Mixed-Signal Charge-Domain Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks through Interleaved Bit-Partitioned Arithmetic
Albeit low-power, mixed-signal circuitry suffers from significant overhead of Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion, limited range for
information encoding, and susceptibility to noise. This paper aims to address these challenges by offering and leveraging the following mathematical insight regarding vector dot-product—the basic operator in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). This operator can be reformulated as a wide regrouping of spatially parallel low-bitwidth calculations that are interleaved across the bit partitions of multiple elements of the vectors. As such, the computational building block of our accelerator becomes a wide bit-interleaved analog vector unit comprising a collection of low-bitwidth multiply-accumulate modules that operate in the analog domain and share a single A/D converter (ADC). This bit-partitioning results in a lower-resolution ADC while the wide regrouping alleviates the need for A/D conversion per operation, amortizing its cost across multiple bit-partitions of the vector elements. Moreover, the low-bitwidth modules require smaller encoding range and also provide larger margins for noise mitigation. We also utilize the switched-capacitor design for our bit-level reformulation of DNN operations. The proposed switched-capacitor circuitry performs the regrouped multiplications in the charge domain and accumulates the results of the group in its capacitors over multiple cycles. The capacitive accumulation combined with wide bit-partitioned regrouping reduces the rate of A/D conversions, further improving the overall efficiency of the design. With such mathematical reformulation and its switched-capacitor implementation, we define one possible 3D-stacked microarchitecture, dubbed BiHiwe, that leverages clustering and hierarchical design to best utilize power-efficiency of the mixed-signal domain and 3D stacking. We also build models for noise, computational nonidealities, and variations. For ten DNN benchmarks, BiHiwe delivers 5.5×speedup over a leading purely-digital 3D-stacked accelerator Tetris, with a mere of less than 0.5% accuracy loss achieved by careful treatment of noise, computation error, and various forms of variation. Compared to RTX 2080 TI with tensor cores and Titan Xp GPUs, all with 8-bit execution, BiHiwe offers 35.4×and 70.1×higher
Performance-per-Watt, respectively. Relative to the mixed-signal RedEye, ISAAC, and PipeLayer, BiHiwe offers 5.5×, 3.6×, and 9.6× improvement in Performance-per-Watt respectively. The results suggest that BiHiwe is an effective initial step in a road that combines mathematics, circuits, and architecture.
information encoding, and susceptibility to noise. This paper aims to address these challenges by offering and leveraging the following mathematical insight regarding vector dot-product—the basic operator in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). This operator can be reformulated as a wide regrouping of spatially parallel low-bitwidth calculations that are interleaved across the bit partitions of multiple elements of the vectors. As such, the computational building block of our accelerator becomes a wide bit-interleaved analog vector unit comprising a collection of low-bitwidth multiply-accumulate modules that operate in the analog domain and share a single A/D converter (ADC). This bit-partitioning results in a lower-resolution ADC while the wide regrouping alleviates the need for A/D conversion per operation, amortizing its cost across multiple bit-partitions of the vector elements. Moreover, the low-bitwidth modules require smaller encoding range and also provide larger margins for noise mitigation. We also utilize the switched-capacitor design for our bit-level reformulation of DNN operations. The proposed switched-capacitor circuitry performs the regrouped multiplications in the charge domain and accumulates the results of the group in its capacitors over multiple cycles. The capacitive accumulation combined with wide bit-partitioned regrouping reduces the rate of A/D conversions, further improving the overall efficiency of the design. With such mathematical reformulation and its switched-capacitor implementation, we define one possible 3D-stacked microarchitecture, dubbed BiHiwe, that leverages clustering and hierarchical design to best utilize power-efficiency of the mixed-signal domain and 3D stacking. We also build models for noise, computational nonidealities, and variations. For ten DNN benchmarks, BiHiwe delivers 5.5×speedup over a leading purely-digital 3D-stacked accelerator Tetris, with a mere of less than 0.5% accuracy loss achieved by careful treatment of noise, computation error, and various forms of variation. Compared to RTX 2080 TI with tensor cores and Titan Xp GPUs, all with 8-bit execution, BiHiwe offers 35.4×and 70.1×higher
Performance-per-Watt, respectively. Relative to the mixed-signal RedEye, ISAAC, and PipeLayer, BiHiwe offers 5.5×, 3.6×, and 9.6× improvement in Performance-per-Watt respectively. The results suggest that BiHiwe is an effective initial step in a road that combines mathematics, circuits, and architecture.