Michael P Brenner

Michael P Brenner

Michael is an applied mathematician, interested in the interface between machine learning and science.
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    Alignment of brain embeddings and artificial contextual embeddings in natural language points to common geometric patterns
    Ariel Goldstein
    Avigail Grinstein-Dabush
    Haocheng Wang
    Zhuoqiao Hong
    Bobbi Aubrey
    Samuel A. Nastase
    Zaid Zada
    Eric Ham
    Harshvardhan Gazula
    Eliav Buchnik
    Werner Doyle
    Sasha Devore
    Patricia Dugan
    Roi Reichart
    Daniel Friedman
    Orrin Devinsky
    Adeen Flinker
    Uri Hasson
    Nature Communications (2024)
    Preview abstract Contextual embeddings, derived from deep language models (DLMs), provide a continuous vectorial representation of language. This embedding space differs fundamentally from the symbolic representations posited by traditional psycholinguistics. We hypothesize that language areas in the human brain, similar to DLMs, rely on a continuous embedding space to represent language. To test this hypothesis, we densely record the neural activity patterns in the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) of three participants using dense intracranial arrays while they listened to a 30-minute podcast. From these fine-grained spatiotemporal neural recordings, we derive a continuous vectorial representation for each word (i.e., a brain embedding) in each patient. We demonstrate that brain embeddings in the IFG and the DLM contextual embedding space have common geometric patterns using stringent zero-shot mapping. The common geometric patterns allow us to predict the brain embedding of a given left-out word in IFG based solely on its geometrical relationship to other nonoverlapping words in the podcast. Furthermore, we show that contextual embeddings better capture the geometry of IFG embeddings than static word embeddings. The continuous brain embedding space exposes a vector-based neural code for natural language processing in the human brain. View details
    Speech Intelligibility Classifiers from 550k Disordered Speech Samples
    Subhashini Venugopalan
    Katie Seaver
    Richard Cave
    Neil Zeghidour
    Rus Heywood
    Jordan Green
    ICASSP, Icassp submission. 2022(2023)
    Preview abstract We developed dysarthric speech intelligibility classifiers on 551,176 disordered speech samples contributed by a diverse set of 468 speakers, with a range of self-reported speaking disorders and rated for their overall intelligibility on a fivepoint scale. We trained three models following different deep learning approaches and evaluated them on ∼94K utterances from 100 speakers. We further found the models to generalize well (without further training) on the TORGO database (100% accuracy), UASpeech (0.93 correlation), ALS-TDI PMP (0.81 AUC) datasets as well as on a dataset of realistic unprompted speech we gathered (106 dysarthric and 76 control speakers, ∼2300 samples). View details
    Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models
    Ariel Goldstein
    Zaid Zada
    Eliav Buchnik
    Amy Price
    Bobbi Aubrey
    Samuel A. Nastase
    Harshvardhan Gazula
    Gina Choe
    Aditi Rao
    Catherine Kim
    Colton Casto
    Lora Fanda
    Werner Doyle
    Daniel Friedman
    Patricia Dugan
    Lucia Melloni
    Roi Reichart
    Sasha Devore
    Adeen Flinker
    Liat Hasenfratz
    Omer Levy,
    Kenneth A. Norman
    Orrin Devinsky
    Uri Hasson
    Nature Neuroscience(2022)
    Preview abstract Departing from traditional linguistic models, advances in deep learning have resulted in a new type of predictive (autoregressive) deep language models (DLMs). Using a self-supervised next-word prediction task, these models generate appropriate linguistic responses in a given context. In the current study, nine participants listened to a 30-min podcast while their brain responses were recorded using electrocorticography (ECoG). We provide empirical evidence that the human brain and autoregressive DLMs share three fundamental computational principles as they process the same natural narrative: (1) both are engaged in continuous next-word prediction before word onset; (2) both match their pre-onset predictions to the incoming word to calculate post-onset surprise; (3) both rely on contextual embeddings to represent words in natural contexts. Together, our findings suggest that autoregressive DLMs provide a new and biologically feasible computational framework for studying the neural basis of language. View details
    COVID-19 Open-Data: a global-scale spatially granular meta-dataset for coronavirus disease
    Oscar Wahltinez
    Aurora Cheung
    Ruth Alcantara
    Donny Cheung
    Mayank Daswani
    Anthony Erlinger
    Matt Lee
    Pranali Yawalkar
    Paula Lê
    Ofir Picazo Navarro
    Scientific Data(2022)
    Preview abstract This paper introduces the COVID-19 Open Dataset (COD), available at goo.gle/covid-19-open-data. A static copy is of the dataset is also available at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5399355. This is a very large “meta-dataset” of COVID-related data, containing epidemiological information, from 22,579 unique locations within 232 different countries and independent territories. For 62 of these countries we have state-level data, and for 23 of these countries we have county-level data. For 15 countries, COD includes cases and deaths stratified by age or sex. COD also contains information on hospitalizations, vaccinations, and other relevant factors such as mobility, non-pharmaceutical interventions and static demographic attributes. Each location is tagged with a unique identifier so that these different types of information can be easily combined. The data is automatically extracted from 121 different authoritative sources, using scalable open source software. This paper describes the format and construction of the dataset, and includes a preliminary statistical analysis of its content, revealing some interesting patterns. View details
    Context-Aware Abbreviation Expansion Using Large Language Models
    Subhashini Venugopalan
    Ajit Narayanan
    Meredith Ringel Morris
    Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022(2022) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Motivated by the need for accelerating text entry in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for people with severe motor impairments, we propose a paradigm in which phrases are abbreviated aggressively as primarily word-initial letters. Our approach is to expand the abbreviations into full-phrase options by leveraging conversation context with the power of pretrained large language models (LLMs). Through zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning experiments on four public conversation datasets, we show that for replies to the initial turn of a dialog, an LLM with 64B parameters is able to exactly expand over 70% of phrases with abbreviation length up to 10, leading to an effective keystroke saving rate of up to about 77% on these exact expansions. Including a small amount of context in the form of a single conversation turn more than doubles abbreviation expansion accuracies compared to having no context, an effect that is more pronounced for longer phrases. Additionally, the robustness of models against typo noise can be enhanced through fine-tuning on noisy data. View details
    A Machine-Learning Based Objective Measure for ALS disease progression
    Fernando Viera
    Subhashini Venugopalan
    Alan S Premasiri
    Maeve McNally
    Steven Perrin
    npj Digital Medicine(2022)
    Preview abstract Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease progression is usually measured using the subjective, questionnaire-based revised ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R). A purely objective measure for tracking disease progression would be a powerful tool for evaluating real-world drug effectiveness, efficacy in clinical trials, as well as identifying participants for cohort studies. Here we develop a machine learning based objective measure for ALS disease progression, based on voice samples and accelerometer measurements. The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS-TDI) collected a unique dataset of voice and accelerometer samples from consented individuals - 584 people living with ALS over four years. Participants carried out prescribed speaking and limb-based tasks. 542 participants contributed 5814 voice recordings, and 350 contributed 13009 accelerometer samples, while simultaneously measuring ALSFRS-R. Using the data from 475 participants, we trained machine learning (ML) models, correlating voice with bulbar-related FRS scores and accelerometer with limb related scores. On the test set (n=109 participants) the voice models achieved an AUC of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.847-0.884) , whereas the accelerometer models achieved a median AUC of 0.73 . We used the models and self-reported ALSFRS-R scores to evaluate the real-world effects of edaravone, a drug recently approved for use in ALS, on 54 test participants. In the test cohort, the digital data input into the ML models produced objective measures of progression rates over the duration of the study that were consistent with self-reported scores. This demonstrates the value of these tools for assessing both disease progression and potentially drug effects. In this instance, outcomes from edaravone treatment, both self-reported and digital-ML, resulted in highly variable outcomes from person to person. View details
    Preview abstract Automatic classification of disordered speech can provide an objective tool for identifying the presence and severity of a speech impairment. Classification approaches can also help identify hard-to-recognize speech samples to teach ASR systems about the variable manifestations of impaired speech. Here, we develop and compare different deep learning techniques to classify the intelligibility of disordered speech on selected phrases. We collected samples from a diverse set of 661 speakers with a variety of self-reported disorders speaking 29 words or phrases, which were rated by speech-language pathologists for their overall intelligibility using a five-point Likert scale. We then evaluated classifiers developed using 3 approaches: (1) a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained for the task, (2) classifiers trained on non-semantic speech representations from CNNs that used an unsupervised objective [1], and (3) classifiers trained on the acoustic (encoder) embeddings from an ASR system trained on typical speech [2]. We find that the ASR encoder’s embeddings considerably outperform the other two on detecting and classifying disordered speech. Further analysis shows that the ASR embeddings cluster speech by the spoken phrase, while the non-semantic embeddings cluster speech by speaker. Also, longer phrases are more indicative of intelligibility deficits than single words. View details
    Preview abstract Speech samples from over 1000 individuals with impaired speech have been submitted for Project Euphonia, aimed at improving automated speech recognition for atypical speech. We provide an update on the contents of the corpus, which recently passed 1 million utterances, and review key lessons learned from this project. The reasoning behind decisions such as phrase set composition, prompted vs extemporaneous speech, metadata and data quality efforts are explained based on findings from both technical and user-facing research. View details
    Preview abstract Objective. This study aimed to (1) evaluate the performance of personalized Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models on disordered speech samples representing a wide range of etiologies and speech severities, and (2) compare the accuracy of these models to that of speaker-independent ASR models developed on and for typical speech as well as expert human listeners. Methods. 432 individuals with self-reported disordered speech recorded at least 300 short phrases using a web-based application. Word error rates (WER) were computed using three different ASR models and expert human transcribers. Metadata were collected to evaluate the potential impact of participant, atypical speech, and technical factors on recognition accuracy. Results. The accuracy of personalized models for recognizing disordered speech was high (WER: 4.6%), and significantly better than speaker-independent models (WER: 31%). Personalized models also outperformed human transcribers (WER gain: 9%) with relative gains in accuracy as high as 80%. The most significant gain in recognition performance was for the most severely affected speakers. Low SNR and fewer training utterances adversely affected recognition even for speakers with mild speech impairments. Conclusions. Personalized ASR models have significant potential for improving communication for persons with impaired speech. View details
    Preview abstract Severe speech impairments limit the precision and range of producible speech sounds. As a result, generic automatic speech recognition (ASR) and keyword spotting (KWS) systems are unable to accurately recognize the utterances produced by individuals with severe speech impairments. This paper describes an approach in which simple speech sounds, namely isolated open vowels (e.g., /a/), are used in lieu of more motorically-demanding keywords. A neural network (NN) is trained to detect these isolated open vowels uttered by individuals with speech impairments against background noise. The NN is trained with a two-phase approach. The pre-training phase uses samples from unimpaired speakers along with samples of background noises and unrelated speech; then the fine-tuning stage uses samples of vowel samples collected from individuals with speech impairments. This model can be built into an experimental mobile app that allows users to activate preconfigured actions such as alerting caregivers. Preliminary user testing indicates the model has the potential to be a useful and flexible emergency communication channel for motor- and speech-impaired individuals. View details
    Machine learning accelerated computational fluid dynamics
    Ayya Alieva
    Dmitrii Kochkov
    Jamie Alexander Smith
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA(2021)
    Preview abstract Numerical simulation of fluids plays an essential role in modeling many physical phenomena, such as in weather, climate, aerodynamics and plasma physics. Fluids are well described by the Navier-Stokes equations, but solving these equations at scale remains daunting, limited by the computational cost of resolving the smallest spatiotemporal features. This leads to unfavorable trade-offs between accuracy and tractability. Here we use end-to-end deep learning to improve approximations inside computational fluid dynamics for modeling two dimensional turbulent flows. For both direct numerical simulation of turbulence and large eddy simulation, our results are as accurate as baseline solvers with 8-16x finer resolution in each spatial dimension, resulting in a 40-400x fold computational speedups. Our method remains stable during long simulations, and generalizes to forcing functions and Reynolds numbers outside of the flows where it is trained, in contrast to black box machine learning approaches. Our approach exemplifies how scientific computing can leverage machine learning and hardware accelerators to improve simulations without sacrificing accuracy or generalization. View details
    Scientific Discovery by Generating Counterfactuals using Image Translation
    Arununachalam Narayanaswamy
    Subhashini Venugopalan
    Lily Hao Yi Peng
    Dr. Paisan Raumviboonsuk
    Avinash Vaidyanathan Varadarajan
    Proceedings of MICCAI, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(2020)
    Preview abstract Visual recognition models are increasingly applied toscientific domains such as, drug studies and medical diag-noses, and model explanation techniques play a critical rolein understanding the source of a model’s performance andmaking its decisions transparent. In this work we investi-gate if explanation techniques can also be used as a mech-anism for scientific discovery. We make two contributions,first we propose a framework to convert predictions from ex-planation techniques to a mechanism of discovery. Secondwe show how generative models in combination with black-box predictors can be used to generate hypotheses (withouthuman priors) that can be critically examined. With thesetechniques we study classification models on retinal fundusimages predicting Diabetic Macular Edema (DME). Essen-tially deep convolutional models on 2D retinal fundus im-ages can do nearly as well as ophthalmologists looking at3D scans, making this an interesting case study of clinicalrelevance. Our work highlights that while existing expla-nation tools are useful, they do not necessarily provide acomplete answer. With the proposed framework we are ableto bridge the gap between model’s performance and humanunderstanding of the underlying mechanism which is of vi-tal scientific interest. View details
    Learning latent field dynamics of PDEs
    Alvaro Sanchez
    Dmitrii Kochkov
    Jamie Alexander Smith
    Peter Battaglia
    Tobias Joachim Pfaff
    NeurIPS 2020(2020)
    Preview abstract We present a new approach to learning surrogate models for simulation of complex physical systems described by partial differential equations. It aims to capture three features of PDEs: locality, time continuity and formation of elementary patterns in the solution by learning a local latent representation and corresponding time evolution. We show that this approach can be leveraged to obtain a class of low dimensional models that are competitive in accuracy and are faster at inference due to time evolution in the reduced representation. Additionally we demonstrate model generalization to larger system sizes without retraining and remark on the challenge of model comparison based on pointwise accuracy. View details
    Preview abstract Materials design enables technologies critical to humanity, including combating climate change with solar cells and batteries. Many properties of a material are determined by its atomic crystal structure. However, prediction of the atomic crystal structure for a given material's chemical formula is a long-standing grand challenge that remains a barrier in materials design. We investigate a data-driven approach to accelerating ab initio random structure search (AIRSS), a state-of-the-art method for crystal structure search. We build a novel dataset of random structure relaxations of Li-Si battery anode materials using high-throughput density functional theory calculations. We train graph neural networks to simulate relaxations of random structures. Our model is able to find an experimentally verified structure of Li15Si4 it was not trained on, and has potential for orders of magnitude speedup over AIRSS when searching large unit cells and searching over multiple chemical stoichiometries. Surprisingly, we find that data augmentation of adding Gaussian noise improves both the accuracy and out of domain generalization of our models. View details
    Learning data-driven discretizations for partial differential equations
    Yohai bar Sinai
    Jason Hickey
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(2019), pp. 201814058
    Preview abstract The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) is challenging because of the need to resolve spatiotemporal features over wide length- and timescales. Often, it is computationally intractable to resolve the finest features in the solution. The only recourse is to use approximate coarse-grained representations, which aim to accurately represent long-wavelength dynamics while properly accounting for unresolved small-scale physics. Deriving such coarse-grained equations is notoriously difficult and often ad hoc. Here we introduce data-driven discretization, a method for learning optimized approximations to PDEs based on actual solutions to the known underlying equations. Our approach uses neural networks to estimate spatial derivatives, which are optimized end to end to best satisfy the equations on a low-resolution grid. The resulting numerical methods are remarkably accurate, allowing us to integrate in time a collection of nonlinear equations in 1 spatial dimension at resolutions 4x to 8x coarser than is possible with standard finite-difference methods. View details
    It's easy to fool yourself: Case studies on identifying bias and confounding in bio-medical datasets
    Subhashini Venugopalan
    Arunachalam Narayanaswamy
    Anton Geraschenko
    Scott Lipnick
    Nina Makhortova
    James Hawrot
    Christine Marques
    Joao Pereira
    Lee Rubin
    Brian Wainger,
    NeurIPS LMRL workshop 2019(2019)
    Preview abstract Confounding variables are a well known source of nuisance in biomedical studies. They present an even greater challenge when we combine them with black-box machine learning techniques that operate on raw data. This work presents two case studies. In one, we discovered biases arising from systematic errors in the data generation process. In the other, we found a spurious source of signal unrelated to the prediction task at hand. In both cases, our prediction models performed well but under careful examination hidden confounders and biases were revealed. These are cautionary tales on the limits of using machine learning techniques on raw data from scientific experiments. View details
    Preview abstract Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have dramatically improved over the last few years. ASR systems are most often trained from ‘typical’ speech, which means that underrepresented groups don’t experience the same level of improvement. In this paper, we present and evaluate finetuning techniques to improve ASR for users with non standard speech. We focus on two types of non standard speech: speech from people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and accented speech. We train personalized models that achieve 62% and 35% relative WER improvement on these two groups, bringing the absolute WER for ALS speakers, on a test set of message bank phrases, to 10% for mild dysarthria and 20% for more serious dysarthria. We show that 76% of the improvement comes from only 5 min of training data. Finetuning a particular subset of layers (with many fewer parameters) often gives better results than finetuning the entire model. This is the first step towards building state of the art ASR models for dysarthric speech Index Terms: speech recognition, personalization, accessibility View details
    Using attribution to decode binding mechanism in neural network models for chemistry
    Ankur Taly
    Federico Monti
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(2019), pp. 201820657
    Preview abstract Deep neural networks have achieved state of the art accuracy at classifying molecules with respect to whether they bind to specific protein targets. A key breakthrough would occur if these models could reveal the fragment pharmacophores that are causally involved in binding. Extracting chemical details of binding from the networks could potentially lead to scientific discoveries about the mechanisms of drug actions. But doing so requires shining light into the black box that is the trained neural network model, a task that has proved difficult across many domains. Here we show how the binding mechanism learned by deep neural network models can be interrogated, using a recently described attribution method. We first work with carefully constructed synthetic datasets, in which the 'fragment logic' of binding is fully known. We find that networks that achieve perfect accuracy on held out test datasets still learn spurious correlations due to biases in the datasets, and we are able to exploit this non-robustness to construct adversarial examples that fool the model. The dataset bias makes these models unreliable for accurately revealing information about the mechanisms of protein-ligand binding. In light of our findings, we prescribe a test that checks for dataset bias given a hypothesis. If the test fails, it indicates that either the model must be simplified or regularized and/or that the training dataset requires augmentation. View details
    Collagen-inspired self-assembly of twisted filaments
    MJ Falk,
    A Duwel,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., 123(2019), pp. 238102
    Preview abstract Collagen consists of three peptides twisted together through a periodic array of hydrogen bonds. Here we use this as inspiration to find design rules for programmed specific interactions for self-assembling synthetic collagen like triple helices, starting from disordered configurations. The assembly generically nucleates defects in the triple helix, the characteristics of which can be manipulated by spatially varying the enthalpy of helix formation. Defect formation slows assembly, evoking kinetic pathologies that have been observed to mutations in the primary collagen amino acid sequence. The controlled formation and interaction between defects gives a route for hierarchical self-assembly of bundles of twisted filaments. View details
    A polymer physics framework for the entropy of arbitrary pseudoknots
    Ofer Kimchi
    Tristan Cragnolini
    Biophysical Journal, 117(2019), pp. 520-532
    Preview abstract The accurate prediction of RNA secondary structure from primary sequence has had enormous impact on research from the past 40 years. Although many algorithms are available to make these predictions, the inclusion of non-nested loops, termed pseudoknots, still poses challenges arising from two main factors: 1) no physical model exists to estimate the loop entropies of complex intramolecular pseudoknots, and 2) their NP-complete enumeration has impeded their study. Here, we address both challenges. First, we develop a polymer physics model that can address arbitrarily complex pseudoknots using only two parameters corresponding to concrete physical quantities—over an order of magnitude fewer than the sparsest state-of-the-art phenomenological methods. Second, by coupling this model to exhaustive enumeration of the set of possible structures, we compute the entire free energy landscape of secondary structures resulting from a primary RNA sequence. We demonstrate that for RNA structures of ∼80 nucleotides, with minimal heuristics, the complete enumeration of possible secondary structures can be accomplished quickly despite the NP-complete nature of the problem. We further show that despite our loop entropy model’s parametric sparsity, it performs better than or on par with previously published methods in predicting both pseudoknotted and non-pseudoknotted structures on a benchmark data set of RNA structures of ≤80 nucleotides. We suggest ways in which the accuracy of the model can be further improved. View details