Albert Cohen

Albert Cohen

Albert is a research scientist at Google. An alumnus of École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and the University of Versailles, he has been a research scientist at Inria, a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois, an invited professor at Philips Research, and a visiting scientist at Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research. Albert Cohen works on parallelizing and optimizing compilers, machine learning compilers, parallel and synchronous programming languages, with applications to high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and reactive control.
Authored Publications
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    Structured Operations: Modular Design of Code Generators for Tensor Compilers
    Nicolas Vasilache
    Oleksandr Zinenko
    Aart Bik
    Mahesh Ravishankar
    Thomas Raoux
    Alexander Belyaev
    Matthias Springer
    Tobias Gysi
    Diego Caballero
    Stephan Herhut
    Stella Laurenzo
    LCPC 2022, Springer (2023)
    Preview abstract The performance of machine learning systems heavily relies on code generators tailored to tensor computations. We propose an approach to the design and implementation of such code generators leveraging the natural structure of tensor algebra and illustrating the progressive lowering of domain-specific abstractions in the MLIR infrastructure. View details
    Code Generation for Data-Dependent Stencils
    Mohammed Essadki
    Bertrand Michel
    Bruno Maugars
    Oleksandr Zinenko
    Nicolas Vasilache
    CGO, IEEE (2023)
    Preview abstract Numerical simulation often resorts to iterative in-place stencils such as the Gauss-Seidel or Successive Overrelaxation (SOR) methods. Writing high performance implementations of such stencils requires significant effort and time; it also involves non-local transformations beyond the stencil kernel itself. While automated code generation is a mature technology for image processing stencils, convolutions and out-of place iterative stencils (such as the Jacobi method), the optimization of in-place stencils requires manual craftsmanship. Building on recent advances in tensor compiler construction, we propose the first domain-specific code generator for iterative in-place stencils. Starting from a generic tensor compiler implemented in the MLIR framework, tensor abstractions are incrementally refined and lowered down to parallel, tiled, fused and vectorized code. We used our generator to implement a realistic, implicit solver for structured meshes, and demonstrate results competitive with an industrial computational fluid dynamics framework. We also compare with stand-alone stencil kernels for dense tensors. View details
    RL4ReAl: Reinforcement Learning for Register Allocation
    S. VenkataKeerthy
    Siddharth Jain
    Anilava Kundu
    Rohit Aggarwal
    Ramakrishna Upadrasta
    CC 2023, ACM
    Preview abstract We aim to automate decades of research and experience in register allocation, leveraging machine learning. We tackle this problem by embedding a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm within LLVM, training it with the state of the art techniques. We formalize the constraints that precisely define the problem for a given instruction-set architecture, while ensuring that the generated code preserves semantic correctness. We also develop a gRPC-based framework providing a modular and efficient compiler interface for training and inference. Our approach is architecture independent: we show experimental results targeting Intel x86 and ARM AArch64. Our results match or out-perform the heavily tuned, production-grade register allocators of LLVM. View details
    RL4ReAl: Towards Optimal Register Allocation using Reinforcement Learning
    S. VenkataKeerthy
    Siddharth Jain
    Rohit Aggarwal
    Ramakrishna Upadrasta
    arXiv (2022)
    Preview abstract We propose a novel solution for the Register Allocation problem, leveraging multi-agent hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. We formalize the constraints that precisely define the problem for a given instruction-set architecture, while ensuring that the generated code preserves semantic correctness. We also develop a gRPC based framework providing a modular and efficient compiler interface for training and inference. Experimental results match or outperform the LLVM register allocators, targeting Intel x86 and ARM AArch64. View details
    Weaving Synchronous Reactions Into the Fabric of SSA-Form Compilers
    Hugo Pompougnac
    Ulysse Beaugnon
    Dumitru Potop Butucaru
    TACO (2022)
    Preview abstract We investigate the programming of reactive systems combining closed-loop control with performance- intensive components such as Machine Learning (ML). Reactive control systems are often safety- critical and associated with real-time execution requirements, a domain of predilection for syn- chronous programming languages. Extending the high levels of assurance found in reactive control systems to computationally-intensive code remains an open issue. We tackle it by unifying concepts and algorithms from synchronous languages with abstractions commonly found in general-purpose and ML compilers. This unification across embedded and high-performance computing enables a high degree of reuse of compiler abstractions and code. We first recall commonalities between dataflow synchronous languages and the static single assignment (SSA) form of general-purpose/ML compilers. We highlight the key mechanisms of synchronous languages that SSA does not cover—denotational concepts such as synchronizing computations with an external time base, cyclic and reactive I/O, as well as the operational notions of relaxing control flow dominance and the modeling of absent values. We discover that initialization-related static analyses and code generation aspects can be fully decoupled from other aspects of synchronous semantics such as memory management and causality analysis, the latter being covered by existing dominance-based algorithms of SSA-form compilers. We show how the SSA form can be seamlessly extended to enable all SSA-based transformations and optimizations on reactive programs with synchronous concurrency. We derive a compilation flow suitable for both high-performance and reactive aspects of a control application, by embedding the Lustre dataflow synchronous language into the SSA-based MLIR/LLVM compiler infrastructure. This allows the modeling of signal processing and deep neural network inference in the (closed) loop of feedback-directed control systems. With only a minor efforts leveraging the MLIR infrastructure, the generated code matches or outperforms state-of-the-art synchronous language compilers on computationally-intensive ML applications. View details
    Autotuning Convolutions is Easier Than You Think
    Nicolas Tollenaere
    Guillaume Iooss
    Stéphane Pouget
    Hugo Brunie
    Christophe Guillon
    P. Sadayappan
    Fabrice Rastello
    ACM TACO (2022)
    Preview abstract A wide range of scientific and machine learning applications depend on highly optimized implementations of tensor computations. Exploiting the full capacity of a given processor architecture remains a challenging task, due to the complexity of the microarchitectural features that come into play when seeking near-peak performance. Among the state-of-the-art techniques for loop transformations for performance optimization, AutoScheduler tends to outperform other systems. It often yields higher performance as compared to vendor libraries, but takes a large number of runs to converge, while also involving a complex training environment. In this paper, we define a structured configuration space that enables much faster convergence to highperformance code versions, using only random sampling of candidates. We focus on two-dimensional convolutions on CPUs. Compared to state-of-the-art libraries, our structured search space enables higher performance for typical tensor shapes encountered in convolution stages in deep learning pipelines. Compared to autotuning code generators like AutoScheduler, it prunes the search space while increasing the density of efficient implementations. We analyze the impact on convergence speed and performance distribution, on two Intel x86 processors and one ARM AArch64 processor. We match or outperform the performance of the state-of-the-art oneDNN library and TVM’s AutoScheduler, while reducing the autotuning effort by at least an order of magnitude. View details
    Preview abstract This paper considers the correctness of domain-specific compilers for tensor programming languages through the study of Halide, a popular representative. It describes a translation validation algorithm for affine Halide specifications, independently of the scheduling language. The algorithm relies on “prophetic” annotations added by the compiler to the generated array assignments. The annotations provide a refinement mapping [Abadi and Lamport 1988] from assignments in the generated code to the tensor definitions from the specification. Our implementation leverages an affine solver and a general SMT solver, and scales to complete Halide benchmarks. View details
    Efficient Convolution Optimisation by Composing Microkernels
    Nicolas Tollenaere
    Auguste Olivry
    Guillaume Iooss
    Hugo Brunie
    P Sadayappan
    Fabrice Rastello
    INRIA (2021)
    Preview abstract Optimizing the implementation of tensor computations is essential to exploiting the full capacity of a given processor architecture on a wide range of scientific and machine learning applications. However, the complexity of the microarchitectural features that come into play when approaching the peak performance of the processor makes it very hard. Focusing on 2D convolutions, we observe a common weakness in all tensor compilers and libraries related to efficiently covering the wide variety of problem sizes occurring in real-world applications. We propose TTile, a domain-specific code generator and autotuner for implementing efficient convolutions. Similarly to BLIS, TTile nests multiple levels of tiling above a vectorized tensor contraction microkernel. But unlike traditional approaches, we explore of a variety of microkernels and compose them to fit exactly the tensor shapes of a convolution. While this helps achieving consistently high performance on virtually all possible tensor sizes, our method also introduces more degrees of freedom in the optimization space, which makes it challenging for autotuning strategies. To address this, we leverage an analytical model of data movement, and combine it with feedback-directed autotuning. We evaluate TTile as a stand-alone compiler and also as a complement to TVM on recent Intel x86 microarchitectures. View details
    Progressive Raising in Multi-level IR
    Lorenzo Chelini
    Andi Drebes
    Alex Zinenko
    Nicolas Vasilache
    Tobias Grosser
    Henk Corporaal
    International Conference on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), ACM, February 27th - March 3rd, 2021, Virtual Conference (2021)
    Preview abstract Multi-level intermediate representation (IR) rewriting promises to lower the cost of designing domain-specific compilers by providing a non-opinionated IR, thus enabling to model the right abstraction level for the problem at hand. High-level abstractions are then lowered to low-level IR using progressive lowering (i.e., from higher-level representations down to the lowest in small steps across the abstraction levels). But progressive lowering works in a single direction: high-level operations can be transformed into operations with lower-level of abstraction, but low-level operations are never raised to high-level ones. Thus, the entry point into the lowering pipeline defines the highest level of abstraction for all subsequent transformations, potentially limiting the set of applicable optimizations. This is especially true for general-purpose languages that are not semantically rich enough to enter the higher parts of the lowering pipeline precluding aggressive domain-specific optimizations. To enable effective domain-specific compilation via progressive lowering in a multi-level IR compiler, we propose Multi-Level Tactics. Multi-Level Tactics allows us to describe computational patterns and raise them to high-level abstractions declaratively. It enables a complementary path to progressive lowering, which we call progressive raising, hence extending the set of optimizations that can be performed on general-purpose languages in a multi-level IR compiler. View details
    Secure Optimization Through Opaque Observations
    Arnaud De Grandmaison
    Christophe Guillon
    Karine Heydemann
    Son Tuan Vu
    arXiv (2021)
    Preview abstract Secure applications implement protections against side-channel and physical attacks. Such protections embed input/output side-effects preventing optimizing compilers from altering the protection. These side-effects are error-prone and compiler-dependent, and the current practice involves analyzing the generated machine code to make sure security or privacy properties are still enforced. Vu et al. recently demonstrated how to automate the insertion of volatile side-effects in a compiler [30], but these may be too expensive in fine-grained protections such as control-flow integrity. We introduce observations of the program state that are intrinsic to the correct execution of security protections, along with means to specify and preserve observations across the compilation flow. Such observations complement the traditional input/output-preservation contract of compilers. We show how to guarantee their preservation without modifying compilation passes and with as little performance impact as possible. We validate our approach on a range of benchmarks, expressing the secure compilation of these applications in terms of observations to be made at specific program points. View details