Sergio Orts Escolano

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    Learning Personalized High Quality Volumetric Head Avatars from Monocular RGB Videos
    Ziqian Bai
    Danhang "Danny" Tang
    Di Qiu
    Abhimitra Meka
    Mingsong Dou
    Ping Tan
    Thabo Beeler
    2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE
    Preview abstract We propose a method to learn a high-quality implicit 3D head avatar from a monocular RGB video captured in the wild. The learnt avatar is driven by a parametric face model to achieve user-controlled facial expressions and head poses. Our hybrid pipeline combines the geometry prior and dynamic tracking of a 3DMM with a neural radiance field to achieve fine-grained control and photorealism. To reduce over-smoothing and improve out-of-model expressions synthesis, we propose to predict local features anchored on the 3DMM geometry. These learnt features are driven by 3DMM deformation and interpolated in 3D space to yield the volumetric radiance at a designated query point. We further show that using a Convolutional Neural Network in the UV space is critical in incorporating spatial context and producing representative local features. Extensive experiments show that we are able to reconstruct high-quality avatars, with more accurate expression-dependent details, good generalization to out-of-training expressions, and quantitatively superior renderings compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. View details
    Rapsai: Accelerating Machine Learning Prototyping of Multimedia Applications through Visual Programming
    Na Li
    Jing Jin
    Michelle Carney
    Scott Joseph Miles
    Maria Kleiner
    Xiuxiu Yuan
    Anuva Kulkarni
    Xingyu “Bruce” Liu
    Ahmed K Sabie
    Abhishek Kar
    Ping Yu
    Ram Iyengar
    Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ACM
    Preview abstract In recent years, there has been a proliferation of multimedia applications that leverage machine learning (ML) for interactive experiences. Prototyping ML-based applications is, however, still challenging, given complex workflows that are not ideal for design and experimentation. To better understand these challenges, we conducted a formative study with seven ML practitioners to gather insights about common ML evaluation workflows. This study helped us derive six design goals, which informed Rapsai, a visual programming platform for rapid and iterative development of end-to-end ML-based multimedia applications. Rapsai is based on a node-graph editor to facilitate interactive characterization and visualization of ML model performance. Rapsai streamlines end-to-end prototyping with interactive data augmentation and model comparison capabilities in its no-coding environment. Our evaluation of Rapsai in four real-world case studies (N=15) suggests that practitioners can accelerate their workflow, make more informed decisions, analyze strengths and weaknesses, and holistically evaluate model behavior with real-world input. View details
    Neural Light Transport for Relighting and View Synthesis
    Xiuming Zhang
    Yun-Ta Tsai
    Tiancheng Sun
    Tianfan Xue
    Philip Davidson
    Christoph Rhemann
    Paul Debevec
    Ravi Ramamoorthi
    ACM Transactions on Graphics, 40 (2021)
    Preview abstract The light transport (LT) of a scene describes how it appears under different lighting and viewing directions, and complete knowledge of a scene's LT enables the synthesis of novel views under arbitrary lighting. In this paper, we focus on image-based LT acquisition, primarily for human bodies within a light stage setup. We propose a semi-parametric approach to learn a neural representation of LT that is embedded in the space of a texture atlas of known geometric properties, and model all non-diffuse and global LT as residuals added to a physically-accurate diffuse base rendering. In particular, we show how to fuse previously seen observations of illuminants and views to synthesize a new image of the same scene under a desired lighting condition from a chosen viewpoint. This strategy allows the network to learn complex material effects (such as subsurface scattering) and global illumination, while guaranteeing the physical correctness of the diffuse LT (such as hard shadows). With this learned LT, one can relight the scene photorealistically with a directional light or an HDRI map, synthesize novel views with view-dependent effects, or do both simultaneously, all in a unified framework using a set of sparse, previously seen observations. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our neural LT (NLT) outperforms state-of-the-art solutions for relighting and view synthesis, without separate treatment for both problems that prior work requires. View details
    Preview abstract We propose a novel system for portrait relighting and background replacement, which maintains high-frequency boundary details and accurately synthesizes the subject’s appearance as lit by novel illumination, thereby producing realistic composite images for any desired scene. Our technique includes foreground estimation via alpha matting, relighting, and compositing. We demonstrate that each of these stages can be tackled in a sequential pipeline without the use of priors (e.g. known background or known illumination) and with no specialized acquisition techniques, using only a single RGB portrait image and a novel, target HDR lighting environment as inputs. We train our model using relit portraits of subjects captured in a light stage computational illumination system, which records multiple lighting conditions, high quality geometry, and accurate alpha mattes. To perform realistic relighting for compositing, we introduce a novel per-pixel lighting representation in a deep learning framework, which explicitly models the diffuse and the specular components of appearance, producing relit portraits with convincingly rendered non-Lambertian effects like specular highlights. Multiple experiments and comparisons show the effectiveness of the proposed approach when applied to in-the-wild images. View details
    Preview abstract Computational stereo has reached a high level of accuracy, but degrades in the presence of occlusions, repeated textures, and correspondence errors along edges. We present a novel approach based on neural networks for depth estimation that combines stereo from dual cameras with stereo from a dual-pixel sensor, which is increasingly common on consumer cameras. Our network uses a novel architecture to fuse these two sources of information and can overcome the above-mentioned limitations of pure binocular stereo matching. Our method provides a dense depth map with sharp edges, which is crucial for computational photography applications like synthetic shallow-depth-of-field or 3D Photos. Additionally, we avoid the inherent ambiguity due to the aperture problem in stereo cameras by designing the stereo baseline to be orthogonal to the dual-pixel baseline. We present experiments and comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches to show that our method offers a substantial improvement over previous works. View details
    Deep Relightable Textures: Volumetric Performance Capture with Neural Rendering
    Abhi Meka
    Christian Haene
    Peter Barnum
    Philip Davidson
    Daniel Erickson
    Jonathan Taylor
    Sofien Bouaziz
    Wan-Chun Alex Ma
    Ryan Overbeck
    Thabo Beeler
    Paul Debevec
    Shahram Izadi
    Christian Theobalt
    Christoph Rhemann
    SIGGRAPH Asia and TOG (2020)
    Preview abstract The increasing demand for 3D content in augmented and virtual reality has motivated the development of volumetric performance capture systems such as the Light Stage. Recent advances are pushing free viewpoint relightable videos of dynamic human performances closer to photorealistic quality. However, despite significant efforts, these sophisticated systems are limited by reconstruction and rendering algorithms which do not fully model complex 3D structures and higher order light transport effects such as global illumination and sub-surface scattering. In this paper, we propose a system that combines traditional geometric pipelines with a neural rendering scheme to generate photorealistic renderings of dynamic performances under desired viewpoint and lighting. Our system leverages deep neural networks that model the classical rendering process to learn implicit features that represent the view-dependent appearance of the subject independent of the geometry layout, allowing for generalization to unseen subject poses and even novel subject identity. Detailed experiments and comparisons demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of our method to generate high-quality results, significantly outperforming the existing state-of-the-art solutions. View details
    The Relightables: Volumetric Performance Capture of Humans with Realistic Relighting
    Kaiwen Guo
    Peter Lincoln
    Philip Davidson
    Xueming Yu
    Matt Whalen
    Geoff Harvey
    Jason Dourgarian
    Danhang Tang
    Anastasia Tkach
    Emily Cooper
    Mingsong Dou
    Graham Fyffe
    Christoph Rhemann
    Jonathan Taylor
    Paul Debevec
    Shahram Izadi
    SIGGRAPH Asia (2019) (to appear)
    Preview abstract We present ''The Relightables'', a volumetric capture system for photorealistic and high quality relightable full-body performance capture. While significant progress has been made on volumetric capture systems, focusing on 3D geometric reconstruction with high resolution textures, much less work has been done to recover photometric properties needed for relighting. Results from such systems lack high-frequency details and the subject's shading is prebaked into the texture. In contrast, a large body of work has addressed relightable acquisition for image-based approaches, which photograph the subject under a set of basis lighting conditions and recombine the images to show the subject as they would appear in a target lighting environment. However, to date, these approaches have not been adapted for use in the context of a high-resolution volumetric capture system. Our method combines this ability to realistically relight humans for arbitrary environments, with the benefits of free-viewpoint volumetric capture and new levels of geometric accuracy for dynamic performances. Our subjects are recorded inside a custom geodesic sphere outfitted with 331 custom color LED lights, an array of high-resolution cameras, and a set of custom high-resolution depth sensors. Our system innovates in multiple areas: First, we designed a novel active depth sensor to capture 12.4MP depth maps, which we describe in detail. Second, we show how to design a hybrid geometric and machine learning reconstruction pipeline to process the high resolution input and output a volumetric video. Third, we generate temporally consistent reflectance maps for dynamic performers by leveraging the information contained in two alternating color gradient illumination images acquired at 60Hz. Multiple experiments, comparisons, and applications show that The Relightables significantly improves upon the level of realism in placing volumetrically captured human performances into arbitrary CG scenes. View details