Bob Felderman

Bob Felderman

Bob Felderman spent time at both Princeton and UCLA before venturing out into the real world. After a short stint at Information Sciences Institute he helped to found Myricom, which became a leader in cluster computing networking technology. After 7 years there he moved to the San Francisco bay area to apply High Performance Computing ideas to the IP and Ethernet space while working at Packet Design and later was a founder of Precision I/O. All of that experience eventually led him to Google where he's a Principal Engineer working on issues in data center networking and general platforms system architecture.
Authored Publications
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    Jupiter Rising: A Decade of Clos Topologies and Centralized Control in Google’s Datacenter Network
    Amin Vahdat
    Gaurav Desai
    Joon Ong
    Ashby Armistead
    Jason Simmons
    Seb Boving
    Amit Agarwal
    Eiichi Tanda
    Glen Anderson
    Jim Wanderer
    Roy Bannon
    Jeff Provost
    Paulie Germano
    Sigcomm '15, Google Inc (2015)
    Preview abstract We present our approach for overcoming the cost, operational complexity, and limited scale endemic to datacenter networks a decade ago. Three themes unify the five generations of datacenter networks detailed in this paper. First, multi-stage Clos topologies built from commodity switch silicon can support cost-effective deployment of building-scale networks. Second, much of the general, but complex, decentralized network routing and management protocols supporting arbitrary deployment scenarios were overkill for single-operator, pre-planned datacenter networks. We built a centralized control mechanism based on a global configuration pushed to all datacenter switches. Third, modular hardware design coupled with simple, robust software allowed our design to also support inter-cluster and wide-area networks. Our datacenter networks run at dozens of sites across the planet, scaling in capacity by 100x over ten years to more than 1Pbps of bisection bandwidth. View details
    A Guided Tour of Datacenter Networking
    Dennis Abts
    Communications of the ACM -- ACM Queue, 55, number 6 (2012), pp. 44-51
    Preview abstract The magic of the cloud is that it is always on and always available from anywhere. Users have come to expect that services are there when they need them. A data center (or warehouse-scale computer) is the nexus from which all the services flow. It is often housed in a nondescript warehouse-sized building bearing no indication of what lies inside. Amidst the whirring fans and refrigerator-sized computer racks is a tapestry of electrical cables and fiber optics weaving everything together—the data-center network. This article provides a “guided tour” through the principles and central ideas surrounding the network at the heart of a data center—the modern-day loom that weaves the digital fabric of the Internet. View details