
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10081 publications
    Automatic Histograms: Leveraging Language Models for Text Dataset Exploration
    Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM, Honolulu, HI, USA (2024), pp. 9
    Preview abstract Making sense of unstructured text datasets is perennially difficult, yet increasingly relevant with Large Language Models. Data practitioners often rely on dataset summaries, especially distributions of various derived features. Some features, like toxicity or topics, are relevant to many datasets, but many interesting features are domain specific, e.g., instruments and genres for a music dataset, or diseases and symptoms for a medical dataset. Accordingly, data practitioners often run custom analyses for each dataset, which is cumbersome and difficult, or use unsupervised methods. We present AutoHistograms, a visualization tool leveraging LLMs. AutoHistograms automatically identifies relevant entity-based features, visualizes their distributions, and allows the user to interactively query the dataset for new categories of entities. In a user study with (n=10) data practitioners, we observe that participants were able to quickly onboard to AutoHistograms, use the tool to identify actionable insights, and conceptualize a broad range of applicable use cases. We also describe a variety of usage scenarios from different types of users to highlight how this app can provide value in many different contexts. Finally, we present a quantitative evaluation of the tool. Together, this tool and user study contribute to the growing field of LLM-assisted sensemaking tools. View details
    Seeking in Cycles: How Users Leverage Personal Information Ecosystems to Find Mental Health Information
    Ashlee Milton
    Fernando Maestre
    Rebecca Umbach
    Stevie Chancellor
    Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2024)
    Preview abstract Information is crucial to how people understand their mental health and well-being, and many turn to online sources found through search engines and social media. We present the findings from an interview study (n = 17) of participants who use online platforms to seek information about their mental illnesses. We found that participants leveraged multiple platforms in a cyclical process for finding information from their personal information ecosystems, driven by the adoption of new information and uncertainty surrounding the credibility of information. Concerns about privacy, fueled by perceptions of stigma and platform design, also influenced their information-seeking decisions. Our work proposes theoretical implications for social computing and information retrieval on information seeking in users' personal information ecosystems. We also offer design implications to support users in navigating their personal information ecosystems to find mental health information. View details
    SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
    Shannon Bales
    Matthew Brown
    Jean-Daniel Browne
    Brandon Dolphin
    Romit Kudtarkar
    Andrey Litvinov
    Jingchi Ma
    John Morcos
    Michael Shen
    David Wilhite
    Xi Wu
    Lulan Yu
    Proc. VLDB Endow. (2024), pp. 4051-4063 (to appear)
    Preview abstract SQL has been extremely successful as the de facto standard language for working with data. Virtually all mainstream database-like systems use SQL as their primary query language. But SQL is an old language with significant design problems, making it difficult to learn, difficult to use, and difficult to extend. Many have observed these challenges with SQL, and proposed solutions involving new languages. New language adoption is a significant obstacle for users, and none of the potential replacements have been successful enough to displace SQL. In GoogleSQL, we’ve taken a different approach - solving SQL’s problems by extending SQL. Inspired by a pattern that works well in other modern data languages, we added piped data flow syntax to SQL. The results are transformative - SQL becomes a flexible language that’s easier to learn, use and extend, while still leveraging the existing SQL ecosystem and existing userbase. Improving SQL from within allows incrementally adopting new features, without migrations and without learning a new language, making this a more productive approach to improve on standard SQL. View details
    Preview abstract The emergence of synthetic data represents a pivotal shift in modern machine learning, offering a solution to satisfy the need for large volumes of data in domains where real data is scarce, highly private, or difficult to obtain. We investigate the feasibility of creating realistic, large-scale synthetic datasets of user-generated content, noting that such content is increasingly prevalent and a source of frequently sought information. Large language models (LLMs) offer a starting point for generating synthetic social media discussion threads, due to their ability to produce diverse responses that typify online interactions. However, as we demonstrate, straightforward application of LLMs yields limited success in capturing the complex structure of online discussions, and standard prompting mechanisms lack sufficient control. We therefore propose a multi-step generation process, predicated on the idea of creating compact representations of discussion threads, referred to as scaffolds. Our framework is generic yet adaptable to the unique characteristics of specific social media platforms. We demonstrate its feasibility using data from two distinct online discussion platforms. To address the fundamental challenge of ensuring the representativeness and realism of synthetic data, we propose a portfolio of evaluation measures to compare various instantiations of our framework. View details
    Preview abstract Large language models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities, but their performance is heavily reliant on effective prompt engineering. Automatic prompt optimization (APO) methods are designed to automate this and can be broadly categorized into those targeting instructions (instruction optimization, IO) vs. those targeting exemplars (exemplar selection, ES). Despite their shared objective, these have evolved rather independently, with IO recently receiving more research attention. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by comprehensively comparing the performance of representative IO and ES techniques, both isolation and combination, on a diverse set of challenging tasks. Our findings reveal that intelligently reusing model-generated input-output pairs obtained from evaluating prompts on the validation set as exemplars consistently improves performance over IO methods but is currently under-investigated. We also find that despite the recent focus on IO, how we select exemplars can outweigh how we optimize instructions, with ES strategies as simple as random search outperforming state-of-the-art IO methods with seed instructions without any optimization. Moreover, we observe synergy between ES and IO, with optimal combinations surpassing individual contributions. We conclude that studying exemplar selection as a standalone method and its optimal combination with instruction optimization remains a crucial aspect of APO and deserves greater consideration in future research, even in the era of highly capable instruction-following models. View details
    Preview abstract Recently proposed long-form question answering (QA) systems, supported by large language models (LLMs), have shown promising capabilities. Yet, attributing and verifying their generated abstractive answers can be difficult, and automatically evaluating their accuracy remains an ongoing challenge. In this paper, we introduce a new QA task for answering multi-answer questions by summarizing multiple diverse sources in a semi-extractive fashion. Specifically, Semi-extractive Multi-source QA (SEMQA) requires models to output a comprehensive answer while mixing between factual quoted spans---copied verbatim from given input sources---and non-factual free-text connectors that glue these spans together into a single cohesive passage. This setting bridges the gap between the outputs of well-grounded but constrained extractive QA systems and more fluent but harder to attribute fully abstractive answers. Particularly, it enables a new mode for language models that leverages their advanced language generation capabilities, while also producing fine in-line attributions by-design that are easy to verify, interpret, and evaluate. To study this task, we create the first dataset of this kind with human-written semi-extractive answers to natural and generated questions, and define text-based evaluation metrics. Experimenting with several LLMs in various settings, we find this task to be surprisingly challenging, demonstrating the importance of our work for developing and studying such consolidation capabilities. View details
    Preview abstract Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and infectious diseases disproportionately affect the poorest regions of the world. While large language models (LLMs) have shown promise for medical question answering, there is limited work focused on tropical and infectious disease-specific explorations. We introduce TRINDs, a dataset of 52 tropical and infectious diseases with demographic and semantic clinical and consumer augmentations. We evaluate various context and counterfactual locations to understand their influence on LLM performance. Results show that LLMs perform best when provided with contextual information such as demographics, location, and symptoms. We also develop TRINDs-LM, a tool that enables users to enter symptoms and contextual information to receive a most likely diagnosis. In addition to the LLM evaluations, we also conducted a human expert baseline study to assess the accuracy of human experts in diagnosing tropical and infectious diseases with 7 medical and public health experts. This work demonstrates methods for creating and evaluating datasets for testing and optimizing LLMs, and the use of a tool that could improve digital diagnosis and tracking of NTDs. View details
    "We Need Structured Output": Towards User-centered Constraints on Large Language Model Output
    Michael Xieyang Liu
    Frederick Liu
    Alex Fiannaca
    Terry Koo
    In Extended Abstract in ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '24), ACM (2024), pp. 9 (to appear)
    Preview abstract Large language models can produce creative and diverse responses. However, to integrate them into current developer workflows, it is essential to constrain their outputs to follow specific formats or standards. In this work, we surveyed 51 experienced industry professionals to understand the range of scenarios and motivations driving the need for output constraints from a user-centered perspective. We identified 134 concrete use cases for constraints at two levels: low-level, which ensures the output adhere to a structured format and an appropriate length, and high-level, which requires the output to follow semantic and stylistic guidelines without hallucination. Critically, applying output constraints could not only streamline the currently repetitive process of developing, testing, and integrating LLM prompts for developers, but also enhance the user experience of LLM-powered features and applications. We conclude with a discussion on user preferences and needs towards articulating intended constraints for LLMs, alongside an initial design for a constraint prototyping tool. View details
    Preview abstract Measurement is one of the essential components of quantum algorithms, and for superconducting qubits it is often the most error prone. Here, we demonstrate a model-based readout optimization achieving low measurement errors while avoiding detrimental side-effects. For simultaneous and mid-circuit measurements across 17 qubits we observe 1.5% error per qubit with a duration of 500 ns end-to-end and minimal excess reset error from residual resonator photons. We also suppress measurement-induced state transitions and achieve a qubit leakage rate limited by natural heating.This technique can scale to hundreds of qubits, and be used to enhance performance of error-correcting codes as well as near-term applications View details
    Preview abstract We explore the boundaries of scaling up a multilingual vision and language model, both in terms of size of the components and the breadth of its training task mixture. Our model achieves new levels of performance on a wide-range of varied and complex tasks, including multiple image-based captioning and question-answering tasks, image-based document understanding and few-shot (in-context) learning, as well as object detection, video question answering, and video captioning. Our model advances the state-of-the-art on most vision-and-language benchmarks considered (20+ of them). Finally, we observe emerging capabilities, such as complex counting and multilingual object detection, tasks that are not explicitly in the training mix. View details
    Preview abstract Large Language Models have been able to replicate their success from text generation to coding tasks. While a lot of work has made it clear that they have remarkable performance on tasks such as code completion and editing, it is still unclear as to why. We help bridge this gap by exploring to what degree do auto-regressive models understand the logical constructs of the underlying programs. We propose CAPP, a counterfactual testing framework to evaluate whether large code models understand programming concepts. With only black-box access to the model, we use CAPP to evaluate 10 popular large code models for 5 different programming concepts. Our findings suggest that current models lack understanding of concepts such as data flow and control flow. View details
    Federated Variational Inference: Towards Improved Personalization and Generalization
    Elahe Vedadi
    Josh Dillon
    Philip Mansfield
    Karan Singhal
    Arash Afkanpour
    Warren Morningstar
    AAAI Federated Learning on the Edge Symposium (2024)
    Preview abstract Conventional federated learning algorithms train a single global model by leveraging all participating clients' data. However, due to heterogeneity in client generative distributions and predictive models, these approaches may not appropriately approximate the predictive process, converge to an optimal state, or generalize to new clients. We study personalization and generalization in stateless cross-device federated learning setups assuming heterogeneity in client data distributions and predictive models. We first propose a hierarchical generative model and formalize it using Bayesian Inference. We then approximate this process using Variational Inference to train our model efficiently. We call this algorithm Federated Variational Inference (FedVI). We use PAC-Bayes analysis to provide generalization bounds for FedVI. We evaluate our model on FEMNIST and CIFAR-100 image classification and show that FedVI beats the state-of-the-art on both tasks. View details
    ASTRA-5G: Automated Over-the-Air Security Testing and Research Architecture for 5G SA Devices
    Aanjhan Ranganathan
    Christina Pöpper
    Evangelos Bitsikas
    Michele Guerra
    Syed Khandker
    WiSec '24: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, ACM (2024)
    Preview abstract Despite the widespread deployment of 5G technologies, there exists a critical gap in security testing for 5G Standalone (SA) devices. Existing methods, largely manual and labor-intensive, are ill-equipped to fully uncover the state of security in the implementations of 5G-SA protocols and standards on devices, severely limiting the ability to conduct comprehensive evaluations. To address this issue, in this work, we introduce an novel, open-source framework that auto- mates the security testing process for 5G SA devices. By leveraging enhanced functionalities of 5G SA core and Radio Access Network (RAN) software, our framework offers a streamlined approach to generating, executing, and evaluating test cases, specifically focusing on the Non-Access Stratum (NAS) layer. Our application of this framework across multiple 5G SA devices provides in-depth security insights, significantly improving testing efficiency and breadth. View details
    Generative AI in Creative Practice: ML-Artist Folk Theories of T2I Use, Harm, and Harm-Reduction
    Shalaleh Rismani
    Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24), Association for Computing Machinery (2024), pp. 1-17 (to appear)
    Preview abstract Understanding how communities experience algorithms is necessary to mitigate potential harmful impacts. This paper presents folk theories of text-to-image (T2I) models to enrich understanding of how artist communities experience creative machine learning (ML) systems. This research draws on data collected from a workshop with 15 artists from 10 countries who incorporate T2I models in their creative practice. Through reflexive thematic analysis of workshop data, we highlight theorization of T2I use, harm, and harm-reduction. Folk theories of use envision T2I models as an artistic medium, a mundane tool, and locate true creativity as rising above model affordances. Theories of harm articulate T2I models as harmed by engineering efforts to eliminate glitches and product policy efforts to limit functionality. Theories of harm-reduction orient towards protecting T2I models for creative practice through transparency and distributed governance. We examine how these theories relate, and conclude by discussing how folk theorization informs responsible AI efforts. View details
    Bridging the Gap: Unpacking the Hidden Challenges in Knowledge Distillation for Online Ranking Systems
    Shuo Yang
    Aniruddh Nath
    Yang Liu
    Li Wei
    Shawn Andrews
    Maciej Kula
    Jarrod Kahn
    Zhe Zhao
    Lichan Hong
    Preview abstract Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a powerful approach for compressing large models into smaller, more efficient models, particularly beneficial for latency-sensitive applications like recommender systems. However, current KD research predominantly focuses on Computer Vision (CV) and NLP tasks, overlooking unique data characteristics and challenges inherent to recommender systems. This paper addresses these overlooked challenges, specifically: (1) mitigating data distribution shifts between teacher and student models, (2) efficiently identifying optimal teacher configurations within time and budgetary constraints, and (3) enabling computationally efficient and rapid sharing of teacher labels to support multiple students. We present a robust KD system developed and rigorously evaluated on multiple large-scale personalized video recommendation systems within Google. Our live experiment results demonstrate significant improvements in student model performance while ensuring the consistent and reliable generation of high-quality teacher labels from continuous data streams. View details