Félix de Chaumont Quitry

Félix de Chaumont Quitry

Authored Publications
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    Disentangling speech from surroundings with neural embeddings
    Malcolm Slaney
    Marco Tagliasacchi
    Neil Zeghidour
    Zalán Borsos
    ICASSP 2023 (2023)
    Preview abstract We present a method to separate speech signals from noisy environments in the embedding space of a neural audio codec. We introduce a new training procedure that allows our model to produce structured encodings of audio waveforms given by embedding vectors, where one part of the embedding vector represents the speech signal, and the rest represent the environment. We achieve this by partitioning the embeddings of different input waveforms and training the model to faithfully reconstruct audio from mixed partitions, thereby ensuring each partition encodes a separate audio attribute. As use cases, we demonstrate the separation of speech from background noise or from reverberation characteristics. Our method also allows for targeted adjustments of the audio output characteristics. View details
    Pre-training audio representations with self-supervision
    Dominik Roblek
    Marco Tagliasacchi
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 27 (2020), pp. 600-604
    Preview abstract We explore self-supervision as a way to learn general purpose audio representations. Specifically, we propose two self-supervised tasks: Audio2Vec, which aims at reconstructing a spectrogram slice from past and future slices and TemporalGap, which estimates the distance between two short audio segments extracted at random from the same audio clip. We evaluate how the representations learned via self-supervision transfer to different downstream tasks, either training a task-specific linear classifier on top of the pretrained embeddings, or fine-tuning a model end-to-end for each downstream task. Our results show that the representations learned with Audio2Vec transfer better than those learned by fully-supervised training on Audioset. In addition, by fine-tuning Audio2Vec representations it is possible to outperform fully-supervised models trained from scratch on each task, when limited data is available, thus improving label efficiency. View details
    Multi-Task Adapters for On-Device Audio Inference
    Dominik Roblek
    Marco Tagliasacchi
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 27, pp. 630-634
    Preview abstract The deployment of deep networks on mobile devices requires to efficiently use the scarce computational resources, expressed as either available memory or computing cost. When addressing multiple tasks simultaneously, it is extremely important to share resources across tasks, especially when they all consume the same input data, e.g., audio samples captured by the on-board microphones. In this paper we propose a multi-task model architecture that consists of a shared encoder and multiple task-specific adapters. During training, we learn the model parameters as well as the allocation of the task-specific additional resources across both tasks and layers. A global tuning parameter can be used to obtain different multi-task network configurations finding the desired trade-off between cost and the level of accuracy across tasks. Our results show that this solution significantly outperforms a multi-head model baseline. Interestingly, we observe that the optimal resource allocation depends on both the task intrinsic characteristics as well as on the targeted cost measure (e.g., memory or computing cost). View details
    Preview abstract The ultimate goal of transfer learning is to enable learning with a small amount of data, by using a strong embedding. While significant progress has been made in the visual and language domains, the speech domain does not have such a universal method. This paper presents a new representation of speech signals based on an unsupervised triplet-loss objective, which outperforms both existing state of the art and other representations on a number of transfer learning tasks in the non-semantic speech domain. The embedding is learned on a publicly available dataset, and it is tested on a variety of low-resource downstream tasks, including personalization tasks and medical domain. The model will be publicly released. View details
    Preview abstract This paper describes a new technique to automatically obtain large high-quality training speech corpora for acoustic modeling. Traditional approaches select utterances based on confidence thresholds and other heuristics. We propose instead to use an ensemble approach: we transcribe each utterance using several recognizers, and only keep those on which they agree. The recognizers we use are trained on data from different dialects of the same language, and this diversity leads them to make different mistakes in transcribing speech utterances. In this work we show, however, that when they agree, this is an extremely strong signal that the transcript is correct. This allows us to produce automatically transcribed speech corpora that are superior in transcript correctness even to those manually transcribed by humans. Further more, we show that using the produced semi-supervised data sets, we can train new acoustic models which outperform those trained solely on previously available data sets. View details
    Preview abstract This paper describes a series of experiments to extend the application of Context-Dependent (CD) long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNNs) trained with Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) and sMBR loss. Our experiments, on a noisy, reverberant voice search task, include training with alternative pronunciations and the application to child speech recognition; combination of multiple models, and convolutional input layers. We also investigate the latency of CTC models and show that constraining forward-backward alignment in training can reduce the delay for a real-time streaming speech recognition system. Finally we investigate transferring knowledge from one network to another through alignments View details