
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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    Preview abstract Studies on quantum algorithms for ground state energy estimation often assume perfect ground state preparation; however, in reality the initial state will have imperfect overlap with the true ground state. Here we address that problem in two ways: by faster preparation of matrix product state (MPS) approximations, and more efficient filtering of the prepared state to find the ground state energy. We show how to achieve unitary synthesis with a Toffoli complexity about $7 \times$ lower than that in prior work, and use that to derive a more efficient MPS preparation method. For filtering we present two different approaches: sampling and binary search. For both we use the theory of window functions to avoid large phase errors and minimise the complexity. We find that the binary search approach provides better scaling with the overlap at the cost of a larger constant factor, such that it will be preferred for overlaps less than about 0.003. Finally, we estimate the total resources to perform ground state energy estimation of FeMoco and Iron cluster systems by estimating ground state overlap on an MPS initial state through extrapolation. With a modest bond dimension of 4000 we estimate a 0.96 overlap squared value producing total resources of $7.5 \times 10^{10}$ Toffoli gates; validating naive estimates where we assume perfect ground state overlap. These extrapolations allay practical concerns of exponential overlap decay in challenging-to-compute chemical systems. View details
    Generalized Power Attacks against Crypto Hardware using Long-Range Deep Learning
    Karel Král
    Marina Zhang
    Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), IACR (2024)
    Preview abstract To make cryptographic processors more resilient against side-channel attacks, engineers have developed various countermeasures. However, the effectiveness of these countermeasures is often uncertain, as it depends on the complex interplay between software and hardware. Assessing a countermeasure’s effectiveness using profiling techniques or machine learning so far requires significant expertise and effort to be adapted to new targets which makes those assessments expensive. We argue that including cost-effective automated attacks will help chip design teams to quickly evaluate their countermeasures during the development phase, paving the way to more secure chips.In this paper, we lay the foundations toward such automated system by proposing GPAM, the first deep-learning system for power side-channel analysis that generalizes across multiple cryptographic algorithms, implementations, and side-channel countermeasures without the need for manual tuning or trace preprocessing. We demonstrate GPAM’s capability by successfully attacking four hardened hardware-accelerated elliptic-curve digital-signature implementations. We showcase GPAM’s ability to generalize across multiple algorithms by attacking a protected AES implementation and achieving comparable performance to state-of-the-art attacks, but without manual trace curation and within a limited budget. We release our data and models as an open-source contribution to allow the community to independently replicate our results and build on them. View details
    Preview abstract Use of Text-to-Image models is expanding beyond generating generic objects, as they are increasingly being adopted by diverse global communities to create visual representations of their unique culture. Current T2I benchmarks primarily evaluate image-text alignment, aesthetics and fidelity of generations for complex prompts with generic objects, overlooking the critical dimension of cultural understanding. In this work, we address this gap by defining a framework to evaluate cultural competence of T2I models, and present a scalable approach to collect cultural artifacts unique to a particular culture from Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models in tandem. We assess the ability of state-of-the-art T2I models to generate culturally faithful and realistic images across 8 countries and 3 cultural domains. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of T2I models reflecting a culture's diversity and introduce cultural diversity as a novel metric for T2I evaluation, drawing inspiration from the Vendi Score. We introduce T2I-GCube, a first-of-its-kind benchmark for T2I evaluation. T2I-GCube includes cultural prompts, metrics, and cultural concept spaces, enabling comprehensive assessment of T2I models' cultural knowledge and diversity. Our evaluations reveal significant gaps in the cultural knowledge of existing models and provide valuable insights into the diversity of image outputs for under-specified prompts. By introducing a novel approach to evaluating cultural diversity and knowledge in T2I models, T2I-GCube will be instrumental in fostering the development of models with enhanced cultural competence. View details
    Unsupervised representation learning on high-dimensional clinical data improves genomic discovery and prediction
    Babak Behsaz
    Zachary Ryan Mccaw
    Davin Hill
    Robert Luben
    Dongbing Lai
    John Bates
    Howard Yang
    Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An
    Yuchen Zhou
    Anthony Khawaja
    Andrew Carroll
    Brian Hobbs
    Michael Cho
    Nature Genetics (2024)
    Preview abstract Although high-dimensional clinical data (HDCD) are increasingly available in biobank-scale datasets, their use for genetic discovery remains challenging. Here we introduce an unsupervised deep learning model, Representation Learning for Genetic Discovery on Low-Dimensional Embeddings (REGLE), for discovering associations between genetic variants and HDCD. REGLE leverages variational autoencoders to compute nonlinear disentangled embeddings of HDCD, which become the inputs to genome-wide association studies (GWAS). REGLE can uncover features not captured by existing expert-defined features and enables the creation of accurate disease-specific polygenic risk scores (PRSs) in datasets with very few labeled data. We apply REGLE to perform GWAS on respiratory and circulatory HDCD—spirograms measuring lung function and photoplethysmograms measuring blood volume changes. REGLE replicates known loci while identifying others not previously detected. REGLE are predictive of overall survival, and PRSs constructed from REGLE loci improve disease prediction across multiple biobanks. Overall, REGLE contain clinically relevant information beyond that captured by existing expert-defined features, leading to improved genetic discovery and disease prediction. View details
    Preview abstract Detecting offensive content in text is an increasingly central challenge for both social-media platforms and AI-driven technologies. However offensiveness remains a subjective phenomenon as perspectives differ across sociodemographic characteristics, as well as cultural norms and moral values. This intricacy is largely ignored in the current AI-focused approaches for detecting offensiveness or related concepts such as hate speech and toxicity detection. We frame the task of determining offensiveness as essentially a matter of moral judgment --- deciding the boundaries of ethically wrong vs. right language to be used or generated within an implied set of sociocultural norms. In this paper, we investigate how judgment of offensiveness varies across diverse global cultural regions, and the crucial role of moral values in shaping these variations. Our findings highlight substantial cross-cultural differences in perceiving offensiveness, with moral concerns about Caring and Purity as the mediating factor driving these differences. These insights are of importance as AI safety protocols, shaped by human annotators' inputs and perspectives, embed their moral values which do not align with the notions of right and wrong in all contexts, and for all individuals. View details
    Conformal Language Modeling
    Victor Quach
    Adam Fisch
    Adam Yala
    Jae Ho Sohn
    Tommi Jaakkola
    Regina Barzilay
    ICLR (2024)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we propose a novel approach to conformal prediction (CP) that is adapted to generative, large language models (LLMs). Conformal prediction is a popular technique for deriving prediction sets from machine learning models that have rigorous, statistical performance guarantees. We extend conformal techniques to a broad class of language models that sample from a conditional distribution over the combinatorial, unbounded space of possible text outputs, given some input prompt. Specifically, we translate the process of constructing prediction sets into calibrating a \emph{stopping rule}, under which we draw diverse samples from our model until we are confident that the growing set of candidate answers includes at least one high-quality response. At the same time, we calibrate a \emph{rejection rule} to selectively discard low-quality or redundant responses to reduce sample noise. Under minimal assumptions, we theoretically prove that our resulting output sets contain at least one high-quality answer with some desired probability that a user can set (such as $90\%$), while still remaining empirically precise on average. Furthermore, within this set of sampled candidate answers, we show that we can also accurately identify subsets of individual components (e.g., phrases or sentences) that are each independently correct (e.g., that are not ``hallucinations'')---again, with provably high probability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on multiple types of large language models applied to tasks in open-domain question answering, text summarization, and radiology report generation. View details
    Augmentations vs Algorithms: What Works in Self-Supervised Learning
    Warren Morningstar
    Alex Bijamov
    Chris Duvarney
    Luke Friedman
    Neha Kalibhat
    Philip Mansfield
    Renan Rojas-Gomez
    Karan Singhal
    Bradley Green
    Sushant Prakash
    Arxiv (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract We study the relative effects of data augmentations, pretraining algorithms, and model architectures in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL). While the recent literature in this space leaves the impression that the pretraining algorithm is of critical importance to performance, understanding its effect is complicated by the difficulty in making objective and direct comparisons between methods. We propose a new framework which unifies many seemingly disparate SSL methods into a single shared template. Using this framework, we identify aspects in which methods differ and observe that in addition to changing the pretraining algorithm, many works also use new data augmentations or more powerful model architectures. We compare several popular SSL methods using our framework and find that many algorithmic additions, such as prediction networks or new losses, have a minor impact on downstream task performance (often less than 1%), while enhanced augmentation techniques offer more significant performance improvements (2−4%). Our findings challenge the premise that SSL is being driven primarily by algorithmic improvements, and suggest instead a bitter lesson for SSL: that augmentation diversity and data / model scale are more critical contributors to recent advances in self-supervised learning. View details
    Preview abstract The articles delves into the promise of AI in business intelligence. It briefly reviews the evolution of BI and various Cloud tools, followed by the paradigm shift in how data is consumed. While AI brings huge potential, the article covers areas that enterprises must exercise caution over, when building intelligent agents to answer data questions. View details
    ScreenAI: A Vision-Language Model for UI and Infographics Understanding
    Gilles Baechler
    Srinivas Sunkara
    Maria Wang
    Hassan Mansoor
    Vincent Etter
    Jason Lin
    Preview abstract Screen user interfaces (UIs) and infographics, sharing similar visual language and design principles, play important roles in human communication and human-machine interaction. We introduce ScreenAI, a vision-language model that specializes in UI and infographics understanding. Our model improves upon the PaLI architecture with the flexible patching strategy of pix2struct and is trained on a unique mixture of datasets. At the heart of this mixture is a novel screen annotation task in which the model has to identify the type and location of UI elements. We use these text annotations to describe screens to Large Language Models and automatically generate question-answering (QA), UI navigation, and summarization training datasets at scale. We run ablation studies to demonstrate the impact of these design choices. At only 5B parameters, ScreenAI achieves new state-of-the-artresults on UI- and infographics-based tasks (Multi-page DocVQA, WebSRC, MoTIF and Widget Captioning), and new best-in-class performance on others (Chart QA, DocVQA, and InfographicVQA) compared to models of similar size. Finally, we release three new datasets: one focused on the screen annotation task and two others focused on question answering. View details
    Preview abstract Google Cloud SQL customers encounter PostgreSQL bugs corrupting databases, rarely but reproducibly. This talk will cover use of tools, especially amcheck, to grasp these bugs sufficiently to write fixes and test cases. Those fixes are now part of core PostgreSQL. It will include lessons for avoiding such bugs in future PostgreSQL development. Finally, it will share a diagnostic feature wish list. View details
    Preview abstract Connected TV (CTV) devices blend characteristics of digital desktop and mobile devices--such as the option to log in and the ability to access a broad range of online content--and linear TV--such as a living room experience that can be shared by multiple members of a household. This blended viewing experience requires the development of measurement methods that are adapted to this novel environment. For other devices, ad measurement and planning have an established history of being guided by the ground truth of panels composed of people who share their device behavior. A CTV panel-only measurement solution for reach is not practical due to the panel size that would be needed to accurately measure smaller digital campaigns. Instead, we generalize the existing approach used to measure reach for other devices that combines panel data with other data sources (e.g., ad server logs, publisher-provided self-reported demographic data, survey data) to account for co-viewing. This paper describes data from a CTV panel and shows how this data can be used to effectively measure the aggregate co-viewing rate and fit demographic models that account for co-viewing behavior. Special considerations include data filtering, weighting at the panelist and household levels to ensure representativeness, and measurement uncertainty. View details
    Towards Conversational Diagnostic AI
    Anil Palepu
    Khaled Saab
    Jan Freyberg
    Ryutaro Tanno
    Amy Wang
    Brenna Li
    Nenad Tomašev
    Karan Singhal
    Le Hou
    Albert Webson
    Kavita Kulkarni
    Sara Mahdavi
    Juro Gottweis
    Joelle Barral
    Kat Chou
    Arxiv (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract At the heart of medicine lies the physician-patient dialogue, where skillful history-taking paves the way for accurate diagnosis, effective management, and enduring trust. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems capable of diagnostic dialogue could increase accessibility, consistency, and quality of care. However, approximating clinicians' expertise is an outstanding grand challenge. Here, we introduce AMIE (Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer), a Large Language Model (LLM) based AI system optimized for diagnostic dialogue. AMIE uses a novel self-play based simulated environment with automated feedback mechanisms for scaling learning across diverse disease conditions, specialties, and contexts. We designed a framework for evaluating clinically-meaningful axes of performance including history-taking, diagnostic accuracy, management reasoning, communication skills, and empathy. We compared AMIE's performance to that of primary care physicians (PCPs) in a randomized, double-blind crossover study of text-based consultations with validated patient actors in the style of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The study included 149 case scenarios from clinical providers in Canada, the UK, and India, 20 PCPs for comparison with AMIE, and evaluations by specialist physicians and patient actors. AMIE demonstrated greater diagnostic accuracy and superior performance on 28 of 32 axes according to specialist physicians and 24 of 26 axes according to patient actors. Our research has several limitations and should be interpreted with appropriate caution. Clinicians were limited to unfamiliar synchronous text-chat which permits large-scale LLM-patient interactions but is not representative of usual clinical practice. While further research is required before AMIE could be translated to real-world settings, the results represent a milestone towards conversational diagnostic AI. View details
    Preview abstract Structured Complex Task Decomposition (SCTD) is the problem of breaking down a complex real-world task (such as planning a wedding) into a directed acyclic graph over individual steps that contribute to achieving the task, with edges specifying temporal dependencies between them. SCTD is an important component of assistive planning tools, and a challenge for commonsense reasoning systems. We probe how accurately SCTD can be done with the knowledge extracted from Large Language Models (LLMs). We introduce a high-quality human-annotated dataset for this problem and novel metrics to fairly assess performance of LLMs against several baselines. Our experiments reveal that LLMs are able to decompose complex tasks into individual steps effectively, with a relative improvement of 15% to 280% over the best baseline. We also propose a number of approaches to further improve their performance, with a relative improvement of 7% to 37% over the base model. However, we find that LLMs still struggle to predict pairwise temporal dependencies, which reveals a gap in their understanding of complex tasks. View details
    Stable quantum-correlated many-body states through engineered dissipation
    Xiao Mi
    Alexios Michailidis
    Sara Shabani
    Jerome Lloyd
    Rajeev Acharya
    Igor Aleiner
    Trond Andersen
    Markus Ansmann
    Frank Arute
    Kunal Arya
    Juan Atalaya
    Gina Bortoli
    Alexandre Bourassa
    Leon Brill
    Michael Broughton
    Bob Buckley
    Tim Burger
    Nicholas Bushnell
    Jimmy Chen
    Benjamin Chiaro
    Desmond Chik
    Charina Chou
    Josh Cogan
    Roberto Collins
    Paul Conner
    William Courtney
    Alex Crook
    Ben Curtin
    Alejo Grajales Dau
    Dripto Debroy
    Agustin Di Paolo
    ILYA Drozdov
    Andrew Dunsworth
    Lara Faoro
    Edward Farhi
    Reza Fatemi
    Vinicius Ferreira
    Ebrahim Forati
    Brooks Foxen
    Élie Genois
    William Giang
    Dar Gilboa
    Raja Gosula
    Steve Habegger
    Michael Hamilton
    Monica Hansen
    Sean Harrington
    Paula Heu
    Markus Hoffmann
    Trent Huang
    Ashley Huff
    Bill Huggins
    Sergei Isakov
    Justin Iveland
    Cody Jones
    Pavol Juhas
    Kostyantyn Kechedzhi
    Marika Kieferova
    Alexei Kitaev
    Andrey Klots
    Alexander Korotkov
    Fedor Kostritsa
    John Mark Kreikebaum
    Dave Landhuis
    Pavel Laptev
    Kim Ming Lau
    Lily Laws
    Joonho Lee
    Kenny Lee
    Yuri Lensky
    Alexander Lill
    Wayne Liu
    Orion Martin
    Amanda Mieszala
    Shirin Montazeri
    Alexis Morvan
    Ramis Movassagh
    Wojtek Mruczkiewicz
    Charles Neill
    Ani Nersisyan
    Michael Newman
    JiunHow Ng
    Murray Ich Nguyen
    Tom O'Brien
    Alex Opremcak
    Andre Petukhov
    Rebecca Potter
    Leonid Pryadko
    Charles Rocque
    Negar Saei
    Kannan Sankaragomathi
    Henry Schurkus
    Christopher Schuster
    Mike Shearn
    Aaron Shorter
    Noah Shutty
    Vladimir Shvarts
    Jindra Skruzny
    Clarke Smith
    Rolando Somma
    George Sterling
    Doug Strain
    Marco Szalay
    Alfredo Torres
    Guifre Vidal
    Cheng Xing
    Jamie Yao
    Ping Yeh
    Juhwan Yoo
    Grayson Young
    Yaxing Zhang
    Ningfeng Zhu
    Jeremy Hilton
    Anthony Megrant
    Yu Chen
    Vadim Smelyanskiy
    Dmitry Abanin
    Science, 383 (2024), pp. 1332-1337
    Preview abstract Engineered dissipative reservoirs have the potential to steer many-body quantum systems toward correlated steady states useful for quantum simulation of high-temperature superconductivity or quantum magnetism. Using up to 49 superconducting qubits, we prepared low-energy states of the transverse-field Ising model through coupling to dissipative auxiliary qubits. In one dimension, we observed long-range quantum correlations and a ground-state fidelity of 0.86 for 18 qubits at the critical point. In two dimensions, we found mutual information that extends beyond nearest neighbors. Lastly, by coupling the system to auxiliaries emulating reservoirs with different chemical potentials, we explored transport in the quantum Heisenberg model. Our results establish engineered dissipation as a scalable alternative to unitary evolution for preparing entangled many-body states on noisy quantum processors. View details
    Preview abstract We study $L_2$ mean estimation under central differential privacy and communication constraints, and address two key challenges: firstly, existing mean estimation schemes that simultaneously handle both constraints are usually optimized for $L_\infty$ geometry and rely on random rotation or Kashin's representation to adapt to $L_2$ geometry, resulting in suboptimal leading constants in mean square errors (MSEs); secondly, schemes achieving order-optimal communication-privacy trade-offs do not extend seamlessly to streaming differential privacy (DP) settings (e.g., tree aggregation or matrix factorization), rendering them incompatible with DP-FTRL type optimizers. In this work, we tackle these issues by introducing a novel privacy accounting method for the sparsified Gaussian mechanism that incorporates the randomness inherent in sparsification into the DP noise. Unlike previous approaches, our accounting algorithm directly operates in $L_2$ geometry, yielding MSEs that fast converge to those of the uncompressed Gaussian mechanism. Additionally, we extend the sparsification scheme to the matrix factorization framework under streaming DP and provide a precise accountant tailored for DP-FTRL type optimizers. Empirically, our method demonstrates at least a 100x improvement of compression for DP-SGD across various FL tasks. View details