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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10021 publications
    Solidarity not Charity! Empowering Local Communities for Disaster Relief during COVID-19 through Grassroots Support
    Jeongwon Jo
    Oluwafunke Alliyu
    John M. Carroll
    Computer Supported Cooperative Work (2024) (2024)
    Preview abstract The COVID-19 pandemic brought wide-ranging, unanticipated societal changes as communities rushed to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. In response, mutual aid groups bloomed online across the United States to fill in the gaps in social services and help local communities cope with infrastructural breakdowns. Unlike many previous disasters, the long-haul nature of COVID-19 necessitates sustained disaster relief efforts. In this paper, we conducted an interview study with online mutual aid group administrators to understand how groups facilitated disaster relief, and how disaster relief initiatives developed and maintained over the course of the first year of COVID-19. Our findings suggest that the groups were crucial sources of community-based support for immediate needs, innovated long-term solutions for chronic community issues and grew into a vehicle for justice-centered work. Our insights shed light on the strength of mutual aid as a community capacity that can support communities to collectively be more prepared for future long-haul disasters than they were with COVID-19. View details
    Preview abstract Advances in machine learning for health care have brought concerns about bias from the research community; specifically, the introduction, perpetuation, or exacerbation of care disparities. Reinforcing these concerns is the finding that medical images often reveal signals about sensitive attributes in ways that are hard to pinpoint by both algorithms and people. This finding raises a question about how to best design general purpose pretrained embeddings (GPPEs, defined as embeddings meant to support a broad array of use cases) for building downstream models that are free from particular types of bias. The downstream model should be carefully evaluated for bias, and audited and improved as appropriate. However, in our view, well intentioned attempts to prevent the upstream components—GPPEs—from learning sensitive attributes can have unintended consequences on the downstream models. Despite producing a veneer of technical neutrality, the resultant end-to-end system might still be biased or poorly performing. We present reasons, by building on previously published data, to support the reasoning that GPPEs should ideally contain as much information as the original data contain, and highlight the perils of trying to remove sensitive attributes from a GPPE. We also emphasise that downstream prediction models trained for specific tasks and settings, whether developed using GPPEs or not, should be carefully designed and evaluated to avoid bias that makes models vulnerable to issues such as distributional shift. These evaluations should be done by a diverse team, including social scientists, on a diverse cohort representing the full breadth of the patient population for which the final model is intended. View details
    Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations
    Trieu Trinh
    Yuhuai Tony Wu
    He He
    Nature, 625 (2024), pp. 476-482
    Preview abstract Proving mathematical theorems at the olympiad level represents a notable milestone in human-level automated reasoning, owing to their reputed difficulty among the world’s best talents in pre-university mathematics. Current machine-learning approaches, however, are not applicable to most mathematical domains owing to the high cost of translating human proofs into machine-verifiable format. The problem is even worse for geometry because of its unique translation challenges, resulting in severe scarcity of training data. We propose AlphaGeometry, a theorem prover for Euclidean plane geometry that sidesteps the need for human demonstrations by synthesizing millions of theorems and proofs across different levels of complexity. AlphaGeometry is a neuro-symbolic system that uses a neural language model, trained from scratch on our large-scale synthetic data, to guide a symbolic deduction engine through infinite branching points in challenging problems. On a test set of 30 latest olympiad-level problems, AlphaGeometry solves 25, outperforming the previous best method that only solves ten problems and approaching the performance of an average International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) gold medallist. Notably, AlphaGeometry produces human-readable proofs, solves all geometry problems in the IMO 2000 and 2015 under human expert evaluation and discovers a generalized version of a translated IMO theorem in 2004. View details
    Open Se Cura: First Silicon Results of an Auditable and Transparent Hardware Root of Trust System using Open EDA in 16-nm
    Guanchen Tao
    Ming-Hung Chen
    Bangfei Pan
    Kai Yick
    Dennis Sylvester
    Mehdi Saligane
    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, 16(2024), pp. 58-66
    Preview abstract Hardware Root of Trust (HRoT) is essential for Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices as it provides critical user data protection. However, each novel use case significantly lengthens the development time for an HRoT system. Furthermore, most HRoT solutions are proprietary, and users lack permission to inspect and audit such systems [1-2]. This paper introduces Open Se Cura, which is an open-source framework designed to expedite the implementation of secure and transparent HRoT systems. It utilizes open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools like OpenROAD [3-4] and OpenFASOC [5-6], along with open-source Process Design Kits (PDKs), to present a transparent and auditable approach to hardware-software co-design platforms. This approach enables fast and trustworthy HRoT system implementation and is made openly available to reproduce its results and security efficacy [7]. Our reference design is showcased through FPGA emulation, and the first measurement results of a silicon implementation in 16nm of Open Se Cura security domain subsets integrated using open-source EDA are presented. View details
    LMDX: Language Model-based Document Information Extraction And Localization
    Kai Kang
    Florian Luisier
    Xiaoyu Sun
    Ramya Sree Boppana
    Zilong Wang
    Jiaqi Mu
    Hao Zhang
    Nan Hua
    Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024, Association for Computational Linguistics, Bangkok, Thailand and virtual meeting, pp. 15140-15168
    Preview abstract Large Language Models (LLM) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), improving state-of-the-art and exhibiting emergent capabilities across various tasks. However, their application in extracting information from visually rich documents, which is at the core of many document processing workflows and involving the extraction of key entities from semi-structured documents, has not yet been successful. The main obstacles to adopting LLMs for this task include the absence of layout encoding within LLMs, which is critical for high quality extraction, and the lack of a grounding mechanism to localize the predicted entities within the document. In this paper, we introduce Language Model-based Document Information EXtraction and Localization (LMDX), a methodology to reframe the document information extraction task for a LLM. LMDX enables extraction of singular, repeated, and hierarchical entities, both with and without training data, while providing grounding guarantees and localizing the entities within the document. Finally, we apply LMDX to the PaLM 2-S and Gemini Pro LLMs and evaluate it on VRDU and CORD benchmarks, setting a new state-of-the-art and showing how LMDX enables the creation of high quality, data-efficient parsers. View details
    Bridging the Preference Gap between Retrievers and LLMs
    Zixuan Ke
    Qiaozhu Mei
    Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior results across a wide range of tasks, and Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) is an effective way to enhance the performance by locating relevant information and placing it into the context window of the LLM. However, the relationship between retrievers and LLM in a RAG is still under-investigated. Most existing work treats the retriever and the LLM as independent components and leaves a gap between retrieving human-"friendly" information and assembling a LLM-"friendly" context. In this work, we examine a novel bridge mechanism. We validate the ranking and selection assumptions of retrievers in the context of RAG and propose a framework that chains together supervised and reinforcement learning to train a bridge model that optimizes the connection between the retriever and the LLM. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in both question-answering and personalized generation tasks. View details
    TextMesh: Generation of Realistic 3D Meshes From Text Prompts
    Christina Tsalicoglou
    Fabian Manhardt
    Michael Niemeyer
    3DV 2024 (2024)
    Preview abstract The ability to generate highly realistic 2D images from mere text prompts has recently made huge progress in terms of speed and quality, thanks to the advent of image diffusion models. Naturally, the question arises if this can be also achieved in the generation of 3D content from such text prompts. To this end, a new line of methods recently emerged trying to harness diffusion models, trained on 2D images, for supervision of 3D model generation using view dependent prompts. While achieving impressive results, these methods, however, have two major drawbacks. First, rather than commonly used 3D meshes, they instead generate neural radiance fields (NeRFs), making them impractical for most real applications. Second, these approaches tend to produce over-saturated models, giving the output a cartoonish looking effect. Therefore, in this work we propose a novel method for generation of highly realistic-looking 3D meshes. To this end, we extend NeRF to employ an SDF backbone, leading to improved 3D mesh extraction. In addition, we propose a novel way to finetune the mesh texture, removing the effect of high saturation and improving the details of the output 3D mesh. View details
    Conformal Language Modeling
    Victor Quach
    Adam Fisch
    Adam Yala
    Jae Ho Sohn
    Tommi Jaakkola
    Regina Barzilay
    ICLR (2024)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we propose a novel approach to conformal prediction (CP) that is adapted to generative, large language models (LLMs). Conformal prediction is a popular technique for deriving prediction sets from machine learning models that have rigorous, statistical performance guarantees. We extend conformal techniques to a broad class of language models that sample from a conditional distribution over the combinatorial, unbounded space of possible text outputs, given some input prompt. Specifically, we translate the process of constructing prediction sets into calibrating a \emph{stopping rule}, under which we draw diverse samples from our model until we are confident that the growing set of candidate answers includes at least one high-quality response. At the same time, we calibrate a \emph{rejection rule} to selectively discard low-quality or redundant responses to reduce sample noise. Under minimal assumptions, we theoretically prove that our resulting output sets contain at least one high-quality answer with some desired probability that a user can set (such as $90\%$), while still remaining empirically precise on average. Furthermore, within this set of sampled candidate answers, we show that we can also accurately identify subsets of individual components (e.g., phrases or sentences) that are each independently correct (e.g., that are not ``hallucinations'')---again, with provably high probability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on multiple types of large language models applied to tasks in open-domain question answering, text summarization, and radiology report generation. View details
    Preview abstract Algorithms for the computation of alternative routes in road networks power many geographic navigation systems. A good set of alternative routes offers meaningful options to the user of the system and can support applications such as routing that is robust to failures (e.g., road closures, extreme traffic congestion, etc.) and routing with diverse preferences and objective functions. Algorithmic techniques for alternative route computation include the penalty method, via-node type algorithms (which deploy bidirectional search and finding plateaus), and, more recently, electrical-circuit based algorithms. In this work we focus on the practically important family of via-node type algorithms and we aim to produce high quality alternative routes for road netowrks. We study alternative route computation in the presence of a fast routing infrastructure that relies on hierarchical routing (namely, CRP). We propose new approaches that rely on deep learning methods. Our training methodology utilizes the hierarchical partition of the graph and builds models to predict which boundary road segments in the partition should be crossed by the alternative routes. We describe our methods in detail and evaluate them against the previously studied architectures, as well as against a stronger baseline that we define in this work, showing improvements in quality in the road networks of Seattle, Paris, and Bangalore. View details
    Complex Dynamics in Autobidding Systems
    Georgios Piliouras
    Kelly Spendlove
    Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2024)
    Preview abstract It has become the default in markets such as ad auctions for participants to bid in an auction through automated bidding agents (autobidders) which adjust bids over time to satisfy return-over-spend constraints. Despite the prominence of such systems for the internet economy, their resulting dynamical behavior is still not well understood. Although one might hope that such relatively simple systems would typically converge to the equilibria of their underlying auctions, we provide a plethora of results that show the emergence of complex behavior, such as bi-stability, periodic orbits and quasi periodicity. We empirically observe how the market structure (expressed as motifs) qualitatively affects the behavior of the dynamics. We complement it with theoretical results showing that autobidding systems can simulate both linear dynamical systems as well logical boolean gates. View details
    Preview abstract Learning from Label Proportions (LLP) is a learning problem where only aggregate level labels are available for groups of instances, called bags, during training, and the aim is to get the best performance at the instance-level on the test data. This setting arises in domains like advertising and medicine due to privacy considerations. We propose a novel algorithmic framework for this problem that iteratively performs two main steps. For the first step (Pseudo Labeling) in every iteration, we define a Gibbs distribution over binary instance labels that incorporates a) covariate information through the constraint that instances with similar covariates should have similar labels and b) the bag level aggregated label. We then use Belief Propagation (BP) to marginalize the Gibbs distribution to obtain pseudo labels. In the second step (Embedding Refinement), we use the pseudo labels to provide supervision for a learner that yields a better embedding. Further, we iterate on the two steps again by using the second step's embeddings as new covariates for the next iteration. In the final iteration, a classifier is trained using the pseudo labels. Our algorithm displays strong gains against several SOTA baselines for the LLP Binary Classification problem on various dataset types - Small Tabular, Large Tabular and Images. We achieve these improvements with minimal computational overhead above standard supervised learning due to Belief Propagation, for large bag sizes, even for a million samples. View details
    Towards Generalist Biomedical AI
    Danny Driess
    Andrew Carroll
    Chuck Lau
    Ryutaro Tanno
    Ira Ktena
    Anil Palepu
    Basil Mustafa
    Aakanksha Chowdhery
    Simon Kornblith
    Philip Mansfield
    Sushant Prakash
    Renee Wong
    Sunny Virmani
    Sara Mahdavi
    Bradley Green
    Ewa Dominowska
    Joelle Barral
    Karan Singhal
    Pete Florence
    NEJM AI (2024)
    Preview abstract BACKGROUND: Medicine is inherently multimodal, requiring the simultaneous interpretation and integration of insights between many data modalities spanning text, imaging, genomics, and more. Generalist biomedical artificial intelligence systems that flexibly encode, integrate, and interpret these data might better enable impactful applications ranging from scientific discovery to care delivery. METHODS: To catalyze development of these models, we curated MultiMedBench, a new multimodal biomedical benchmark. MultiMedBench encompasses 14 diverse tasks, such as medical question answering, mammography and dermatology image interpretation, radiology report generation and summarization, and genomic variant calling. We then introduced Med-PaLM Multimodal (Med-PaLM M), our proof of concept for a generalist biomedical AI system that flexibly encodes and interprets biomedical data including clinical language, imaging, and genomics with the same set of model weights. To further probe the capabilities and limitations of Med-PaLM M, we conducted a radiologist evaluation of model-generated (and human) chest x-ray reports. RESULTS: We observed encouraging performance across model scales. Med-PaLM M reached performance competitive with or exceeding the state of the art on all MultiMedBench tasks, often surpassing specialist models by a wide margin. In a side-by-side ranking on 246 retrospective chest x-rays, clinicians expressed a pairwise preference for Med-PaLM Multimodal reports over those produced by radiologists in up to 40.50% of cases, suggesting potential clinical utility. CONCLUSIONS: Although considerable work is needed to validate these models in real-world cases and understand if cross-modality generalization is possible, our results represent a milestone toward the development of generalist biomedical artificial intelligence systems. View details
    SoothSayer: Bypassing DSAC Mitigation by Predicting Counter Replacement
    Salman Qazi
    Fourth Workshop on DRAM Security (DRAMSec) (2024)
    Preview abstract In-DRAM Stochastic and Approximate Counting (DSAC) is a recently published algorithm that aims to mitigate Rowhammer at low cost. Existing in-DRAM counter-based schemes keep track of row activations and issue Targeted Row Refresh (TRR) upon detecting a concerning pattern. However, due to insufficiency of the tracking ability they are vulnerable to attacks utilizing decoy rows. DSAC claims to improve upon existing TRR mitigation by filtering out decoy-row accesses, so they cannot saturate the limited number of counters available for detecting Rowhammer, promising a reliable mitigation without the area cost of deterministic and provable schemes such as per-row activation counting (PRAC). In this paper, we analyze DSAC and discover some gaps that make it vulnerable to Rowhammer and Rowpress attacks. The main focus of this work is a novel attack named SoothSayer that targets the counter replacement policy in DSAC by cloning the random number generator. We describe and simulate this attack, and establish its efficacy. Finally, we discuss other weaknesses in DSAC. View details
    Preview abstract Inter-sentence pauses are the silences that occur between sentences in a paragraph or a dialogue. They are an important aspect of long-form speech prosody, as they can affect the naturalness, intelligibility, and effectiveness of communication. However, the user perception of inter-sentence pauses in long-form speech synthesis is not well understood. Previous work often evaluates pause modelling in conjunction with other prosodic features making it hard to explicitly study how raters perceive differences in inter-sentence pause lengths. In this paper, using multiple text-to-speech (TTS) datasets that cover different content types, domains, and settings, we investigate how sensitive raters are to changes to the durations of inter-sentence pauses in long-form speech by comparing ground truth audio samples with renditions that have manipulated pause durations. This experimental design is meant to allow us to draw conclusions regarding the utility that can be expected from similar evaluations when applied to synthesized long-form speech. We find that, using standard evaluation methodologies, raters are not sensitive to variations in pause lengths unless these deviate exceedingly from the norms or expectations of the speech context. View details
    Sharing is leaking: blocking transient-execution attacks with core-gapped confidential VMs
    Charly Castes
    29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 4 (ASPLOS '24) (2024)
    Preview abstract Confidential VMs on platforms such as Intel TDX, AMD SEV and Arm CCA promise greater security for cloud users against even a hypervisor-level attacker, but this promise has been shattered by repeated transient-execution vulnerabilities and CPU bugs. At the root of this problem lies the need to multiplex CPU cores with all their complex microarchitectural state among distrusting entities, with an untrusted hypervisor in control of the multiplexing. We propose core-gapped confidential VMs, a set of software-only modifications that ensure that no distrusting code shares a core, thus removing all same-core side-channels and transient-execution vulnerabilities from the guest’s TCB. We present an Arm-based prototype along with a performance evaluation showing that, not only does core-gapping offer performance competitive with non-confidential VMs, the greater locality achieved by avoiding shared cores can even improve performance for CPU-intensive workloads. View details