Chen Gu

Chen Gu


Google Research Scientist


  • Stanford University, Ph.D. in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, 2013.
  • Stanford University, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 2008.
  • Tsinghua University, B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology, 2005.


  • 32nd ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals, Silver Medal & 7th Place, Representing Stanford University. Banff, Canada, 2008.


  • Google Android Quality Awards, Hall of Fame. More indoor accuracy for less compute resources, 2022.


  • I am interested in anything related to mathematics.
  • I am not interested in anything not related to mathematics.
Authored Publications
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    The Effect of Ground Truth Accuracy on the Evaluation of Localization Systems
    Ahmed Shokry
    Moustafa Youssef
    40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). Virtual Conference, 2021.
    Preview abstract The ability to accurately evaluate the performance of location determination systems is crucial for many applications. Typically, the performance of such systems is obtained by comparing ground truth locations with estimated locations. However, these ground truth locations are usually obtained by clicking on a map or using other worldwide available technologies like GPS. This introduces ground truth errors that are due to the marking process, map distortions, or inherent GPS inaccuracy. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework for analyzing the effect of ground truth errors on the evaluation of localization systems. Based on that, we design two algorithms for computing the real algorithmic error from the validation error and marking/map ground truth errors, respectively. We further establish bounds on different performance metrics. Validation of our theoretical assumptions and analysis using real data collected in a typical environment shows the ability of our theoretical framework to correct the estimated error of a localization algorithm in the presence of ground truth errors. Specifically, our marking error algorithm matches the real error CDF within 4%, and our map error algorithm provides a more accurate estimate of the median/tail error by 150%/72% when the map is shifted by 6m. View details
    On the Ability of Mobile Sensor Networks to Diffuse Information
    Ian Downes
    Omprakash Gnawali
    Leonidas Guibas
    17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (CPS Week - IPSN). Porto, Portugal, 2018.
    Preview abstract We examine the ability of networks formed by mobile sensor nodes to diffuse information in the case when communication is only possible during opportunistic encounters. Our setting assumes that mobile nodes are continuously sensing the world and acquiring new information. We form an abstract model of this situation and show by theoretical analysis, simulation, and real mobility data that the diffusion of information in this setting cannot be as efficient as when we allow arbitrary contact patterns between the nodes with the same overall contact statistics. This establishes a fundamental asymptotic limitation on the information diffusion capacity of such opportunistic mobile sensor networks --- the encounter patterns arising out of physical motions in a geometric space are not ideal for information diffusion. View details
    Topology-Driven Trajectory Synthesis with an Example on Retinal Cell Motions
    Leonidas Guibas
    Michael Kerber
    14th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (ALGO - WABI). Wroclaw, Poland, 2014.
    Preview abstract We design a probabilistic trajectory synthesis algorithm for generating time-varying sequences of geometric configuration data. The algorithm takes a set of observed samples (each may come from a different trajectory) and simulates the dynamic evolution of the patterns in O(n^2 log n) time. To synthesize geometric configurations with indistinct identities, we use the pair correlation function to summarize point distribution, and alpha-shapes to maintain topological shape features based on a fast persistence matching approach. We apply our method to build a computational model for the geometric transformation of the cone mosaic in retinitis pigmentosa --- an inherited and currently untreatable retinal degeneration. View details