Manish Purohit

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    Linear Elastic Caching via Ski Rental
    Todd Lipcon
    The biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (2025)
    Preview abstract In this work we study the Linear Elastic Caching problem, where the goal is to minimize the total cost of a cache inclusive of not just its misses, but also its memory footprint integrated over time. We demonstrate a theoretical connection to the classic ski rental problem and propose a practical algorithm that combines online caching algorithms with ski rental policies. We also introduce a lightweight machine learning-based algorithm for ski rental that is optimized for production workloads and is easy to integrate within existing database systems. Evaluations on both production workloads in Google Spanner and publicly available traces show that the proposed elastic caching approach can significantly reduce the total cache cost compared to traditional fixed-size cache policies. View details
    Preview abstract We study the joint optimization problem of pricing trips in a transportation network and serving the induced demands by routing a fleet of available service vehicles to maximize revenue. Our framework encompasses applications that include traditional transportation networks (e.g., airplanes, buses) and their more modern counterparts (e.g., ride-sharing systems). We describe a simple combinatorial model, in which each edge in the network is endowed with a curve that gives the demand for traveling between its endpoints at any given price. We are supplied with a number of vehicles and a time budget to serve the demands induced by the prices that we set, seeking to maximize revenue. We first focus on a (preliminary) special case of our model with unit distances and unit time horizon. We show that this version of the problem can be solved optimally in polynomial time. Switching to the general case of our model, we first present a two-stage approach that separately optimizes for prices and routes, achieving a logarithmic approximation to revenue in the process. Next, using the insights gathered in the first two results, we present a constant factor approximation algorithm that jointly optimizes for prices and routes for the supply vehicles. Finally, we discuss how our algorithms can handle capacitated vehicles, impatient demands, and selfish (wage-maximizing) drivers. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper we introduce the hiring under uncertainty problem to model the questions faced by hiring committees in large enterprises and universities alike. Given a set of $n$ eligible candidates, the decision maker needs to choose the sequence of candidates to make offers so as to hire the $k$ best candidates. However, candidates may choose to reject an offer (for instance, due to a competing offer) and the decision maker has a time limit by which all positions must be filled. Given an estimate of the probabilities of acceptance for each candidate, the hiring under uncertainty problem is to design a strategy of making offers so that the total expected value of all candidates hired by the time limit is maximized. View details
    Near Optimal Coflow Scheduling in Networks
    Mosharaf Chowdhury
    Samir Khuller
    Sheng Yang
    Jie You
    SPAA (2019) (to appear)
    Preview abstract The Coflow scheduling problem has emerged as a popular abstraction in the last few years to study data communication problems within a data center. In this basic framework, each coflow has a set of communication demands and the goal is to schedule many coflows in a manner that minimizes the total weighted completion time. A coflow is said to complete when all its communication needs are met. This problem has been extremely well studied for the case of complete bipartite graphs that model a data center with full bisection bandwidth and several approximation algorithms and effective heuristics have been proposed recently. In this work, we study a slightly different model of coflow scheduling in general graphs (to capture traffic between datacenters) and develop practical and efficient approximation algorithms for it. Our main result is a randomized 2 approximation algorithm for the single path and free path model, significantly improving prior work. In addition, we demonstrate via extensive experiments that the algorithm is practical, easy to implement and performs well in practice. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper we introduce the semi-online model that generalizes the classical online computational model. The semi-online model postulates that the unknown future has a predictable part and an adversarial part; these parts can be arbitrarily interleaved. An algorithm in this model operates as in the standard online model, i.e., makes an irrevocable decision at each step. We consider bipartite matching in the semi-online model. Our main contributions are competitive algorithms for this problem and a near-matching hardness bound. The competitive ratio of the algorithms nicely interpolates between the truly offline setting (i.e., no adversarial part) and the truly online setting (i.e., no predictable part). View details
    Preview abstract In this work we study the problem of using machine-learned predictions to improve performance of online algorithms. We consider two classical problems, ski rental and non-clairvoyant job scheduling, and obtain new online algorithms that use predictions to make their decisions. These algorithms are oblivious to the performance of the predictor, improve with better predictions, but do not degrade much if the predictions are poor. View details