CVPR 2023

Google at CVPR 2023

June 18, 2023 to June 22, 2023 • Vancouver, British Columbia

Google at CVPR 2023

This week marks the beginning of the premier annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference (CVPR 2023), held in-person in Vancouver, BC (with additional virtual content). As a leader in computer vision research and a Platinum Sponsor, Google Research will have a strong presence across CVPR 2023 with ~90 papers being presented at the main conference and active involvement in over 40 conference workshops and tutorials.

If you are attending CVPR this year, please stop by our booth to chat with our researchers who are actively exploring the latest techniques for application to various areas of machine perception. Our researchers will also be available to talk about and demo several recent efforts, including on-device ML applications with MediaPipe, strategies for differential privacy, neural radiance field technologies and much more.

You can also learn more about our research being presented at CVPR 2023 in the list below (Google affiliations in bold).