Ziv Bar-Yossef

Ziv Bar-Yossef

Ziv is VP of Engineering at Google. He's responsible for some of Google's Search Vertical products. In his past, Ziv has been doing research in Theoretical Computer Science, Information Theory and Web Search & Data Mining. His main areas of interest were data stream algorithms, communication complexity, sampling algorithms & complexity, and search engine measurements. See Ziv's publications in his Google Scholar profile. Ziv co-founded the ACM WSDM conference. Prior to Google, Ziv was an Assistant Professor at the Technion's Department of Electrical Engineering, a Research Staff Member at IBM Almaden, and a Graduate Student Researcher at U.C. Berkeley. Ziv holds a PhD in Computer Science from U.C Berkeley and BS and MS from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Authored Publications
Google Publications
Other Publications
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    Efficient Search Engine Measurements
    Maxim Gurevich
    ACM Transactions on the Web, 5, no. 4(2011), pp. 18
    Context-sensitive query auto-completion
    Naama Kraus
    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW)(2011), pp. 107-116
    Estimating the ImpressionRank of Web Pages
    Maxim Gurevich
    Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW)(2009), pp. 41-50
    Do not crawl in the DUST: Different URLs with similar text
    Idit Keidar
    Uri Schonfeld
    ACM Transactions on the Web, 3(2009), pp. 3
    Mining Search Engine Query Logs via Suggestion Sampling
    Maxim Gurevich
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment(2008), pp. 54-65
    Local Approximation of PageRank and Reverse PageRank
    Li-Tal Mashiach
    Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)(2008), pp. 279-288
    The Space Complexity of Processing XML Twig Queries over Indexed Documents
    Mirit Shalem
    Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)(2008), pp. 824-832
    RaWMS - Random Walk based Lightweight Membership Service for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Roy Friedman
    Gabi Kliot
    ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 26(2008), pp. 1-66
    Cluster Ranking with an Application to Mining Mailbox Networks
    Ido Guy
    Ronny Lempel
    Yoelle S. Maarek
    Vladimir Soroka
    ICDM(2006), pp. 63-74
    Index Coding with Side Information
    Yitzhak Birk
    T. S. Jayram
    Tomer Kol
    IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57, no. 3(2011), pp. 1479-1494
    Exponential Separation of Quantum and Classical One-Way Communication Complexity
    T. S. Jayram
    Iordanis Kerenidis
    SIAM Journal on Computing, 38(2008), pp. 366-384
    Cluster Ranking with an Application to Mining Mailbox Networks
    Ido Guy
    Ronny Lempel
    Yoelle Maarek
    Vladimir Soroka
    Knowledge and Information Systems, 14(2008), pp. 101-139
    On the memory requirements of XPath evaluation over XML streams
    Marcus Fontoura
    Vanja Josifovski
    J. of Computer and System Sciences, 73, no.3(2007), pp. 391-441
    Index Coding with Side Information
    Yitzhak Birk
    T. S. Jayram
    Tomer Kol
    FOCS(2006), pp. 197-206
    Do not crawl in the DUST: different URLs with similar text
    Uri Schonfeld
    Idit Keidar
    WWW(2006), pp. 1015-1016
    Random sampling from a search engine's index
    Maxim Gurevich
    WWW(2006), pp. 367-376
    RaWMS - Random Walk based Lightweight Membership Service for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
    Roy Friedman
    Gabriel Kliot
    MobiHoc(2006), pp. 238-249
    Buffering in query evaluation over XML streams
    Marcus Fontoura
    Vanja Josifovski
    PODS(2005), pp. 216-227
    The Sketching Complexity of Pattern Matching
    T. S. Jayram
    Robert Krauthgamer
    Ravi Kumar
    APPROX-RANDOM(2004), pp. 261-272
    Sic transit gloria telae: towards an understanding of the web's decay
    On the Memory Requirements of XPath Evaluation over XML Streams
    Marcus Fontoura
    Vanja Josifovski
    PODS(2004), pp. 177-188
    Exponential separation of quantum and classical one-way communication complexity
    T. S. Jayram
    Iordanis Kerenidis
    STOC(2004), pp. 128-137
    An information statistics approach to data stream and communication complexity
    T. S. Jayram
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 68(2004), pp. 702-732
    Approximating Edit Distance Efficiently
    T. S. Jayram
    Robert Krauthgamer
    Ravi Kumar
    FOCS(2004), pp. 550-559
    Sampling lower bounds via information theory
    STOC(2003), pp. 335-344
    Reductions in streaming algorithms, with an application to counting triangles in graphs
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    SODA(2002), pp. 623-632
    Streaming Computation of Combinatorial Objects
    Luca Trevisan
    Omer Reingold
    Ronen Shaltiel
    IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity(2002), pp. 165-174
    Information Theory Methods in Communication Complexity
    T. S. Jayram
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity(2002), pp. 93-102
    An Information Statistics Approach to Data Stream and Communication Complexity
    T. S. Jayram
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    FOCS(2002), pp. 209-218
    Incentive-compatible online auctions for digital goods
    Kirsten Hildrum
    Felix Wu
    SODA(2002), pp. 964-970
    Counting Distinct Elements in a Data Stream
    T. S. Jayram
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    Luca Trevisan
    RANDOM(2002), pp. 1-10
    Template detection via data mining and its applications
    Sridhar Rajagopalan
    WWW(2002), pp. 580-591
    Sampling algorithms: lower bounds and applications
    Ravi Kumar
    D. Sivakumar
    STOC(2001), pp. 266-275
    Approximating Aggregate Queries about Web Pages via Random Walks
    Alexander Berg
    Steve Chien
    Jittat Fakcharoenphol
    Dror Weitz
    VLDB(2000), pp. 535-544
    Querying Semantically Tagged Documents on the World-Wide Web
    Yaron Kanza
    Yakov A. Kogan
    Werner Nutt
    Yehoshua Sagiv
    NGITS(1999), pp. 2-19
    Deterministic Amplification of Space-Bounded Probabilistic Algorithms
    Oded Goldreich
    Avi Wigderson
    IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity(1999), pp. 188-
    Pointer Jumping Requires Concurrent Read
    Noam Nisan
    STOC(1997), pp. 549-558