John Hershey

John Hershey

I am a researcher in Google AI Perception in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I lead a research team in the area of speech and audio machine perception. Prior to Google I spent seven years leading the speech and audio research team at MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs), and five years at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Center in New York, where I led a team of researchers in noise-robust speech recognition. I also spent a year as a visiting researcher in the speech group at Microsoft Research in 2004, after obtaining my Ph D from UCSD. Over the years I have contributed to more than 100 publications and over 30 patents in the areas of machine perception, speech and audio processing, audio-visual machine perception, speech recognition, and natural language understanding.
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    Preview abstract We present TokenSplit, a speech separation model that acts on discrete token sequences. The model is trained on multiple tasks simultaneously: separate and transcribe each speech source, and generate speech from text. The model operates on transcripts and audio token sequences and achieves multiple tasks through masking of inputs. The model is a sequence-to-sequence encoder-decoder model that uses the Transformer architecture. We also present a "refinement" version of the model that predicts enhanced audio tokens from the audio tokens of speech separated by a conventional separation model. Using both objective metrics and subjective MUSHRA listening tests, we show that our model achieves excellent performance in terms of separation, both with or without transcript conditioning. We also measure the automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance and provide audio samples of speech synthesis to demonstrate the additional utility of our model. View details
    Preview abstract We introduce AudioScopeV2, a state-of-the-art universal audio-visual on-screen sound separation system which is capable of learning to separate sounds and associate them with on-screen objects by looking at in-the-wild videos. We identify several limitations of previous work on audio-visual on-screen sound separation, including the coarse resolution of spatio-temporal attention, poor convergence of the audio separation model, limited variety in training and evaluation data, and failure to account for the trade off between preservation of on-screen sounds and suppression of off-screen sounds. We provide solutions to all of these issues. Our proposed cross-modal and self-attention network architectures capture audio-visual dependencies at a finer resolution over time, and we also propose efficient separable variants that are capable of scaling to longer videos without sacrificing much performance. We also find that pre-training the separation model only on audio greatly improves results. For training and evaluation, we collected new human annotations of onscreen sounds from a large database of in-the-wild videos (YFCC100M). This new dataset is more diverse and challenging. Finally, we propose a calibration procedure that allows exact tuning of on-screen reconstruction versus off-screen suppression, which greatly simplifies comparing performance between models with different operating points. Overall, our experimental results show marked improvements in on-screen separation performance under much more general conditions than previous methods with minimal additional computational complexity. View details
    Preview abstract This paper addresses the problem of species classification in bird song recordings. The massive amount of available field recordings of birds presents an opportunity to use machine learning to automatically track bird populations. However, it also poses a problem: such field recordings typically contain significant environmental noise and overlapping vocalizations that interfere with classification. The widely available training datasets for species identification also typically leave background species unlabeled. This leads classifiers to ignore vocalizations with a low signal-to-noise ratio. However, recent advances in unsupervised sound separation, such as mixture invariant training (MixIT), enable high quality separation of bird songs to be learned from such noisy recordings. In this paper, we demonstrate improved separation quality when training a MixIT model specifically for birdsong data, outperforming a general audio separation model by over 5 dB in SI-SNR improvement of reconstructed mixtures. We also demonstrate precision improvements with a downstream multi-species bird classifier across three independent datasets. The best classifier performance is achieved by taking the maximum model activations over the separated channels and original audio. Finally, we document additional classifier improvements, including taxonomic classification, augmentation by random low-pass filters, and additional channel normalization. View details
    Preview abstract The recently-proposed mixture invariant training (MixIT) is an unsupervised method for training single-channel sound separation models in the sense that it does not require ground-truth isolated reference sources. In this paper, we investigate using MixIT to adapt a separation model on real far-field overlapping reverberant and noisy speech data from the AMI Corpus. The models are tested on real AMI recordings containing overlapping speech, and are evaluated subjectively by human listeners. To objectively evaluate our models, we also devise a synthetic AMI test set. For human evaluations on real recordings, we also propose a modification of the standard MUSHRA protocol to handle imperfect reference signals, which we call MUSHIRA. Holding network architectures constant, we find that a fine-tuned semi-supervised model yields the largest SI-SNR improvement, PESQ scores, and human listening ratings across synthetic and real datasets, outperforming unadapted generalist models trained on orders of magnitude more data. Our results show that unsupervised learning through MixIT enables model adaptation on real-world unlabeled spontaneous speech recordings. View details
    Preview abstract For the task of audio-visual on-screen sound separation, we illustrate the importance of using evaluation sets that includes not only positive examples (videos with on-screen sounds), but also negative examples (videos that only contain off-screen sounds). Given an evaluation set that includes such examples, we provide metrics and a calibration procedure to allow fair comparison of different models with a single metric, which is analogous to calibrating binary classifiers to achieve a desired false alarm rate. In addition, we propose a method of probing on-screen sound separation models by masking objects in input video frames. Using this method, we probe the sensitivity of our recently-proposed AudioScopeV2 model, and discover that its robustness to removing on-screen sound objects is improved by providing supervised examples in training. View details
    Preview abstract This work introduces sequential neural beamforming, which alternates between neural network based spectral separation and beamforming based spatial separation. Our neural networks for separation use an advanced convolutional architecture trained with a novel stabilized signal-to-noise ratio loss function. For beamforming, we explore multiple ways of computing time-varying covariance matrices, including factorizing the spatial covariance into a time-varying amplitude component and a time-invariant spatial component, as well as using block-based techniques. In addition, we introduce a multi-frame beamforming method which improves the results significantly by adding contextual frames to the beamforming formulations. We extensively evaluate and analyze the effects of window size, block size, and multi-frame context size for these methods. Our best method utilizes a sequence of three neural separation and multiframe time-invariant spatial beamforming stages, and demonstrates an average improvement of 2.75 dB in scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio and 14.2% absolute reduction in a comparative speech recognition metric across four challenging reverberant speech enhancement and separation tasks. We also use our three-speaker separation model to separate real recordings in the LibriCSS evaluation set into non-overlapping tracks, and achieve a better word error rate as compared to a baseline mask based beamformer. View details
    Preview abstract Real-world sound scenes consist of time-varying collections of sound sources, each generating characteristic sound events that are mixed together in audio recordings. The association of these constituent sound events with their mixture and each other is semantically-constrained: the sound scene contains the union of source classes and not all classes naturally co-occur. With this motivation, this paper explores the use of unsupervised automatic sound separation to decompose unlabeled sound scenes into multiple semantically-linked views for use in self-supervised contrastive learning. We find that learning to associate input mixtures with their automatically separated outputs yields stronger representations than past approaches that use the mixtures alone. Further, we discover that optimal source separation is not required for successful contrastive learning by demonstrating that a range of separation system convergence states all lead to useful and often complementary example transformations. Our best system incorporates these unsupervised separation models into a single augmentation front-end and jointly optimizes similarity maximization and coincidence prediction objectives across the views. The result is an unsupervised audio representation that rivals state-of-the-art alternatives on the established shallow AudioSet classification benchmark. View details
    Sparse, Efficient, and Semantic MixIT: Taming In-the-Wild Unsupervised Sound Separation
    Hakan Erdogan
    Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)(2021)
    Preview abstract Supervised neural network training has led to significant progress on single-channel sound separation. This approach relies on ground truth isolated sources, which precludes scaling to widely available mixture data and limits progress on open-domain tasks. The recent mixture invariant training (MixIT) method enables training on in-the-wild data; however, it suffers from two outstanding problems. First, it produces models which tend to over-separate, producing more output sources than are present in the input. Second, the exponential computational complexity of the MixIT loss limits the number of feasible output sources. In this paper we address both issues. To combat over-separation we introduce new losses: sparsity losses that favor fewer output sources and a covariance loss that discourages correlated outputs. We also experiment with a semantic classification loss by predicting weak class labels for each mixture. To handle larger numbers of sources, we introduce an efficient approximation using a fast least-squares solution, projected onto the MixIT constraint set. Our experiments show that the proposed losses curtail over-separation and improve overall performance. The best performance is achieved using larger numbers of output sources, enabled by our efficient MixIT loss, combined with sparsity losses to prevent over-separation. On the FUSS test set, we achieve over 13 dB in multi-source SI-SNR improvement, while boosting single-source reconstruction SI-SNR by over 17 dB. View details
    What's All the FUSS About Free Universal Sound Separation Data?
    Hakan Erdogan
    Dan Ellis
    Romain Serizel
    Nicolas Turpault
    Eduardo Fonseca
    Justin Salamon
    Prem Seetharaman
    ICASSP 2021
    Preview abstract We introduce the Free Universal Sound Separation (FUSS) dataset, a new corpus for experiments in separating mixtures of an unknown number of sounds from an open domain of sound types. The dataset consists of 23 hours of single-source audio data drawn from 357 classes, which are used to create mixtures of one to four sources. To simulate reverberation, an acoustic room simulator is used to generate impulse responses of box shaped rooms with frequency-dependent reflective walls. Additional open-source data augmentation tools are also provided to produce new mixtures with different combinations of sources and room simulations. Finally, we introduce an open-source baseline separation model, based on an improved time-domain convolutional network (TDCN++), that can separate a variable number of sources in a mixture. This model achieves 9.8 dB of scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio improvement (SI-SNRi) on mixtures with two to four sources, while reconstructing single-source inputs with 35.5 dB absolute SI-SNR. We hope this dataset will lower the barrier to new research and allow for fast iteration and application of novel techniques from other machine learning domains to the sound separation challenge. View details
    Preview abstract Recent progress in deep learning has enabled many advances in sound separation and visual scene understanding. However, extracting sound sources which are apparent in natural videos remains an open problem. In this work, we present AudioScope, a novel audio-visual sound separation framework that can be trained without supervision to isolate on-screen sound sources from real in-the-wild videos. Prior audio-visual separation work assumed artificial limitations on the domain of sound classes (e.g., to speech or music), constrained the number of sources, and required strong sound separation or visual segmentation labels. AudioScope overcomes these limitations, operating on an open domain of sounds, with variable numbers of sources, and without labels or prior visual segmentation. The training procedure for AudioScope uses mixture invariant training (MixIT) to separate synthetic mixtures of mixtures (MoMs) into individual sources, where noisy labels for mixtures are provided by an unsupervised audio-visual coincidence model. Using the noisy labels, along with attention between video and audio features, AudioScope learns to identify audio-visual similarity and to suppress off-screen sounds. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using a dataset of video clips extracted from open-domain YFCC100m video data. This dataset contains a wide diversity of sound classes recorded in unconstrained conditions, making the application of previous methods unsuitable. For evaluation and semi-supervised experiments, we collected human labels for presence of on-screen and off-screen sounds on a small subset of clips. View details
    Preview abstract Combinations of a trainable filterbank and a mask prediction network is a strong framework in single-channel speech enhancement (SE). Since the denoising performance and computational efficiency are mainly affected by the structure of the mask prediction network, we aim to improve this network. In this study, by focusing on a similarity between the structure of Conv-TasNet and Conformer, we integrate the Conformer into SE as a mask prediction network to benefit its powerful sequential modeling ability. To improve the computational complexity and local sequential modeling, we extend the Conformer using linear complexity attention and stacked 1-D dilated depthwise convolution layers. Experimental results show that (i) the use of linear complexity attention avoids high computational complexity, and (ii) our model achieves higher scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio than the improved time-dilated convolution network (TDCN++), an extended version of Conv-TasNet. View details
    Preview abstract In recent years, rapid progress has been made on the problem of single-channel sound separation using supervised training of deep neural networks. In such supervised approaches, a model is trained to predict the component sources from synthetic mixtures created by adding up isolated ground-truth sources. Reliance on this synthetic training data is problematic because good performance depends upon the degree of match between the training data and real-world audio, especially in terms of the acoustic conditions and distribution of sources. The acoustic properties can be challenging to accurately simulate, and the distribution of sound types may be hard to replicate. In this paper, we propose a completely unsupervised method, mixture invariant training (MixIT), that requires only single-channel acoustic mixtures. In MixIT, training examples are constructed by mixing together existing mixtures, and the model separates them into a variable number of latent sources, such that the separated sources can be remixed to approximate the original mixtures. We show that MixIT can achieve competitive performance compared to supervised methods on speech separation. Using MixIT in a semi-supervised learning setting enables unsupervised domain adaptation and learning from large amounts of real world data without ground-truth source waveforms. In particular, we significantly improve reverberant speech separation performance by incorporating reverberant mixtures, train a speech enhancement system from noisy mixtures, and improve universal sound separation by incorporating a large amount of in-the-wild data. View details
    Preview abstract Deep learning approaches have recently achieved impressive performance on both audio source separation and sound classification. Most audio source separation approaches focus only on separating sources belonging to a restricted domain of source classes, such as speech and music. However, recent work has demonstrated the possibility of "universal sound separation", which aims to separate acoustic sources from an open domain, regardless of their class. In this paper, we utilize the semantic information learned by sound classifier networks trained on a vast amount of diverse sounds to improve universal sound separation. In particular, we show that semantic embeddings extracted from a sound classifier can be used to condition a separation network, providing it with useful additional information. This approach is especially useful in an iterative setup, where source estimates from an initial separation stage and their corresponding classifier-derived embeddings are fed to a second separation network. By performing a thorough hyperparameter search consisting of over a thousand experiments, we find that classifier embeddings from oracle clean sources provide nearly one dB of SNR gain, and our best iterative models achieve a significant fraction of this oracle performance, establishing a new state-of-the-art for universal sound separation. View details
    Preview abstract Recent progress in deep learning has enabled many advances in sound separation and visual scene understanding. However, extracting sound sources which are apparent in natural videos remains an open problem. In this work, we present AudioScope, a novel audio-visual sound separation framework that can be trained without supervision to isolate on-screen sound sources from real in-the-wild videos. Prior audio-visual separation work assumed artificial limitations on the domain of sound classes (e.g., to speech or music), constrained the number of sources, and required strong sound separation or visual segmentation labels. AudioScope overcomes these limitations, operating on an open domain of sounds, with variable numbers of sources, and without labels or prior visual segmentation. The training procedure for AudioScope uses mixture invariant training (MixIT) to separate synthetic mixtures of mixtures (MoMs) into individual sources, where noisy labels for mixtures are provided by an unsupervised audio-visual coincidence model. Using the noisy labels, along with attention between video and audio features, AudioScope learns to identify audio-visual similarity and to suppress off-screen sounds. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using a dataset of video clips extracted from open-domain YFCC100m video data. This dataset contains a wide diversity of sound classes recorded in unconstrained conditions, making the application of previous methods unsuitable. For evaluation and semi-supervised experiments, we collected human labels for presence of on-screen and off-screen sounds on a small subset of clips. View details
    Preview abstract Supervised approaches to single-channel speech separation rely on synthetic mixtures, so that the individual sources can be used as targets. Good performance depends upon how well the synthetic mixture data match real mixtures. However, matching synthetic data to the acoustic properties and distribution of sounds in a target domain can be challenging. Instead, we propose an unsupervised method that requires only singlechannel acoustic mixtures, without ground-truth source signals. In this method, existing mixtures are mixed together to form a mixture of mixtures, which the model separates into latent sources. We propose a novel loss that allows the latent sources to be remixed to approximate the original mixtures. Experiments show that this method can achieve competitive performance on speech separation compared to supervised methods. In a semisupervised learning setting, our method enables domain adaptation by incorporating unsupervised mixtures from a matched domain. In particular, we demonstrate that significant improvement to reverberant speech separation performance can be achieved by incorporating reverberant mixtures. View details
    Preview abstract A range of new technologies have the potential to help people, whether traditionally considered hearing impaired or not. These technologies include more sophisticated personal sound amplification products, as well as real-time speech enhancement and speech recognition. They can improve user’s communication abilities, but these new approaches require new ways to describe their success and allow engineers to optimize their properties. Speech recognition systems are often optimized using the word-error rate, but when the results are presented in real time, user interface issues become a lot more important than conventional measures of auditory performance. For example, there is a tradeoff between minimizing recognition time (latency) by quickly displaying results versus disturbing the user’s cognitive flow by rewriting the results on the screen when the recognizer later needs to change its decisions. This article describes current, new, and future directions for helping billions of people with their hearing. These new technologies bring auditory assistance to new users, especially to those in areas of the world without access to professional medical expertise. In the short term, audio enhancement technologies in inexpensive mobile forms, devices that are quickly becoming necessary to navigate all aspects of our lives, can bring better audio signals to many people. Alternatively, current speech recognition technology may obviate the need for audio amplification or enhancement at all and could be useful for listeners with normal hearing or with hearing loss. With new and dramatically better technology based on deep neural networks, speech enhancement improves the signal to noise ratio, and audio classifiers can recognize sounds in the user’s environment. Both use deep neural networks to improve a user’s experiences. Longer term, auditory attention decoding is expected to allow our devices to understand where a user is directing their attention and thus allow our devices to respond better to their needs. In all these cases, the technologies turn the hearing assistance problem on its head, and thus require new ways to measure their performance. View details
    Universal Sound Separation
    Ilya Kavalerov
    Hakan Erdogan
    Jonathan Le Roux
    IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)(2019)
    Preview abstract Recent deep learning approaches have achieved impressive performance on speech enhancement and separation tasks. However, these approaches have not been investigated for separating mixtures of arbitrary sounds of different types, a task we refer to as universal sound separation, and it is unknown whether performance on speech tasks carries over to non-speech tasks. To study this question, we develop a universal dataset of mixtures containing arbitrary sounds, and use it to investigate the space of mask-based separation architectures, varying both the overall network architecture and the framewise analysis-synthesis basis for signal transformations. These network architectures include convolutional long short-term memory networks and time-dilated convolution stacks inspired by the recent success of time-domain enhancement networks like ConvTasNet. For the latter architecture, we also propose novel modifications that further improve separation performance. In terms of the framewise analysis-synthesis basis, we explore using either a short-time Fourier transform (STFT) or a learnable basis, as used in ConvTasNet, and for both of these bases, we examine the effect of window size. In particular, for STFTs, we find that longer windows (25-50 ms) work best for speech/non-speech separation, while shorter windows (2.5 ms) work best for arbitrary sounds. For learnable bases, shorter windows (2.5 ms) work best on all tasks. Surprisingly, for universal sound separation, STFTs outperform learnable bases. Our best methods produce an improvement in scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio of over 13 dB for speech/non-speech separation and close to 10 dB for universal sound separation. View details
    Differentiable Consistency Constraints for Improved Deep Speech Enhancement
    Jeremy Thorpe
    Michael Chinen
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(2019)
    Preview abstract In recent years, deep networks have led to dramatic improvements in speech enhancement by framing it as a data-driven pattern recognition problem. In many modern enhancement systems, large amounts of data are used to train a deep network to estimate masks for complex-valued short-time Fourier transforms (STFTs) to suppress noise and preserve speech. However, current masking approaches often neglect two important constraints: STFT consistency and mixture consistency. Without STFT consistency, the system’s output is not necessarily the STFT of a time-domain signal, and without mixture consistency, the sum of the estimated sources does not necessarily equal the input mixture. Furthermore, the only previous approaches that apply mixture consistency use real-valued masks; mixture consistency has been ignored for complex-valued masks. In this paper, we show that STFT consistency and mixture consistency can be jointly imposed by adding simple differentiable projection layers to the enhancement network. These layers are compatible with real or complex-valued masks. Using both of these constraints with complex-valued masks provides a 0.7 dB increase in scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio (SI-SDR) on a large dataset of speech corrupted by a wide variety of nonstationary noise across a range of input SNRs. View details
    SDR -- Half-Baked or Well Done?
    Jonathan Le Roux
    Hakan Erdogan
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing(2019) (to appear)
    Preview abstract In speech enhancement and source separation, signal-to-noise ratio is a ubiquitous objective measure of denoising/separation quality. A decade ago, the BSS eval toolkit was developed to give researchers worldwide a way to evaluate the quality of their algorithms in a simple, fair, and hopefully insightful way: it attempted to account for channel variations, and to not only evaluate the total distortion in the estimated signal but also split it in terms of various factors such as remaining interference, newly added artifacts, and channel errors. In recent years, hundreds of papers have been relying on this toolkit to evaluate their proposed methods and compare them to previous works, often arguing that differences on the order of 0.1 dB proved the effectiveness of a method over others. We argue here that the signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) implemented in the BSS eval toolkit has generally been improperly used and abused, especially in the case of single-channel separation, resulting in misleading results. We propose to use a slightly modified definition, resulting in a simpler, more robust measure, called scale-invariant SDR (SI-SDR). We present various examples of critical failure of the original SDR that SI-SDR overcomes. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we present a novel system that separates the voice of a target speaker from multi-speaker signals, by making use of a reference signal from the target speaker. We achieve this by training two separate neural networks: (1) A speaker recognition network that produces speaker-discriminative embeddings; (2) A spectrogram masking network that takes both noisy spectrogram and speaker embedding as input, and produces a mask. Our system significantly reduces the speech recognition WER on multi-speaker signals, with minimal WER degradation on single-speaker signals. View details
    Jeremy Thorpe
    Michael Chinen
    Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement(2018)
    Preview abstract We explore a variety of configurations of neural networks for one- and two-channel spectrogram-mask-based speech enhancement. Our best model improves on state-of-the-art performance on the CHiME2 speech enhancement task. We examine trade-offs among non-causal lookahead, compute work, and parameter count versus enhancement performance and find that zero-lookahead models can achieve, on average, only 0.5 dB worse performance than our best bidirectional model. Further, we find that 200 milliseconds of lookahead is sufficient to achieve performance within about 0.2 dB from our best bidirectional model. View details
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