Nithum Thain

Nithum Thain

Authored Publications
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    Plex: Towards Reliability using Pretrained Large Model Extensions
    Du Phan
    Mark Patrick Collier
    Zi Wang
    Zelda Mariet
    Clara Huiyi Hu
    Neil Band
    Tim G. J. Rudner
    Karan Singhal
    Joost van Amersfoort
    Andreas Christian Kirsch
    Rodolphe Jenatton
    Honglin Yuan
    Kelly Buchanan
    Yarin Gal
    ICML 2022 Pre-training Workshop (2022)
    Preview abstract A recent trend in artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of pretrained models for language and vision tasks, which has achieved extraordinary performance but also puzzling failures. Examining tasks that probe the model’s abilities in diverse ways is therefore critical to the field. In this paper, we explore the \emph{reliability} of models, where we define a reliable model as one that not only achieves strong predictive performance but also performs well consistently over many decision-making tasks such as uncertainty (e.g., selective prediction, open set recognition), robust generalization (e.g., accuracy and scoring rules such as log-likelihood on in- and out-of-distribution datasets), and adaptation (e.g., active learning, few-shot learning). We devise 11 types of tasks over 36 datasets in order to evaluate different aspects of reliability on both vision and language domains. To improve reliability, we developed ViT-Plex and T5-Plex, \emph{p}retrained \emph{l}arge-model \emph{ex}tensions (henceforth abbreviated as \emph{plex}) for vision and language modalities. Plex greatly improves the state-of-the-art across tasks, and as a pretrained model Plex unifies the traditional protocol of designing and tuning one model for each reliability task. We demonstrate scaling effects over model sizes and pretraining dataset sizes up to 4 billion examples. We also demonstrate Plex’s capabilities on new tasks including zero-shot open set recognition, few-shot uncertainty, and uncertainty in conversational language understanding. View details
    Preview abstract Most literature in fairness has focused on improving fairness with respect to one single model or one single objective. However, real-world machine learning systems are usually composed of many different components. Unfortunately, recent research has shown that even if each component is "fair", the overall system can still be "unfair". In this paper, we focus on how well fairness composes over multiple components in real systems. We consider two recently proposed fairness metrics for rankings: exposure and pairwise ranking accuracy gap. We provide theory that demonstrates a set of conditions under which fairness of individual models does compose. We then present an analytical framework for both understanding whether a system's signals can achieve compositional fairness, and diagnosing which of these signals lowers the overall system's end-to-end fairness the most. Despite previously bleak theoretical results, on multiple data-sets -- including a large-scale real-world recommender system -- we find that the overall system's end-to-end fairness is largely achievable by improving fairness in individual components. View details
    Preview abstract Developing robust NLP models that perform well on many, even small, slices of data is a significant but important challenge, with implications from fairness to general reliability. To this end, recent research has explored how models rely on spurious correlations, and how counterfactual data augmentation (CDA) can mitigate such issues. In this paper we study how and why modeling counterfactuals over multiple attributes can go significantly further in improving model performance. We propose RDI, a context-aware methodology which takes into account the impact of secondary attributes on the model’s predictions and increases sensitivity for secondary attributes over reweighted counterfactually augmented data. By implementing RDI in the context of toxicity detection, we find that accounting for secondary attributes can significantly improve robustness, with improvements in sliced accuracy on the original dataset up to 7% compared to existing robustness methods. We also demonstrate that RDI generalizes to the coreference resolution task and provide guidelines to extend this to other tasks. View details
    Preview abstract Much of the previous machine learning (ML) fairness literature assumes that protected features such as race and sex are present in the dataset, and relies upon them to mitigate fairness concerns. However, in practice factors like privacy and regulation often preclude the collection of protected features, or their use for training or inference, severely limiting the applicability of traditional fairness research. Therefore we ask: How can we train an ML model to improve fairness when we do not even know the protected group memberships? In this work we address this problem by proposing Adversarially Reweighted Learning (ARL). In particular, we hypothesize that non-protected features and task labels are valuable for identifying fairness issues, and can be used to co-train an adversarial reweighting approach for improving fairness. Our results show that ARL improves Rawlsian Max-Min fairness, with notable AUC improvements for worst-case protected groups in multiple datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art alternatives. View details
    Preview abstract Unintended bias in Machine Learning can manifest as systemic differences in performance for different demographic groups, potentially compounding existing challenges to fairness in society at large. In this paper, we introduce a suite of threshold-agnostic metrics that provide a nuanced view of this unintended bias, by considering the various ways that a classifier's score distribution can vary across designated groups. We also introduce a large new test set of online comments with crowd-sourced annotations for identity references. We use this to show how our metrics can be used to find new and potentially subtle unintended bias in existing public models. View details
    Debiasing Embeddings for Fairer Text Classification
    1st ACL Workshop on Gender Bias for Natural Language Processing (2019)
    Preview abstract (Bolukbasi et al., 2016) demonstrated that pre-trained word embeddings can inherit gender bias from the data they were trained on. We investigate how this bias affects downstream classification tasks, using the case study of occupation classification (De-Arteaga et al.,2019). We show that traditional techniques for debiasing embeddings can actually worsen the bias of the downstream classifier by providing a less noisy channel for communicating gender information. With a relatively minor adjustment, however, we show how these same techniques can be used to simultaneously reduce bias and obtain high classification accuracy. View details
    Conversations Gone Awry: Detecting Warning Signs of Conversational Failure
    Justine Zhang
    Jonathan P. Chang
    Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
    Dario Taraborelli
    Proceedings of ACL, ACM Digital Library (2018)
    Preview abstract One of the main challenges online social systems face today is the prevalence of toxic behavior, such as harassment and personal attacks. This type of antisocial behavior is especially perplexing and disruptive when it emerges in the context of healthy conversations where, at least in principle, participants share a common goal and set of norms. In this work, we introduce the task of predicting whether a given conversation is on the verge of being derailed by the antisocial actions of one of its participants. As opposed to detecting toxic behavior after the fact, this task aims to enable early, actionable information at a time when the conversation might still be salvaged. We focus on two methodological challenges. First, through a combination of machine learning, crowd-sourcing and causal inference techniques applied to a novel dataset of 8 million conversations, we design a controlled setting that allows us to compare healthy conversations that deteriorate with similar conversations that stay on track, while accounting for confounding factors such as topical focus and number of participants. Second, we propose a framework for applying and evaluating linguistic, conversational and social patterns in the task of predicting the future trajectory of a conversation. Our primary result is that a simple model using conversational and linguistic features can achieve performance close to that of humans in predicting whether a civil conversation will go awry. We also show that the conversational context is more informative in this task than the history and experience of the participants. By demonstrating the feasibility of the prediction task, and by providing a labeled dataset, as well as a human baseline, we lay the ground for further work on methods for detecting early warning signs, and for eventually preventing, antisocial behavior in online discussions. View details
    Preview abstract We present a corpus that encompasses the complete history of conversations between contributors of English Wikipedia, one of the largest online collaborative communities. By recording the intermediate states of conversations---including not only comments and replies, but also their modifications, deletions and restorations---this data offers an unprecedented view of online conversation. This level of detail supports new research questions pertaining to the process (and challenges) of large-scale online collaboration. We illustrate the corpus' potential with two case studies that highlight new perspectives on earlier work. First, we explore how a person's conversational behavior depends on how they relate to the discussion venue. Second, we show that community moderation of toxic behavior happens at a higher rate than previously estimated. View details
    Preview abstract We introduce and illustrate a new approach to measuring and mitigating unintended bias in machine learning models. Our definition of unintended bias is parameterized by a test set and a subset of input features. We illustrate how this can be used to evaluate text classifiers using a synthetic test set and a public corpus of comments annotated for toxicity from Wikipedia Talk pages. We also demonstrate how imbalances in training data can lead to unintended bias in the resulting models, and therefore potentially unfair applications. We use a set of common demographic identity terms as the subset of input features on which we measure bias. This technique permits analysis in the common scenario where demographic information on authors and readers is unavailable, so that bias mitigation must focus on the content of the text itself. The mitigation method we introduce is an unsupervised approach based on balancing the training dataset. We demonstrate that this approach reduces the unintended bias without compromising overall model quality View details
    Ex Machina: Personal attacks seen at scale
    Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (2017), pp. 1391-1399
    Preview abstract The damage personal attacks cause to online discourse motivates many platforms to try to curb the phenomenon. However, understanding the prevalence and impact of personal attacks in online platforms at scale remains surprisingly difficult. The contribution of this paper is to develop and illustrate a method that combines crowdsourcing and machine learning to analyze personal attacks at scale. We show an evaluation method for a classifier in terms of the aggregated number of crowd-workers it can approximate. We apply our methodology to English Wikipedia, generating a corpus of over 100k high quality human-labeled comments and 63M machine-labeled ones from a classifier that is as good as the aggregate of 3 crowd-workers, as measured by the area under the ROC curve and Spearman correlation. Using this corpus of machine-labeled scores, our methodology allows us to explore some of the open questions about the nature of online personal attacks. This reveals that the majority of personal attacks on Wikipedia are not the result of a few malicious users, nor primarily the consequence of allowing anonymous contributions from unregistered users. View details