Magenta Studio: Augmenting Creativity with Deep Learning in Ableton Live

Yotam Mann
Jon Gillick
Monica Dinculescu
Carey Radebaugh
Curtis Hawthorne
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Musical Metacreation (MUME) (2019)


The field of Musical Metacreation (MuMe) has pro-duced impressive results for both autonomous and in-teractive creativity. However, there are few examplesof these systems crossing over to the “mainstream” ofmusic creation and consumption. We tie together ex-isting frameworks (Electron, TensorFlow.js, and MaxFor Live) to develop a system whose purpose is tobring the promise of interactive MuMe to the realmof professional music creators. Combining compellingapplications of deep learning based music generationwith a focus on ease of installation and use in a pop-ular DAW, we hope to expose more musicians and pro-ducers to the potential of using such systems in theircreative workflows. Our suite of plug-ins for AbletonLive, named Magenta Studio, is available for downloadat with itsopen source implementation.