
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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1 - 15 of 10028 publications
    Principal-Agent Reward Shaping in MDPs
    Omer Ben-Porat
    Michal Moshkovitz
    Boaz Taitler
    AAAI 2024
    Preview abstract Principal-agent problems arise when one party acts on behalf of another, leading to conflicts of interest. The economic literature has extensively studied principal-agent problems, and recent work has extended this to more complex scenarios such as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). In this paper, we further explore this line of research by investigating how reward shaping under budget constraints can improve the principal's utility. We study a two-player Stackelberg game where the principal and the agent have different reward functions, and the agent chooses an MDP policy for both players. The principal offers an additional reward to the agent, and the agent picks their policy selfishly to maximize their reward, which is the sum of the original and the offered reward. Our results establish the NP-hardness of the problem and offer polynomial approximation algorithms for two classes of instances: Stochastic trees and deterministic decision processes with a finite horizon. View details
    Beyond SOT: Tracking Multiple Generic Objects at Once
    Christoph Mayer
    Martin Danelljan
    Vittorio Ferrari
    Luc Van Gool
    WACV'24 (2024)
    Preview abstract Generic Object Tracking (GOT) is the problem of tracking target objects, specified by bounding boxes in the first frame of a video. While the task has received much attention in the last decades, researchers have almost exclusively focused on the single object setting. However multiobject GOT poses its own challenges and is more attractive in real-world applications. We attribute the lack of research interest into this problem to the absence of suitable benchmarks. In this work, we introduce a new largescale GOT benchmark, LaGOT, containing multiple annotated target objects per sequence. Our benchmark allows users to tackle key remaining challenges in GOT, aiming to increase robustness and reduce computation through joint tracking of multiple objects simultaneously. In addition, we propose a transformer-based GOT tracker baseline capable of joint processing of multiple objects through shared computation. Our approach achieves a 4× faster run-time in case of 10 concurrent objects compared to tracking each object independently and outperforms existing single object trackers on our new benchmark. In addition, our approach achieves highly competitive results on single-object GOT datasets, setting a new state of the art on TrackingNet with a success rate AUC of 84.4%. Our benchmark, code, results and trained models are available at View details
    Preview abstract Predictive uncertainty-a model's self awareness regarding its accuracy on an input-is key for both building robust models via training interventions and for test-time applications such as selective classification. We propose a novel instance-conditioned reweighting approach that captures predictive uncertainty using an auxiliary network and unifies these train- and test-time applications. The auxiliary network is trained using a meta-objective in a bilevel optimization framework. A key contribution of our proposal is the meta-objective of minimizing the dropout variance, an approximation of Bayesian Predictive uncertainty. We show in controlled experiments that we effectively capture the diverse specific notions of uncertainty through this meta-objective, while previous approaches only capture certain aspects. These results translate to significant gains in real-world settings-selective classification, label noise, domain adaptation, calibration-and across datasets-Imagenet, Cifar100, diabetic retinopathy, Camelyon, WILDs, Imagenet-C,-A,-R, Clothing1M, etc. For Diabetic Retinopathy, we see upto 3.4%/3.3% accuracy and AUC gains over SOTA in selective classification. We also improve upon large-scale pretrained models such as PLEX. View details
    Large Scale Self-Supervised Pretraining for Active Speaker Detection
    Alice Chuang
    Keith Johnson
    Tony (Tuấn) Nguyễn
    Wei Xia
    Yunfan Ye
    ICASSP 2024 (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract In this work we investigate the impact of a large-scale self-supervised pretraining strategy for active speaker detection (ASD) on an unlabeled dataset consisting of over 125k hours of YouTube videos. When compared to a baseline trained from scratch on much smaller in-domain labeled datasets we show that with pretraining we not only have a more stable supervised training due to better audio-visual features used for initialization, but also improve the ASD mean average precision by 23\% on a challenging dataset collected with Google Nest Hub Max devices capturing real user interactions. View details
    Preview abstract Learned reweighting (LRW) approaches to supervised learning use an optimization criterion to assign weights for training instances, in order to maximize performance on a representative validation dataset. We pose and formalize the problem of optimized selection of the validation set used in LRW training, to improve classifier generalization. In particular, we show that using hard-to-classify instances in the validation set has both a theoretical connection to, and strong empirical evidence of generalization. We provide an efficient algorithm for training this meta-optimized model, as well as a simple train-twice heuristic for careful comparative study. We demonstrate that LRW with easy validation data performs consistently worse than LRW with hard validation data, establishing the validity of our meta-optimization problem. Our proposed algorithm outperforms a wide range of baselines on a range of datasets and domain shift challenges (Imagenet-1K, CIFAR-100, Clothing-1M, CAMELYON, WILDS, etc.), with ~1% gains using VIT-B on Imagenet. We also show that using naturally hard examples for validation (Imagenet-R / Imagenet-A) in LRW training for Imagenet improves performance on both clean and naturally hard test instances by 1-2%. Secondary analyses show that using hard validation data in an LRW framework improves margins on test data, hinting at the mechanism underlying our empirical gains. We believe this work opens up new research directions for the meta-optimization of meta-learning in a supervised learning context. View details
    Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: A Perspective from Google
    Lily Peng
    Lisa Lehmann
    Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Elsevier (2024)
    Preview abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the promise of transforming healthcare by improving patient outcomes, increasing accessibility and efficiency, and decreasing the cost of care. Realizing this vision of a healthier world for everyone everywhere requires partnerships and trust between healthcare systems, clinicians, payers, technology companies, pharmaceutical companies, and governments to drive innovations in machine learning and artificial intelligence to patients. Google is one example of a technology company that is partnering with healthcare systems, clinicians, and researchers to develop technology solutions that will directly improve the lives of patients. In this chapter we share landmark trials of the use of AI in healthcare. We also describe the application of our novel system of organizing information to unify data in electronic health records (EHRs) and bring an integrated view of patient records to clinicians. We discuss our consumer focused innovation in dermatology to help guide search journeys for personalized information about skin conditions. Finally, we share a perspective on how to embed ethics and a concern for all patients into the development of AI. View details
    Preview abstract A lexicographic maximum of a set $X \subseteq R^n$ is a vector in $X$ whose smallest component is as large as possible, and subject to that requirement, whose second smallest component is as large as possible, and so on for the third smallest component, etc. Lexicographic maximization has numerous practical and theoretical applications, including fair resource allocation, analyzing the implicit regularization of learning algorithms, and characterizing refinements of game-theoretic equilibria. We prove that a minimizer in $X$ of the exponential loss function $L_c(x) = \sum_i \exp(-c x_i)$ converges to a lexicographic maximum of $X$ as $c \rightarrow \infty$, provided that $X$ is stable in the sense that a well-known iterative method for finding a lexicographic maximum of $X$ cannot be made to fail simply by reducing the required quality of each iterate by an arbitrarily tiny degree. Our result holds for both near and exact minimizers of the exponential loss, while earlier convergence results made much stronger assumptions about the set $X$ and only held for the exact minimizer. We are aware of no previous results showing a connection between the iterative method for computing a lexicographic maximum and exponential loss minimization. We show that every convex polytope is stable, but that there exist compact, convex sets that are not stable. We also provide the first analysis of the convergence rate of an exponential loss minimizer (near or exact) and discover a curious dichotomy: While the two smallest components of the vector converge to the lexicographically maximum values very quickly (at roughly the rate $(\log n)/c$), all other components can converge arbitrarily slowly. View details
    Preview abstract How well do existing federated learning algorithms learn from client devices that return model updates with a significant time delay? Is it even possible to learn effectively from clients that report back minutes, hours, or days after being scheduled? We answer these questions by developing Monte Carlo simulations of client latency that are guided by real-world applications. We compare well-known synchronous optimization algorithms like FedAvg and FedAdam with the state-of-the-art asynchronous FedBuff algorithm, and discover that these existing approaches often struggle to learn from severely delayed clients. To improve upon these, we experiment with modifications including distillation regularization and exponential moving averages of model weights. Finally, we invent two new algorithms, FARe-DUST and FeAST-on-MSG, based on distillation and averaging, respectively. Experiments with the EMNIST, CIFAR-100, and StackOverflow benchmark federated learning tasks demonstrate that our new algorithms outperform existing ones in terms of accuracy for straggler clients, while also providing better trade-offs between training time and total accuracy. View details
    Delphic Offline Reinforcement Learning under Nonidentifiable Hidden Confounding
    Alizée Pace
    Hugo Yèche
    Bernhard Schölkopf
    Gunnar Rätsch
    The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (2024)
    Preview abstract A prominent challenge of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is the issue of hidden confounding. There, unobserved variables may influence both the actions taken by the agent and the outcomes observed in the data. Hidden confounding can compromise the validity of any causal conclusion drawn from the data and presents a major obstacle to effective offline RL. In this paper, we tackle the problem of hidden confounding in the nonidentifiable setting. We propose a definition of uncertainty due to confounding bias, termed delphic uncertainty, which uses variation over compatible world models, and differentiate it from the well known epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties. We derive a practical method for estimating the three types of uncertainties, and construct a pessimistic offline RL algorithm to account for them. Our method does not assume identifiability of the unobserved confounders, and attempts to reduce the amount of confounding bias. We demonstrate through extensive experiments and ablations the efficacy of our approach on a sepsis management benchmark, as well as real electronic health records. Our results suggest that nonidentifiable confounding bias can be addressed in practice to improve offline RL solutions. View details
    Secure by Design at Google
    Google Security Engineering (2024)
    Preview abstract This whitepaper provides an overview of Google's approach to secure design. View details
    The Scaling Law of Synthetic Images for Model Training, for Now
    Lijie Fan
    Dilip Krishnan
    Dina Katabi
    Phillip Isola
    Yonglong Tian
    CVPR (2024)
    Preview abstract Recent significant advances in text-to-image models unlock the possibility of training vision systems using synthetic images, potentially overcoming the difficulty of collecting curated data at scale. It is unclear, however, how these models behave at scale, as more synthetic data is added to the training set. In this paper we study the scaling laws of synthetic images generated by state of the art text-to-image models, for the training of supervised models: image classifiers with label supervision, and CLIP with language supervision. We identify several factors, including text prompts, classifier-free guidance scale, and types of text-to-image models, that significantly affect scaling behavior. After tuning these factors, we observe that synthetic images demonstrate a scaling trend similar to, but slightly less effective than, real images in CLIP training, while they significantly underperform in scaling when training supervised image classifiers. Our analysis indicates that the main reason for this underperformance is the inability of off-the-shelf text-to-image models to generate certain concepts, a limitation that significantly impairs the training of image classifiers. Our findings also suggest that scaling synthetic data can be particularly effective in scenarios such as: (1) when there is a limited supply of real images for a supervised problem (e.g., fewer than 0.5 million images in ImageNet), (2) when the evaluation dataset diverges significantly from the training data, indicating the out-of-distribution scenario, or (3) when synthetic data is used in conjunction with real images, as demonstrated in the training of CLIP models. View details
    Preview abstract We present a method for generating Streetscapes --- long sequences of views through an on-the-fly synthesized city-scale scene. Our generation is conditioned by language input (e.g., city name, weather), as well as an underlying map/layout hosting the desired trajectory. Compared to recent models for video generation or 3D view synthesis, our method can scale to much longer-range camera trajectories, spanning several city blocks, while maintaining visual quality and consistency. To achieve this goal, we build on recent work on video diffusion, used within an autoregressive framework that can easily scale to long sequences. In particular, we introduce a new temporal imputation method that prevents our autoregressive approach from drifting from the distribution of realistic city imagery. We train our Streetscapes system on a compelling source of data-posed imagery from Google Street View, along with contextual map data-which allows users to generate city views conditioned on any desired city layout, with controllable camera poses. View details
    Wear's my Data? Understanding the Cross-Device Runtime Permission Model in Wearables
    Doguhan Yeke
    Muhammad Ibrahim
    Habiba Farukh
    Abdullah Imran
    Antonio Bianchi
    Z. Berkay Celik
    IEEE Security and Privacy (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Wearable devices are becoming increasingly important, helping us stay healthy and connected. There are a variety of app-based wearable platforms that can be used to manage these devices. The apps on wearable devices often work with a companion app on users’ smartphones. The wearable device and the smartphone typically use two separate permission models that work synchronously to protect sensitive data. However, this design creates an opaque view of the management of permission- protected data, resulting in over-privileged data access without the user’s explicit consent. In this paper, we performed the first systematic analysis of the interaction between the Android and Wear OS permission models. Our analysis is two-fold. First, through taint analysis, we showed that cross-device flows of permission-protected data happen in the wild, demonstrating that 28 apps (out of the 150 we studied) on Google Play have sensitive data flows between the wearable app and its companion app. We found that these data flows occur without the users’ explicit consent, introducing the risk of violating user expectations. Second, we conducted an in-lab user study to assess users’ understanding of permissions when subject to cross-device communication (n = 63). We found that 66.7% of the users are unaware of the possibility of cross-device sensitive data flows, which impairs their understanding of permissions in the context of wearable devices and puts their sensitive data at risk. We also showed that users are vulnerable to a new class of attacks that we call cross-device permission phishing attacks on wearable devices. Lastly, we performed a preliminary study on other watch platforms (i.e., Apple’s watchOS, Fitbit, Garmin OS) and found that all these platforms suffer from similar privacy issues. As countermeasures for the potential privacy violations in cross-device apps, we suggest improvements in the system prompts and the permission model to enable users to make better-informed decisions, as well as on app markets to identify malicious cross-device data flows. View details
    Towards Conversational Diagnostic AI
    Anil Palepu
    Khaled Saab
    Jan Freyberg
    Ryutaro Tanno
    Amy Wang
    Brenna Li
    Nenad Tomašev
    Karan Singhal
    Le Hou
    Albert Webson
    Kavita Kulkarni
    Sara Mahdavi
    Juro Gottweis
    Joelle Barral
    Kat Chou
    Arxiv (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract At the heart of medicine lies the physician-patient dialogue, where skillful history-taking paves the way for accurate diagnosis, effective management, and enduring trust. Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems capable of diagnostic dialogue could increase accessibility, consistency, and quality of care. However, approximating clinicians' expertise is an outstanding grand challenge. Here, we introduce AMIE (Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer), a Large Language Model (LLM) based AI system optimized for diagnostic dialogue. AMIE uses a novel self-play based simulated environment with automated feedback mechanisms for scaling learning across diverse disease conditions, specialties, and contexts. We designed a framework for evaluating clinically-meaningful axes of performance including history-taking, diagnostic accuracy, management reasoning, communication skills, and empathy. We compared AMIE's performance to that of primary care physicians (PCPs) in a randomized, double-blind crossover study of text-based consultations with validated patient actors in the style of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). The study included 149 case scenarios from clinical providers in Canada, the UK, and India, 20 PCPs for comparison with AMIE, and evaluations by specialist physicians and patient actors. AMIE demonstrated greater diagnostic accuracy and superior performance on 28 of 32 axes according to specialist physicians and 24 of 26 axes according to patient actors. Our research has several limitations and should be interpreted with appropriate caution. Clinicians were limited to unfamiliar synchronous text-chat which permits large-scale LLM-patient interactions but is not representative of usual clinical practice. While further research is required before AMIE could be translated to real-world settings, the results represent a milestone towards conversational diagnostic AI. View details
    Preview abstract We present AvatarPopUp, a method for fast, high quality 3D human avatar generation from different input modalities, such as images and text prompts and with control over the generated pose and shape. The common theme is the use of diffusion-based image generation networks that are specialized for each particular task, followed by a 3D lifting network. We purposefully decouple the generation from the 3D modeling which allow us to leverage powerful image synthesis priors, trained on billions of text-image pairs. We fine-tune latent diffusion networks with additional image conditioning for image generation and back-view prediction, and to support qualitatively different multiple 3D hypotheses. Our partial fine-tuning approach allows to adapt the networks for each task without inducing catastrophic forgetting. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our method produces accurate, high-quality 3D avatars with diverse appearance that respect the multimodal text, image, and body control signals. Our approach can produce a 3D model in as few as 2 seconds, a four orders of magnitude speedup w.r.t. the vast majority of existing methods, most of which solve only a subset of our tasks, and with fewer controls. AvatarPopUp enables applications that require the controlled 3D generation of human avatars at scale. View details