Ignacio Lopez Moreno

Ignacio Lopez Moreno

Ignacio Lopez-Moreno received his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2009 from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). He is currently working as software engineer in Google New York, with particular interest in speech processing. He is also pursuing his PhD degree with the Biometric Recognition Group - ATVS at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. His research interests include speech recognition, speaker verification, language identification, pattern recognition and forensic evaluation of the evidence. He has been recipient of several awards and distinctions, such as the IBM Research Best Student Paper in 2009.
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    Augmenting Transformer-Transducer Based Speaker Change Detection With Token-Level Training Loss
    Han Lu
    Yiling Huang
    ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
    Preview abstract In this work we propose a novel token-based training strategy that improves Transformer-Transducer (T-T) based speaker change detection (SCD) performance. The conventional T-T based SCD model loss optimizes all output tokens equally. Due to the sparsity of the speaker changes in the training data, the conventional T-T based SCD model loss leads to sub-optimal detection accuracy. To mitigate this issue, we use a customized edit-distance algorithm to estimate the SCD false accept (FA) and false reject (FR) rates during training and optimize model parameters to minimize a weighted combination of the FA and FR, focusing the model on accurately predicting speaker changes. Experiments on a group of challenging real-world datasets show that the proposed training method can significantly improve the overall performance of the SCD model with the same number of parameters. View details
    Exploring sequence-to-sequence Transformer-Transducer models for keyword spotting
    Beltrán Labrador
    Angelo Scorza Scarpati
    Liam Fowl
    ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
    Preview abstract In this paper, we present a novel approach to adapt a sequence-to-sequence Transformer-Transducer ASR system to the keyword spotting (KWS) task. We achieve this by replacing the keyword in the text transcription with a special token kw and training the system to detect the kw token in an audio stream. At inference time, we create a decision function inspired by conventional KWS approaches, to make our approach more suitable for the KWS task. Furthermore, we introduce a specific keyword spotting loss by adapting the sequence-discriminative Minimum Bayes-Risk training technique. We find that our approach significantly outperforms ASR based KWS systems. When compared with a conventional keyword spotting system, our proposal has similar performance while bringing the advantages and flexibility of sequence-to-sequence training. Additionally, when combined with the conventional KWS system, our approach can improve the performance at any operation point. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we present a novel speaker diarization system for streaming on-device applications. In this system, we use a transformer transducer to detect the speaker turns, represent each speaker turn by a speaker embedding, then cluster these embeddings with constraints from the detected speaker turns. Compared with conventional clustering-based diarization systems, our system largely reduces the computational cost of clustering due to the sparsity of speaker turns. Unlike other supervised speaker diarization systems which require annotations of timestamped speaker labels, our system only requires including speaker turn tokens during the transcribing process, which largely reduces the human efforts involved in data collection. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we describe SpeakerStew - a hybrid system to perform speaker verification on 46 languages. Two core ideas were explored in this system: (1) Pooling training data of different languages together for multilingual generalization and reducing development cycles; (2) A triage mechanism between text-dependent and text-independent models to reduce runtime cost and expected latency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of speaker verification systems at the scale of 46 languages. The problem is framed from the perspective of using a smart speaker device with interactions consisting of a wake-up keyword (text-dependent) followed by a speech query (text-independent).Experimental evidence suggests that training on multiple languages can generalize to unseen varieties while maintaining performance on seen varieties. We also found that it can reduce computational requirements for training models by an order of magnitude. Furthermore, during model inference on English data, we observe that leveraging a triage framework can reduce the number of calls to the more computationally expensive text-independent system by 73% (and reduce latency by 60%) while maintaining an EER no worse than the text-independent setup. View details
    Preview abstract We demonstrate that a production-quality keyword-spotting model can be trained on-device using federated learning and achieve comparable false accept and false reject rates to a centrally-trained model. To overcome the algorithmic constraints associated with fitting on-device data (which are inherently non-independent and identically distributed), we conduct thorough empirical studies of optimization algorithms and hyperparameter configurations using large-scale federated simulations. And we explore techniques for utterance augmentation and data labeling to overcome the physical limitations of on-device training. View details
    Preview abstract This paper discusses one of the most challenging practical engineering problems in speaker recognition systems -the version control of models and user profiles. A typical speaker recognition system consists of two stages: the enrollment stage, where a profile is generated from user-provided enrollment audio; and the runtime stage, where the voice identity of the runtime audio is compared against the stored profiles. As technology advances, the speaker recognition system needs to be updated for better performance. However, if the stored user profiles are not updated accordingly, version mismatch will result in meaningless recognition results. In this paper, we describe different version control strategies for different types of speaker recognition systems, according to how they are deployed in the production environment. View details
    VoiceFilter-Lite: Streaming Targeted Voice Separation for On-Device Speech Recognition
    Mert Saglam
    Alan Chiao
    Renjie Liu
    Yanzhang (Ryan) He
    Wei Li
    Jason Pelecanos
    Marily Nika
    Interspeech 2020(2020) (to appear)
    Preview abstract We introduce VoiceFilter-Lite, a single-channel source separation model that runs on the device to preserve only the speech signals from a target user, as part of a streaming speech recognition system. Delivering such a model presents numerous challenges: It should improve the performance when the input signal consists of overlapped speech, and must not hurt the speech recognition performance under all other acoustic conditions. Besides, this model must be tiny, fast, and perform inference in a streaming fashion, in order to have minimal impact on CPU, memory, battery and latency. We propose novel techniques to meet these multi-faceted requirements, including using a new asymmetric loss, and adopting adaptive runtime suppression strength. We also show that such a model can be quantized as a 8-bit integer model and run in realtime. View details
    Preview abstract In many scenarios of a language identification task, the user will specify a set of languages which he/she speaks from a large set of all languages. This setup usually happens before the real-time identification. We want to model such prior knowledge into the way we train our neural networks, by replacing the commonly used softmax loss function with a novel loss function named \emph{tuplemax loss}. For example, a language identification system launched in North America may have $95\%$ users only speaking up to two languages. Together with a sliding window LSTM inference approach, our language identification system achieves a $2.33$\% error rate, which is a relative $48.5$\% improvement over the $4.50\%$ error rate of standard softmax loss method. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we propose "personal VAD'', a system to detect the voice activity of a target speaker at the frame level. This system is useful for gating the inputs to a streaming speech recognition system, such that it only triggers for the target user, which helps reduce the computational cost and battery consumption. We achieve this by training a VAD-alike neural network which is conditioned on the target speaker embedding or the speaker verification score. For every frame, personal VAD outputs the scores for three classes: non-speech, target speaker speech, and non-target speaker speech. With our optimal setup, we are able to train a 130KB model that out-performs a baseline system where individually trained standard VAD and speaker recognition network are combined to perform the same task. View details
    Preview abstract We describe a neural network-based system for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis that is able to generate speech audio in the voice of many different speakers, including those unseen during training. Our system consists of three independently trained components: (1) a speaker encoder network, trained on a speaker verification task using an independent dataset of noisy speech from thousands of speakers without transcripts, to generate a fixed-dimensional embedding vector from seconds of reference speech from a target speaker; (2) a sequence-to-sequence synthesis network based on Tacotron 2, which generates a mel spectrogram from text, conditioned on the speaker embedding; (3) an auto-regressive WaveNet-based vocoder that converts the mel spectrogram into a sequence of time domain waveform samples. We demonstrate that the proposed model is able to transfer the knowledge of speaker variability learned by the discriminatively-trained speaker encoder to the new task, and is able to synthesize natural speech from speakers that were not seen during training. We quantify the importance of training the speaker encoder on a large and diverse speaker set in order to obtain the best generalization performance. Finally, we show that randomly sampled speaker embeddings can be used to synthesize speech in the voice of novel speakers dissimilar from those used in training, indicating that the model has learned a high quality speaker representation. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we present a novel system that separates the voice of a target speaker from multi-speaker signals, by making use of a reference signal from the target speaker. We achieve this by training two separate neural networks: (1) A speaker recognition network that produces speaker-discriminative embeddings; (2) A spectrogram masking network that takes both noisy spectrogram and speaker embedding as input, and produces a mask. Our system significantly reduces the speech recognition WER on multi-speaker signals, with minimal WER degradation on single-speaker signals. View details
    Preview abstract In this paper, we propose a new loss function called generalized end-to-end (GE2E) loss, which makes the training of speaker verification models more efficient than our previous tuple-based end-to-end (TE2E) loss function. Unlike TE2E, the GE2E loss function updates the network in a way that emphasizes examples that are difficult to verify at each step of the training process. Additionally, the GE2E loss does not require an initial stage of example selection. With these properties, the model with new loss function learns a better model, by decreasing EER by more than 10%, in shorter period of time, by reducing the training time by >60%. We also introduce the MultiReader technique, which allow us do domain adaptation - training more accurate model that supports multiple keywords (i.e. "OK Google" and "Hey Google") as well as multiple dialects. View details
    Speaker Diarization with LSTM
    Carlton Downey
    Li Wan
    Philip Andrew Mansfield
    Preview abstract For many years, i-vector based speaker embedding techniques were the dominant approach for speaker verification and speaker diarization applications. However, mirroring the rise of deep learning in various domains, neural network based speaker embeddings, also known as d-vectors, have consistently demonstrated superior speaker verification performance. In this paper, we build on the success of d-vector based speaker verification systems to develop a new d-vector based approach to speaker diarization. Specifically, we combine LSTM-based d-vector audio embeddings with recent work in non-parametric clustering to obtain a state-of-the-art speaker diarization system. Our experiments on CALLHOME American English and 2003 NIST Rich Transcription conversational telephone speech (CTS) corpus suggest that d-vector based diarization systems offer significant advantages over traditional i-vector based systems. View details
    Preview abstract Attention-based models have recently shown great performance on a range of tasks, such as speech recognition, machine translation, and image captioning due to their ability to summarize relevant information that expands through the entire length of an input sequence. In this paper, we analyze the usage of attention mechanisms to the problem of sequence summarization in our end-to-end text-dependent speaker recognition system. We explore different topologies and their variants of the attention layer, and compare different pooling methods on the attention weights. Ultimately, we show that attention-based models can improves the Equal Error Rate (EER) of our speaker verification system by relatively 14% compared to our non-attention LSTM baseline model. View details
    End-to-End Text-Dependent Speaker Verification
    Samy Bengio
    Noam M. Shazeer
    International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE(2016)
    Preview abstract In this paper we present a data-driven, integrated approach to speaker verification, which maps a test utterance and a few reference utterances directly to a single score for verification and jointly optimizes the system’s components using the same evaluation protocol and metric as at test time. Such an approach will result in simple and efficient systems, requiring little domain-specific knowledge and making few model assumptions. We implement the idea by formulating the problem as a single neural network architecture, including the estimation of a speaker model on only a few utterances, and evaluate it on our internal ”Ok Google” benchmark for text-dependent speaker verification. The proposed approach appears to be very effective for big data applications like ours that require highly accurate, easy-to-maintain systems with a small footprint. View details
    Preview abstract We propose providing additional utterance-level features as inputs to a deep neural network (DNN) to facilitate speaker, channel and background normalization. Modifications of the basic algorithm are developed which result in significant reductions in word error rates (WERs). The algorithms are shown to combine well with speaker adaptation by backpropagation, resulting in a 9\% relative WER reduction. We address implementation of the algorithm for a streaming task. View details
    Large-Scale Speaker Identification
    Ludwig Schmidt
    Matthew Sharifi
    Proc. ICASSP, IEEE(2014)
    Preview abstract Speaker identification is one of the main tasks in speech processing. In addition to identification accuracy, large-scale applications of speaker identification give rise to another challenge: fast search in the database of speakers. In this paper, we propose a system based on i-vectors, a current approach for speaker identification, and locality sensitive hashing, an algorithm for fast nearest-neighbor search in high dimensions. The connection between the two techniques is the cosine distance: one the one hand, we use the cosine distance to compare i-vectors, on the other hand, locality sensitive hashing allows us to quickly approximate the cosine distance in our retrieval procedure. We evaluate our approach on a realistic data set from YouTube with about 1000 speakers. The results show that our algorithm is approximately one to two orders of magnitude faster than a linear search while maintaining the identification accuracy of an i-vector-based system. View details
    Automatic Language Identification Using Deep Neural Networks
    Javier Gonzalez-Dominguez
    Oldrich Plchot
    Proc. ICASSP, IEEE(2014)
    Preview abstract This work studies the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) to address automatic language identification (LID). Motivated by their recent success in acoustic modelling, we adapt DNNs to the problem of identifying the language of a given spoken utterance from short-term acoustic features. The proposed approach is compared to state-of-the-art i-vector based acoustic systems on two different datasets: Google 5M LID corpus and NIST LRE 2009. Results show how LID can largely benefit from using DNNs, especially when a large amount of training data is available. We found relative improvements up to 70%, in Cavg, over the baseline system. View details
    Frame by Frame Language Identification in Short Utterances using Deep Neural Networks
    Javier Gonzalez-Dominguez
    Pedro J. Moreno
    Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez
    Neural Networks Special Issue: Neural Network Learning in Big Data(2014)
    Preview abstract This work addresses the use of deep neural networks (DNNs) in automatic language identification (LID) focused on short test utterances. Motivated by their recent success in acoustic modelling for speech recognition, we adapt DNNs to the problem of identifying the language in a given utterance from the short-term acoustic features. We show how DNNs are particularly suitable to perform LID in real-time applications, due to their capacity to emit a language identification posterior at each new frame of the test utterance. We then analyse different aspects of the system, such as the amount of required training data, the number of hidden layers, the relevance of contextual information and the effect of the test utterance duration. Finally, we propose several methods to combine frame-by-frame posteriors. Experiments are conducted on two different datasets: the public NIST Language Recognition Evaluation 2009 (3 seconds task) and a much larger corpus (of 5 million utterances) known as Google 5M LID, obtained from different Google Services. Reported results show relative improvements of DNNs versus the i-vector system of 40% in LRE09 3 second task and 76% in Google 5M LID. View details
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