Lora Aroyo
I am currently serving as a co-chair of the steering committee for the AAAI HCOMP conference series and I am a founding member of the DataPerf and the AI Safety Benchmarking working group both at MLCommons for benchmarking data-centric AI. Check out our data-centric challenge Adversarial Nibbler supported by Kaggle, Hugging Face and MLCommons. In 2023 I gave the opening keynote at NeurIPS Conference "The Many Faces of Responsible AI".
Prior to joining Google, I was a computer science professor heading the User-Centric Data Science research group at the VU University Amsterdam. Our team invented the CrowdTruth crowdsourcing method jointly with the Watson team at IBM. This method has been applied in various domains such as digital humanities, medical and online multimedia. I also guided the human-in-the-loop strategies as a Chief Scientist at a NY-based startup Tagasauris.
Some of my prior community contributions include president of the User Modeling Society, program co-chair of The Web Conference 2023, member of the ACM SIGCHI conferences board.
For a list of my publications, please see my profile on Google Scholar.