Magenta Studio: Augmenting Creativity with Deep Learning in Ableton Live
The field of Musical Metacreation (MuMe) has pro-duced impressive results for both autonomous and in-teractive creativity. However, there are few examplesof these systems crossing over to the “mainstream” ofmusic creation and consumption. We tie together ex-isting frameworks (Electron, TensorFlow.js, and MaxFor Live) to develop a system whose purpose is tobring the promise of interactive MuMe to the realmof professional music creators. Combining compellingapplications of deep learning based music generationwith a focus on ease of installation and use in a pop-ular DAW, we hope to expose more musicians and pro-ducers to the potential of using such systems in theircreative workflows. Our suite of plug-ins for AbletonLive, named Magenta Studio, is available for downloadat with itsopen source implementation.