Firmament: Fast, Centralized Cluster Scheduling at Scale

Ionel Gog
Adam Gleave
Malte Schwarzkopf
Robert N. M. Watson
12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 16), USENIX Association (2016), pp. 99-115 (to appear)


Centralized datacenter schedulers can make high-quality
placement decisions when scheduling tasks in a cluster.
Today, however, high-quality placements come at
the cost of high latency at scale, which degrades response
time for interactive tasks and reduces cluster utilization.
This paper describes Firmament, a centralized scheduler
that scales to over ten thousand machines at subsecond
placement latency even though it continuously
reschedules all tasks via a min-cost max-flow (MCMF)
optimization. Firmament achieves low latency by using
multiple MCMF algorithms, by solving the problem incrementally,
and via problem-specific optimizations.
Experiments with a Google workload trace from a
12,500-machine cluster show that Firmament improves
placement latency by 20× over Quincy [22], a prior
centralized scheduler using the same MCMF optimization.
Moreover, even though Firmament is centralized, it
matches the placement latency of distributed schedulers
for workloads of short tasks. Finally, Firmament exceeds
the placement quality of four widely-used centralized
and distributed schedulers on a real-world cluster,
and hence improves batch task response time by 6×