Alok Talekar
Alok Talekar is a Software Engineer at Google Research and leads an effort focused on sustainable agriculture in India, and previously worked at YouTube, and AI for Social Good. His primary interests are in the field of climate crisis solutions, with an emphasis on the global south. He is also a founding member of ClimateTrace, an effort to create a comprehensive inventory of all global emissions from each industry using remote sensing, while he was working pro bono with WattTime via a Google.org fellowship.
His technological interests are in usage of Remote Sensing, Machine learning and Multi-agent systems.
Research Areas
Authored Publications
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Cohorting to isolate asymptomatic spreaders: An agent-based simulation study on the Mumbai Suburban Railway
Sharad Shriram
Nidhin Vaidhiyan
Gaurav Aggarwal
Jiangzhuo Chen
Srini Venkatramanan
Lijing Wang
Aniruddha Adiga
Adam Sadilek
Madhav Marathe
Rajesh Sundaresan
AMAAS 2021 (2021), pp. 1680