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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.
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Augmenting LLMs with context leads to improved performance across many applications. Despite much research on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, an open question is whether errors arise because LLMs fail to utilize the context from retrieval or the context itself is insufficient to answer the query. To shed light on this, we develop a new notion of sufficient context, along with a way to classify instances that have enough information to answer the query. We then use sufficient context to analyze several models and datasets. By stratifying errors based on context sufficiency, we find that proprietary LLMs (Gemini, GPT, Claude) excel at answering queries when the context is sufficient, but often output incorrect answers instead of abstaining when the context is not. On the other hand, open-source LLMs (Llama, Mistral, Gemma) hallucinate or abstain often, even with sufficient context. We further categorize cases when the context is useful, and improves accuracy, even though it does not fully answer the query and the model errs without the context. Building on our findings, we explore ways to reduce hallucinations in RAG systems, including a new selective generation method that leverages sufficient context information for guided abstention. Our method improves the fraction of correct answers among times where the model responds by 2--10% for Gemini, GPT, and Gemma.
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The problem of contract design addresses the challenge of moral hazard in principle-agent setups. The agent exerts costly efforts that produce a random outcome with an associated reward for the principal. Moral hazard refers to the tension that the principal cannot observe the agent’s effort level hence needs to incentivize the agent only through rewarding the realized effort outcome, i.e., the contract. Bayesian contract design studies the principal’s design problem of an optimal contract when facing an unknown agent characterized by a private Bayesian type. In its most general form, the agent’s type is inherently “multi-parameter” and can arbitrarily affect both the agent’s productivity and effort costs. In contrast, a natural single-parameter setting of much recent interest simplifies the agent’s type to a single value that describes the agent’s cost per unit of effort, whereas agents’ efforts are assumed to be equally
The main result of this paper is an almost approximation-preserving polynomial-time reduction from the most general multi-parameter Bayesian contract design (BCD) to single-parameter BCD. That is, for any multi-parameter BCD instance I^M, we construct a single-parameter instance I^S such that any β-approximate contract (resp. menu of contracts) of I^S can in turn be converted to a (β − ϵ)-approximate contract (resp. menu of contracts) of I^M. The reduction is in time polynomial in the input size and log(1/ϵ); moreover, when β = 1 (i.e., the given single-parameter solution is exactly optimal), the dependence on 1/ϵ can be removed, leading to a polynomial-time exact reduction. This efficient reduction is somewhat surprising because in the closely related problem of Bayesian mechanism design, a polynomial-time reduction from multi-parameter to single-parameter setting is believed to not exist. Our result demonstrates the intrinsic difficulty of addressing moral hazard in Bayesian contract design, regardless of being single-parameter or multi-parameter.
As byproducts, our reduction answers two open questions in recent literature of algorithmic contract design: (a) it implies that optimal contract design in single-parameter BCD is not in APX unless P=NP even when the agent’s type distribution is regular, answering the open question of [3] in the negative; (b) it implies that the principal’s (order-wise) tight utility gap between using a menu of contracts and a single contract is Θ(n) where n is the number of actions, answering the major open question of [27] for the single-parameter case.
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Gemini & Physical World: Large Language Models Can Estimate the Intensity of Earthquake Shaking from Multi-Modal Social Media Posts
Marc Stogaitis
Youngmin Cho
Richard Allen
Patrick Robertson
Robert Bosch
Nivetha Thiruverahan
Alexei Barski
Tajinder Gadh
Geophysical Journal International (2025), ggae436
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This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the ground shaking intensity using real-time social media data and CCTV footage. Employing the Gemini 1.5 Pro’s (Reid et al. 2024) model, a multi-modal language model, we demonstrate the ability to extract relevant information from unstructured data utilizing generative AI and natural language processing. The model’s output, in the form of Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) values, align well with independent observational data. Furthermore, our results suggest that beyond its advanced visual and auditory understanding abilities, Gemini appears to utilize additional sources of knowledge, including a simplified understanding of the general relationship between earthquake magnitude, distance, and MMI intensity, which it presumably acquired during its training, in its reasoning and decision-making processes. These findings raise intriguing questions about the extent of Gemini's general understanding of the physical world and its phenomena. Gemini’s ability to generate results consistent with established scientific knowledge highlights the potential of LLMs like Gemini in augmenting our understanding of complex physical phenomena such as earthquakes. More specifically, the results of this study highlight the potential of LLMs like Gemini to revolutionize citizen seismology by enabling rapid, effective, and flexible analysis of crowdsourced data from eyewitness accounts for assessing earthquake impact and providing crisis situational awareness. This approach holds a great promise for improving early warning systems, disaster response, and overall resilience in earthquake-prone regions. This study provides a significant step toward harnessing the power of social media and AI for earthquake disaster mitigation.
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Today’s smartphone interactions are typically designed with one primary preset, accompanied by customization settings that can be manually adjusted. To promote the creation of contextually aware experiences, researchers have highlighted the factors that influence mobile device usage in the ability-based design framework. This paper expands upon existing frameworks and contributes to an empirical understanding of smartphone accessibility. Through a 10-day longitudinal diary study and video interview with 24 individuals who do and do not identify as having a disability, the research also illustrates the reactions of reattempt, adaptation, and avoidance, which were used in response to a lack of smartphone accessibility. Despite experiencing scenarios where accessibility settings could be leveraged, 20 out of 24 participants did not use accessibility settings on their smartphone. A total of 12 out of 24 participants tried accessibility settings on their smartphones, however identifying accessibility was not for them. This work highlights the need to shift current design practices to better serve the accessibility community.
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Storage on Android has evolved significantly over
the years, with each new Android version introducing changes
aimed at enhancing usability, security, and privacy. While these
updates typically help with restricting app access to storage
through various mechanisms, they may occasionally introduce
new complexities and vulnerabilities. A prime example is the
introduction of scoped storage in Android 10, which fundamen-
tally changed how apps interact with files. While intended to
enhance user privacy by limiting broad access to shared storage,
scoped storage has also presented developers with new challenges
and potential vulnerabilities to address. However, despite its
significance for user privacy and app functionality, no systematic
studies have been performed to study Android’s scoped storage
at depth from a security perspective.
In this paper, we present the first systematic security analysis
of the scoped storage mechanism. To this end, we design and
implement a testing tool, named ScopeVerif, that relies on
differential analysis to uncover security issues and implementation inconsistencies in Android’s storage. Specifically, ScopeVerif
takes a list of security properties and checks if there are any
file operations that violate any security properties defined in
the official Android documentation. Additionally, we conduct a
comprehensive analysis across different Android versions as well
as a cross-OEM analysis to identify discrepancies in different
implementations and their security implications.
Our study identifies both known and unknown issues of scoped
storage. Our cross-version analysis highlights undocumented
changes as well as partially fixed security loopholes across
versions. Additionally, we discovered several vulnerabilities in
scoped storage implementations by different OEMs. These vulnerabilities stem from deviations from the documented and
correct behavior, which potentially poses security risks. The
affected OEMs and Google have acknowledged our findings and
offered us bug bounties in response.
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Characterizing a Memory Allocator at Warehouse Scale
Zhuangzhuang Zhou
Nilay Vaish
Patrick Xia
Christina Delimitrou
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 3, Association for Computing Machinery, La Jolla, CA, USA (2024), 192–206
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Memory allocation constitutes a substantial component of warehouse-scale computation. Optimizing the memory allocator not only reduces the datacenter tax, but also improves application performance, leading to significant cost savings.
We present the first comprehensive characterization study of TCMalloc, a warehouse-scale memory allocator used in our production fleet. Our characterization reveals a profound diversity in the memory allocation patterns, allocated object sizes and lifetimes, for large-scale datacenter workloads, as well as in their performance on heterogeneous hardware platforms. Based on these insights, we redesign TCMalloc for warehouse-scale environments. Specifically, we propose optimizations for each level of its cache hierarchy that include usage-based dynamic sizing of allocator caches, leveraging hardware topology to mitigate inter-core communication overhead, and improving allocation packing algorithms based on statistical data. We evaluate these design choices using benchmarks and fleet-wide A/B experiments in our production fleet, resulting in a 1.4% improvement in throughput and a 3.4% reduction in RAM usage for the entire fleet. At our scale, even a single percent CPU or memory improvement translates to significant savings in server costs.
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The latent space of diffusion model mostly still remains unexplored, despite its great success and potential in the field of generative modeling. In fact, the latent space of existing diffusion models are entangled, with a distorted mapping from its latent space to image space. To tackle this problem, we present Isometric Diffusion, equipping a diffusion model with a geometric regularizer to guide the model to learn a geometrically sound latent space. Our approach allows diffusion models to learn a more disentangled latent space, which enables smoother interpolation, more accurate inversion, and more precise control over attributes directly in the latent space. Extensive experiments illustrate advantages of the proposed method in image interpolation, image inversion, and linear editing.
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Sleep patterns and risk of chronic disease as measured by long-term monitoring with commercial wearable devices in the All of Us Research Program
Neil S. Zheng
Jeffrey Annis
Hiral Master
Lide Han
Karla Gleichauf
Melody Nasser
Peyton Coleman
Stacy Desine
Douglas M. Ruderfer
John Hernandez
Logan D. Schneider
Evan L. Brittain
Nature Medicine (2024)
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Poor sleep health is associated with increased all-cause mortality and incidence of many chronic conditions. Previous studies have relied on cross-sectional and self-reported survey data or polysomnograms, which have limitations with respect to data granularity, sample size and longitudinal information. Here, using objectively measured, longitudinal sleep data from commercial wearable devices linked to electronic health record data from the All of Us Research Program, we show that sleep patterns, including sleep stages, duration and regularity, are associated with chronic disease incidence. Of the 6,785 participants included in this study, 71% were female, 84% self-identified as white and 71% had a college degree; the median age was 50.2 years (interquartile range = 35.7, 61.5) and the median sleep monitoring period was 4.5 years (2.5, 6.5). We found that rapid eye movement sleep and deep sleep were inversely associated with the odds of incident atrial fibrillation and that increased sleep irregularity was associated with increased odds of incident obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Moreover, J-shaped associations were observed between average daily sleep duration and hypertension, major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. These findings show that sleep stages, duration and regularity are all important factors associated with chronic disease development and may inform evidence-based recommendations on healthy sleeping habits.
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Graph convolutions have been successfully applied to recommendation systems, utilizing high-order collaborative signals present in the user-item interaction graph. This idea, however, has not been applicable to the cold-start items, since cold nodes are isolated in the graph and thus do not take advantage of information exchange from neighboring nodes. Recently, there have been a few attempts to utilize graph convolutions on item-item or user-user attribute graphs to capture high-order collaborative signals for cold-start cases, but these approaches are still limited in that the item-item or user-user graph falls short in capturing the dynamics of user-item interactions, as their edges are constructed based on arbitrary and heuristic attribute similarity.
In this paper, we introduce Content-based Graph Reconstruction for Cold-start item recommendation (CGRC), employing a masked graph autoencoder structure and multimodal contents to directly incorporate interaction-based high-order connectivity, applicable even in cold-start scenarios. To address the cold-start items directly on the interaction-based graph, our approach trains the model to reconstruct plausible user-item interactions from masked edges of randomly chosen cold items, simulating fresh items without connection to users. This strategy enables the model to infer potential edges for unseen cold-start nodes. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model.
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KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT
Mark Moeller
Jules Jacobs
Olivier Savary Belanger
David Darais
Cole Schlesinger
Nate Foster
Alexandra Silva
Programming Languages and Implementation (PLDI) (2024) (to appear)
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We develop new data structures and algorithms for checking verification queries in NetKAT, a domain-specific language for specifying the behavior of network data planes. Our results extend the techniques obtained in prior work on symbolic automata and provide a framework for building efficient and scalable verification tools. We present \KATch, an implementation of these ideas in Scala, including extended logical operators that are useful for expressing network-wide specifications and optimizations that construct a bisimulation quickly or generate a counter-example showing that none exists. We evaluate the performance of our implementation on real-world and synthetic benchmarks, verifying properties such as reachability and slice isolation, typically returning a result in well under a second, which is orders of magnitude faster than previous approaches.
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The Case for Globalizing Fairness: A Mixed Methods Study on the Perceptions of Colonialism, AI and Health in Africa
Iskandar Haykel
Aisha Walcott-Bryant
Sanmi Koyejo
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With growing machine learning (ML) and large language model applications in healthcare, there have been calls for fairness in ML to understand and mitigate ethical concerns these systems may pose. Fairness has implications for health in Africa, which already has inequitable power imbalances between the Global North and South. This paper seeks to explore fairness for global health, with Africa as a case study.
We conduct a scoping review to propose fairness attributes for consideration in the African context and delineate where they may come into play in different ML-enabled medical modalities. We then conduct qualitative research studies with 625 general population study participants in 5 countries in Africa and 28 experts in ML, Health, and/or policy focussed on Africa to obtain feedback on the proposed attributes. We delve specifically into understanding the interplay between AI, health and colonialism.
Our findings demonstrate that among experts there is a general mistrust that technologies that are solely developed by former colonizers can benefit Africans, and that associated resource constraints due to pre-existing economic and infrastructure inequities can be linked to colonialism. General population survey responses found about an average of 40% of people associate an undercurrent of colonialism to AI and this was most dominant amongst participants from South Africa. However the majority of the general population participants surveyed did not think there was a direct link between AI and colonialism.Colonial history, country of origin, National income level were specific axes of disparities that participants felt would cause an AI tool to be biased
This work serves as a basis for policy development around Artificial Intelligence for health in Africa and can be expanded to other regions.
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Situationally Induced Impairments and Disabilities (SIIDs) can significantly hinder user experience in everyday activities. Despite their prevalence, existing adaptive systems predominantly cater to specific tasks or environments and fail to accommodate the diverse and dynamic nature of SIIDs. We introduce Human I/O, a real-time system that detects SIIDs by gauging the availability of human input/output channels. Leveraging egocentric vision, multimodal sensing and reasoning with large language models, Human I/O achieves good performance in availability prediction across 60 in-the-wild egocentric videos in 32 different scenarios. Further, while the core focus of our work is on the detection of SIIDs rather than the creation of adaptive user interfaces, we showcase the utility of our prototype via a user study with 10 participants. Findings suggest that Human I/O significantly reduces effort and improves user experience in the presence of SIIDs, paving the way for more adaptive and accessible interactive systems in the future.
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ConSmax: Hardware-Friendly Alternative Softmax with Learnable Parameters
Shiwei Liu
Guanchen Tao
Yifei Zou
Derek Chow
Zichen Fan
Kauna Lei
Bangfei Pan
Dennis Sylvester
Mehdi Saligane
Arxiv (2024)
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The self-attention mechanism sets transformer-based large language model (LLM) apart from the convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Despite the performance improvement, achieving real-time LLM inference on silicon is challenging due to the extensively used Softmax in self-attention. Apart from the non-linearity, the low arithmetic intensity greatly reduces the processing parallelism, which becomes the bottleneck especially when dealing with a longer context. To address this challenge, we propose Constant Softmax (ConSmax), a software-hardware co-design as an efficient Softmax alternative. ConSmax employs differentiable normalization parameters to remove the maximum searching and denominator summation in Softmax. It allows for massive parallelization while performing the critical tasks of Softmax. In addition, a scalable ConSmax hardware utilizing a bitwidth-split look-up table (LUT) can produce lossless non-linear operation and support mix-precision computing. It further facilitates efficient LLM inference. Experimental results show that ConSmax achieves a minuscule power consumption of 0.2 mW and area of 0.0008 mm^2 at 1250-MHz working frequency and 16-nm CMOS technology. Compared to state-of-the-art Softmax hardware, ConSmax results in 3.35x power and 2.75x area savings with a comparable accuracy on a GPT-2 model and the WikiText103 dataset.
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Distributed Tracing for InterPlanetary File System
Marshall David Miller
Rachel Han
Haorui Guo
2024 International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems (PCDS), IEEE, pp. 1-5
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The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is on its way to becoming the backbone of the next generation of the web. However, it suffers from several performance bottlenecks, particularly on the content retrieval path, which are often difficult to debug. This is because content retrieval involves multiple peers on the decentralized network and the issue could lie anywhere in the network. Traditional debugging tools are insufficient to help web developers who face the challenge of slow loading websites and detrimental user experience. This limits the adoption and future scalability of IPFS.
In this paper, we aim to gain valuable insights into how content retrieval requests propagate within the IPFS network as well as identify potential performance bottlenecks which could lead to opportunities for improvement. We propose a custom tracing framework that generates and manages traces for crucial events that take place on each peer during content retrieval. The framework leverages event semantics to build a timeline of each protocol involved in the retrieval, helping developers pinpoint problems. Additionally, it is resilient to malicious behaviors of the peers in the decentralized environment.
We have implemented this framework on top of an existing IPFS implementation written in Java called Nabu. Our evaluation shows that the framework can identify network delays and issues with each peer involved in content retrieval requests at a very low overhead.
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ViSAGe: A Global-Scale Analysis of Visual Stereotypes in Text-to-Image Generation
Akshita Jha
Sarah Laszlo
Rida Qadri
Chandan Reddy
ACL (2024)
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Recent studies have highlighted the issue of varying degrees of stereotypical depictions for different identity group. However, these existing approaches have several key limitations, including a noticeable lack of coverage of identity groups in their evaluation, and the range of their associated stereotypes. Additionally, these studies often lack a critical distinction between inherently visual stereotypes, such as `brown' or `sombrero', and culturally influenced stereotypes like `kind' or `intelligent'. In this work, we address these limitations by grounding our evaluation of regional, geo-cultural stereotypes in the generated images from Text-to-Image models by leveraging existing textual resources. We employ existing stereotype benchmarks to evaluate stereotypes and focus exclusively on the identification of visual stereotypes within the generated images spanning 135 identity groups. We also compute the offensiveness across identity groups, and check the feasibility of identifying stereotypes automatically. Further, through a detailed case study and quantitative analysis, we reveal how the default representations of all identity groups have a more stereotypical appearance, and for historically marginalized groups, how the images across different attributes are visually more similar than other groups, even when explicitly prompted otherwise.
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