques have Imperfect Separation, polluting the hot memory region with several cold objects. Second, reordering of objects across allocations is not possible as the original object allocation order is preserved. This paper presents a novel technique that achieves near perfect separation of hot objects via a new context mechanism that efficiently identifies hot objects with high precision. This technique, named PreFix, is based upon Preallocating memory for a Fixed small number of hot objects. The program, guided by profiles, is instrumented to compute context information derived from
dynamic object identifiers, that precisely identifies hot object allocations that are then placed at predetermined locations in the preallocated memory. The preallocated memory region for hot objects provides the flexibility to reorder objects across allocations and allows colocation of objects that are part of a hot data stream (HDS), improving spatial locality. The runtime overhead of identifying hot objects is not significant as this optimization is only focused on a small number of static hot allocation sites and dynamic hot objects. While there is an increase in the program’s memory foot-print, it is manageable and can be controlled by limiting the size of the preallocated memory. In addition, PreFix incorporates an object recycling optimization that reuses the same preallocated space to store different objects whose lifetimes are not expected to overlap. Our experiments with 13 heap-intensive applications yields reductions in execution times ranging from 2.77% to 74%. On average PreFix reduces execution time by 21.7% compared to 7.3% by HDS and 14% by HALO. This is due to PreFix’s precision in hot object identification, hot object colocation, and low runtime overhead.
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Storage on Android has evolved significantly over the years, with each new Android version introducing changes aimed at enhancing usability, security, and privacy. While these updates typically help with restricting app access to storage through various mechanisms, they may occasionally introduce new complexities and vulnerabilities. A prime example is the introduction of scoped storage in Android 10, which fundamentally changed how apps interact with files. While intended to enhance user privacy by limiting broad access to shared storage, scoped storage has also presented developers with new challenges and potential vulnerabilities to address. However, despite its significance for user privacy and app functionality, no systematic studies have been performed to study Android’s scoped storage at depth from a security perspective. In this paper, we present the first systematic security analysis of the scoped storage mechanism. To this end, we design and implement a testing tool, named ScopeVerif, that relies on differential analysis to uncover security issues and implementation inconsistencies in Android’s storage. Specifically, ScopeVerif takes a list of security properties and checks if there are any file operations that violate any security properties defined in the official Android documentation. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive analysis across different Android versions as well as a cross-OEM analysis to identify discrepancies in different implementations and their security implications. Our study identifies both known and unknown issues of scoped storage. Our cross-version analysis highlights undocumented changes as well as partially fixed security loopholes across versions. Additionally, we discovered several vulnerabilities in scoped storage implementations by different OEMs. These vulnerabilities stem from deviations from the documented and correct behavior, which potentially poses security risks. The affected OEMs and Google have acknowledged our findings and offered us bug bounties in response.
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Augmenting LLMs with context leads to improved performance across many applications. Despite much research on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, an open question is whether errors arise because LLMs fail to utilize the context from retrieval or the context itself is insufficient to answer the query. To shed light on this, we develop a new notion of sufficient context, along with a way to classify instances that have enough information to answer the query. We then use sufficient context to analyze several models and datasets. By stratifying errors based on context sufficiency, we find that proprietary LLMs (Gemini, GPT, Claude) excel at answering queries when the context is sufficient, but often output incorrect answers instead of abstaining when the context is not. On the other hand, open-source LLMs (Llama, Mistral, Gemma) hallucinate or abstain often, even with sufficient context. We further categorize cases when the context is useful, and improves accuracy, even though it does not fully answer the query and the model errs without the context. Building on our findings, we explore ways to reduce hallucinations in RAG systems, including a new selective generation method that leverages sufficient context information for guided abstention. Our method improves the fraction of correct answers among times where the model responds by 2--10% for Gemini, GPT, and Gemma.
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Gemini & Physical World: Large Language Models Can Estimate the Intensity of Earthquake Shaking from Multi-Modal Social Media Posts
Marc Stogaitis
Tajinder Gadh
Richard Allen
Alexei Barski
Robert Bosch
Patrick Robertson
Youngmin Cho
Nivetha Thiruverahan
Aman Raj
Geophysical Journal International (2025), ggae436
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This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the ground shaking intensity using real-time social media data and CCTV footage. Employing the Gemini 1.5 Pro’s (Reid et al. 2024) model, a multi-modal language model, we demonstrate the ability to extract relevant information from unstructured data utilizing generative AI and natural language processing. The model’s output, in the form of Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) values, align well with independent observational data. Furthermore, our results suggest that beyond its advanced visual and auditory understanding abilities, Gemini appears to utilize additional sources of knowledge, including a simplified understanding of the general relationship between earthquake magnitude, distance, and MMI intensity, which it presumably acquired during its training, in its reasoning and decision-making processes. These findings raise intriguing questions about the extent of Gemini's general understanding of the physical world and its phenomena. Gemini’s ability to generate results consistent with established scientific knowledge highlights the potential of LLMs like Gemini in augmenting our understanding of complex physical phenomena such as earthquakes. More specifically, the results of this study highlight the potential of LLMs like Gemini to revolutionize citizen seismology by enabling rapid, effective, and flexible analysis of crowdsourced data from eyewitness accounts for assessing earthquake impact and providing crisis situational awareness. This approach holds a great promise for improving early warning systems, disaster response, and overall resilience in earthquake-prone regions. This study provides a significant step toward harnessing the power of social media and AI for earthquake disaster mitigation.
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We study the existence of almost fair and near-optimal solutions to a routing problem as defined in the seminal work of Rosenthal. We focus on the setting where multiple alternative routes are available for each potential request (which corresponds to a potential user of the network). This model captures a collection of diverse applications such as packet routing in communication networks, routing in road networks with multiple alternative routes, and the economics of transportation of goods.
Our recommended routes have provable guarantees in terms of both the total cost and fairness concepts such as approximate envy-freeness. We employ and appropriately combine tools from algorithmic game theory and fair division. Our results apply on two distinct models: the splittable case where the request is split among the selected paths (e.g., routing a fleet of trucks) and the unsplittable case where the request is assigned to one of its designated paths (e.g., a single user request). Finally, we conduct an empirical analysis to test the performance of our approach against simpler baselines using the real world road network of New York City.
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Databases in the Era of Memory-Centric Computing
Anastasia Ailamaki
Lawrence Benson
Helena Caminal
Jana Gičeva
Eric Seldar
Lisa Wu Wills
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The increasing disparity between processor core counts and memory bandwidth, coupled with the rising cost and underutilization of memory, introduces a performance and cost Memory Wall and presents a significant challenge to the scalability of database systems. We argue that current processor-centric designs are unsustainable, and we advocate for a shift towards memory-centric computing, where disaggregated memory pools enable cost-effective scaling and robust performance. Database systems are uniquely positioned to leverage memory-centric systems because of their intrinsic data-centric nature. We demonstrate how memory-centric database operations can be realized with current hardware, paving the way for more efficient and scalable data management in the cloud.
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Today’s smartphone interactions are typically designed with one primary preset, accompanied by customization settings that can be manually adjusted. To promote the creation of contextually aware experiences, researchers have highlighted the factors that influence mobile device usage in the ability-based design framework. This paper expands upon existing frameworks and contributes to an empirical understanding of smartphone accessibility. Through a 10-day longitudinal diary study and video interview with 24 individuals who do and do not identify as having a disability, the research also illustrates the reactions of reattempt, adaptation, and avoidance, which were used in response to a lack of smartphone accessibility. Despite experiencing scenarios where accessibility settings could be leveraged, 20 out of 24 participants did not use accessibility settings on their smartphone. A total of 12 out of 24 participants tried accessibility settings on their smartphones, however identifying accessibility was not for them. This work highlights the need to shift current design practices to better serve the accessibility community.
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The problem of contract design addresses the challenge of moral hazard in principle-agent setups. The agent exerts costly efforts that produce a random outcome with an associated reward for the principal. Moral hazard refers to the tension that the principal cannot observe the agent’s effort level hence needs to incentivize the agent only through rewarding the realized effort outcome, i.e., the contract. Bayesian contract design studies the principal’s design problem of an optimal contract when facing an unknown agent characterized by a private Bayesian type. In its most general form, the agent’s type is inherently “multi-parameter” and can arbitrarily affect both the agent’s productivity and effort costs. In contrast, a natural single-parameter setting of much recent interest simplifies the agent’s type to a single value that describes the agent’s cost per unit of effort, whereas agents’ efforts are assumed to be equally
The main result of this paper is an almost approximation-preserving polynomial-time reduction from the most general multi-parameter Bayesian contract design (BCD) to single-parameter BCD. That is, for any multi-parameter BCD instance I^M, we construct a single-parameter instance I^S such that any β-approximate contract (resp. menu of contracts) of I^S can in turn be converted to a (β − ϵ)-approximate contract (resp. menu of contracts) of I^M. The reduction is in time polynomial in the input size and log(1/ϵ); moreover, when β = 1 (i.e., the given single-parameter solution is exactly optimal), the dependence on 1/ϵ can be removed, leading to a polynomial-time exact reduction. This efficient reduction is somewhat surprising because in the closely related problem of Bayesian mechanism design, a polynomial-time reduction from multi-parameter to single-parameter setting is believed to not exist. Our result demonstrates the intrinsic difficulty of addressing moral hazard in Bayesian contract design, regardless of being single-parameter or multi-parameter.
As byproducts, our reduction answers two open questions in recent literature of algorithmic contract design: (a) it implies that optimal contract design in single-parameter BCD is not in APX unless P=NP even when the agent’s type distribution is regular, answering the open question of [3] in the negative; (b) it implies that the principal’s (order-wise) tight utility gap between using a menu of contracts and a single contract is Θ(n) where n is the number of actions, answering the major open question of [27] for the single-parameter case.
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Pathfinder: High-Resolution Control-Flow Attacks with Conditional Branch Predictor
Andrew Kwong
Archit Agarwal
Christina Garman
Daniel Genkin
Dean Tullsen
Deian Stefan
Hosein Yavarzadeh
Max Christman
Mohammadkazem Taram
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ACM (2024)
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This paper presents novel attack primitives that provide adversaries with the ability to read and write the path history register (PHR) and the prediction history tables (PHTs) of the conditional branch predictor in modern Intel CPUs. These primitives enable us to recover the recent control flow (the last 194 taken branches) and, in most cases, a nearly unlimited control flow history of any victim program. Additionally, we present a tool that transforms the PHR into an unambiguous control flow graph, encompassing the complete history of every branch. This work provides case studies demonstrating the practical impact of novel reading and writing/poisoning primitives. It includes examples of poisoning AES to obtain intermediate values and consequently recover the secret AES key, as well as recovering a secret image by capturing the complete control flow of libjpeg routines. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these attack primitives are effective across virtually all protection boundaries and remain functional in the presence of all recent control-flow mitigations from Intel.
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It’s no secret that generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is rapidly changing the landscape of software development, with discussions about best practices for applying this transformative technology dominating the popular press [cite cite cite]. Perhaps nowhere on Earth have these discussions been more frequent and passionate than inside the organizations dedicated to making GenAI accessible and useful to developers, including at Google. During one such discussion between researchers on our DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) and Engineering Productivity Research (EPR) teams, we were struck by a recurring finding common to development professionals both inside and outside of Google:
Using GenAI makes developers feel more productive, and developers who trust GenAI use it more.
On the surface, this finding may seem somewhat… obvious. But, for us, it highlighted the deep need to better understand the factors that impact developers’ trust in GenAI systems and ways to foster that trust, so that developers and development firms can yield the most benefit from their investment in GenAI development tools.
Here, we share findings from seven studies conducted at Google, regarding the productivity gains of GenAI use in development, the impacts of developers’ trust on GenAI use, and the factors we’ve observed which positively impact developers’ trust in GenAI. We conclude with five suggested strategies that organizations engaged in software development might employ to foster their developers’ trust in GenAI, thereby increasing their GenAI use and maximizing GenAI-related productivity gains.
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Graph convolutions have been successfully applied to recommendation systems, utilizing high-order collaborative signals present in the user-item interaction graph. This idea, however, has not been applicable to the cold-start items, since cold nodes are isolated in the graph and thus do not take advantage of information exchange from neighboring nodes. Recently, there have been a few attempts to utilize graph convolutions on item-item or user-user attribute graphs to capture high-order collaborative signals for cold-start cases, but these approaches are still limited in that the item-item or user-user graph falls short in capturing the dynamics of user-item interactions, as their edges are constructed based on arbitrary and heuristic attribute similarity.
In this paper, we introduce Content-based Graph Reconstruction for Cold-start item recommendation (CGRC), employing a masked graph autoencoder structure and multimodal contents to directly incorporate interaction-based high-order connectivity, applicable even in cold-start scenarios. To address the cold-start items directly on the interaction-based graph, our approach trains the model to reconstruct plausible user-item interactions from masked edges of randomly chosen cold items, simulating fresh items without connection to users. This strategy enables the model to infer potential edges for unseen cold-start nodes. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model.
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Design systems have become an industry standard for creating consistent, usable, and effective digital interfaces. However, detecting and correcting violations of design system guidelines, known as UI linting, is a major challenge. Manual UI linting is time-consuming and tedious, making it a prime candidate for automation. This paper presents a case study of adopting AI for UI linting. Through collaborative prototyping with UX designers, we analyzed the limitations of existing AI models and identified designers’ core needs and priorities in UI linting. With such knowledge, we designed a hybrid technical pipeline that combines the deterministic nature of heuristics with the flexibility of large language models. Our case study demonstrates that AI alone is not sufficient for practical adoption and highlights the importance of a deep understanding of AI capabilities and user-centered design approaches.
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Active Sequential Posterior Estimation for Sample-Efficient Simulation-Based Inference
Samuel Griesemer
Defu Cao
Zijun Cui
Yan Liu
2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (2024)
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Computer simulations have long presented the exciting possibility of scientific insight into complex real-world processes. Despite the power of modern computing, however, it remains challenging to systematically perform inference under simulation models. This has led to the rise of simulation-based inference (SBI), a class of machine learning-enabled techniques for approaching inverse problems with stochastic simulators. Many such methods, however, require large numbers of simulation samples and face difficulty scaling to high-dimensional settings, often making inference prohibitive under resource-intensive simulators. To mitigate these drawbacks, we introduce active sequential neural posterior estimation (ASNPE). ASNPE brings an active learning scheme into the inference loop to estimate the utility of simulation parameter candidates to the underlying probabilistic model.
The proposed acquisition scheme is easily integrated into existing posterior estimation pipelines, allowing for improved sample efficiency with low computational overhead. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the travel demand calibration setting, a high-dimensional inverse problem commonly requiring computationally expensive traffic simulators. Our method outperforms well-tuned benchmarks and state-of-the-art posterior estimation methods on a large-scale real-world traffic network, as well as demonstrates a performance advantage over non-active counterparts on a suite of SBI benchmark environments.
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We extend conformal prediction to control the expected value of any monotone loss function. The
algorithm generalizes split conformal prediction together with its coverage guarantee. Like conformal
prediction, the conformal risk control procedure is tight up to an O(1/n) factor. Worked examples from
computer vision and natural language processing demonstrate the usage of our algorithm to bound the
false negative rate, graph distance, and token-level F1-score.
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This paper discusses a method to inject text when training an ASR system without the need for up sampling the text sequence to match the length of the speech sequence.
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