Stable quantum-correlated many-body states through engineered dissipation

Sara Shabani
Dripto Debroy
Jerome Lloyd
Alexios Michailidis
Andrew Dunsworth
Bill Huggins
Markus Hoffmann
Alexis Morvan
Josh Cogan
Ben Curtin
Guifre Vidal
Bob Buckley
Tom O'Brien
John Mark Kreikebaum
Rajeev Acharya
Joonho Lee
Ningfeng Zhu
Shirin Montazeri
Sergei Isakov
Jamie Yao
Clarke Smith
Rebecca Potter
Sean Harrington
Jeremy Hilton
Paula Heu
Alexei Kitaev
Alex Crook
Fedor Kostritsa
Kim Ming Lau
Dmitry Abanin
Trent Huang
Aaron Shorter
Steve Habegger
Gina Bortoli
Charles Rocque
Vladimir Shvarts
Alfredo Torres
Anthony Megrant
Charles Neill
Michael Hamilton
Dar Gilboa
Lily Laws
Nicholas Bushnell
Ramis Movassagh
Mike Shearn
Wojtek Mruczkiewicz
Desmond Chik
Leonid Pryadko
Xiao Mi
Brooks Foxen
Frank Arute
Alejo Grajales Dau
Yaxing Zhang
Lara Faoro
Alexander Lill
JiunHow Ng
Justin Iveland
Marco Szalay
Orion Martin
Juhwan Yoo
Michael Newman
William Giang
Alex Opremcak
Amanda Mieszala
William Courtney
Andrey Klots
Wayne Liu
Pavel Laptev
Charina Chou
Paul Conner
Rolando Somma
Vadim Smelyanskiy
Benjamin Chiaro
Grayson Young
Tim Burger
ILYA Drozdov
Agustin Di Paolo
Jimmy Chen
Marika Kieferova
Michael Broughton
Negar Saei
Juan Atalaya
Markus Ansmann
Pavol Juhas
Murray Ich Nguyen
Yuri Lensky
Roberto Collins
Élie Genois
Jindra Skruzny
Igor Aleiner
Yu Chen
Reza Fatemi
Leon Brill
Ashley Huff
Doug Strain
Monica Hansen
Noah Shutty
Ebrahim Forati
Dave Landhuis
Kenny Lee
Ping Yeh
Kunal Arya
Henry Schurkus
Cheng Xing
Cody Jones
Edward Farhi
Raja Gosula
Andre Petukhov
Alexander Korotkov
Ani Nersisyan
Christopher Schuster
George Sterling
Kostyantyn Kechedzhi
Trond Andersen
Alexandre Bourassa
Kannan Sankaragomathi
Vinicius Ferreira
Science, 383 (2024), pp. 1332-1337


Engineered dissipative reservoirs have the potential to steer many-body quantum systems toward correlated steady states useful for quantum simulation of high-temperature superconductivity or quantum magnetism. Using up to 49 superconducting qubits, we prepared low-energy states of the transverse-field Ising model through coupling to dissipative auxiliary qubits. In one dimension, we observed long-range quantum correlations and a ground-state fidelity of 0.86 for 18 qubits at the critical point. In two dimensions, we found mutual information that extends beyond nearest neighbors. Lastly, by coupling the system to auxiliaries emulating reservoirs with different chemical potentials, we explored transport in the quantum Heisenberg model. Our results establish engineered dissipation as a scalable alternative to unitary evolution for preparing entangled many-body states on noisy quantum processors.