Rami Al-Rfou

Rami Al-Rfou

Rami Al-Rfou received his PhD at Stony Brook University. He conducted his research on the application of deep learning in multilingual natural language processing with emphasis on languages with scarce resources. Currently, he focuses on modeling contextual cues for dialogue modeling. For more information check personal website (http://alrfou.com).
Authored Publications
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    SPoT: Better Frozen Model Adaptation through Soft Prompt Transfer
    Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Association for Computational Linguistics(2022)
    Preview abstract There has been growing interest in parameter-efficient methods to apply pre-trained language models to downstream tasks. Building on the Prompt Tuning approach of Lester et al. (2021), which learns task-specific soft prompts to condition a frozen pre-trained model to perform different tasks, we propose a novel prompt-based transfer learning approach called SPoT: Soft Prompt Transfer. SPoT first learns a prompt on one or more source tasks and then uses it to initialize the prompt for a target task. We show that SPoT significantly boosts the performance of Prompt Tuning across many tasks. More remarkably, across all model sizes, SPoT matches or outperforms standard Model Tuning (which fine-tunes all model parameters) on the SuperGLUE benchmark, while using up to 27,000x fewer task-specific parameters. To understand where SPoT is most effective, we conduct a large-scale study on task transferability with 26 NLP tasks in 160 combinations, and demonstrate that many tasks can benefit each other via prompt transfer. Finally, we propose an efficient retrieval approach that interprets task prompts as task embeddings to identify similar tasks and predict the most transferable source tasks for a novel target task. View details
    nmT5 - Is parallel data still relevant for pre-training massively multilingual language models?
    Linting Xue
    Mihir Sanjay Kale
    Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)(2021) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Recently, mT5 - a massively multilingual version of T5 - leveraged a unified text-to-text format to attain state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of multilingual NLP tasks. In this paper, we investigate the impact of incorporating parallel data into mT5 pre-training. We find that simply multi-tasking language modeling with objectives such as machine translation during pre-training leads to improved performance on downstream multilingual and cross-lingual tasks. However, the gains start to diminish as the model capacity increases, suggesting that parallel data might not be as essential for larger models. At the same time, even at larger model sizes, we find that pre-training with parallel data still provides benefits in the limited labelled data regime. View details
    mT5: A massively multilingual pre-trained text-to-text transformer
    Linting Xue
    Mihir Sanjay Kale
    Aditya Barua
    Colin Raffel
    Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL 2021), Association for Computational Linguistics, Online, pp. 483-498
    Preview abstract The recent “Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer” (T5) leveraged a unified text-to-text format and scale to attain state-of-the-art results on a wide variety of English-language NLP tasks. In this paper, we introduce mT5, a multilingual variant of T5 that was pre-trained on a new Common Crawl-based dataset covering 101 languages. We detail the design and modified training of mT5 and demonstrate its state-of-the-art performance on many multilingual benchmarks. We also describe a simple technique to prevent “accidental translation” in the zero-shot setting, where a generative model chooses to (partially) translate its prediction into the wrong language. All of the code and model checkpoints used in this work are publicly available. View details
    Preview abstract We release high quality processed text of Wikipedia for 40+ languages. We train monolingual causal language models establishing the first reported baselines for many languages. We also introduce the task of crosslingual causal modeling, we train our baseline model(transformer-xl) and report our results with varying setups. We release our data and trained models for the community to use as baseline for the further research in causal language modeling and crosslingual learning. View details
    LAReQA: Language-Agnostic Answer Retrieval from a Multilingual Pool
    Uma Roy
    Aditya Barua
    Aaron Phillips
    Yinfei Yang
    Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 5919-5930
    Preview abstract We present LAReQA, a challenging new benchmark for language-agnostic answer retrieval from a multilingual candidate pool. Unlike previous cross-lingual tasks, LAReQA tests for “strong” cross-lingual alignment, requiring semantically related cross-language pairs to be closer in representation space than unrelated same-language pairs. This level of alignment is important for the practical task of cross-lingual information retrieval. Building on multilingual BERT (mBERT), we study different strategies for achieving strong alignment. We find that augmenting training data via machine translation is effective, and improves significantly over using mBERT out-of-the-box. Interestingly, model performance on zero-shot variants of our task that only target “weak” alignment is not predictive of performance on LAReQA. This finding underscores our claim that language-agnostic retrieval is a substantively new kind of cross-lingual evaluation, and suggests that measuring both weak and strong alignment will be important for improving cross-lingual systems going forward. We release our dataset and evaluation code at https://github.com/google-research-datasets/lareqa. View details
    Machine Translation Aided Bilingual Data-to-Text Generation and Semantic Parsing
    Heming Ge
    Mihir Sanjay Kale
    Oshin Agarwal
    Siamak Shakeri
    3rd Workshop on Natural Language Generation from the Semantic Web(2020)
    Preview abstract We present a system for bilingual Data-To-Text Generation and Semantic Parsing. We use a text-to-text generator to learn a single model that works for both languages on each of the tasks. The model is aided by machine translation during both pre-training and fine-tuning. We evaluate the system on WebNLG 2020 data, which consists of RDF triples in English and natural language sentences in English and Russian for both the tasks. We achieve considerable gains over monolingual models, especially on unseen relations and Russian. View details
    CosmoGAN: creating high-fidelity weak lensing convergence maps using Generative Adversarial Networks
    Mustafa Mustafa
    Deborah Bard
    Wahid Bhimji
    Zarija Lukić
    Jan M Kratochvil
    Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology, 6(2019), pp. 1-13
    Preview abstract Inferring model parameters from experimental data is a grand challenge in many sciences, including cosmology. This often relies critically on high fidelity numerical simulations, which are prohibitively computationally expensive. The application of deep learning techniques to generative modeling is renewing interest in using high dimensional density estimators as computationally inexpensive emulators of fully-fledged simulations. These generative models have the potential to make a dramatic shift in the field of scientific simulations, but for that shift to happen we need to study the performance of such generators in the precision regime needed for science applications. To this end, in this work we apply Generative Adversarial Networks to the problem of generating weak lensing convergence maps. We show that our generator network produces maps that are described by, with high statistical confidence, the same summary statistics as the fully simulated maps. View details
    Character-Level Language Modeling with Deeper Self-Attention
    DK Choe
    Llion Jones
    Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(2019)
    Preview abstract LSTMs and other RNN variants have shown strong performance on character-level language modeling. These models are typically trained using truncated backpropagation through time, and it is common to assume that their success stems from their ability to remember long-term contexts. In this paper, we show that a deep (64-layer) transformer model with fixed context outperforms RNN variants by a large margin, achieving 1.13 bits per character on text8. To get good results at this depth, we show that it is important to add auxiliary losses, both at intermediate network layers and intermediate sequence positions. View details
    Preview abstract Purely character-based language models have been lagging in quality on large scale datasets, and state-of-the-art language models currently rely on word tokenization. It has been assumed that injecting the prior knowledge of a tokenizer into the language model is essential to achieving competitive results. In this paper, we show that, contrary to this conventional wisdom, tokenizer-free language models with sufficient capacity can achieve competitive performance on a large scale dataset. We train a vanilla transformer network with 40 self-attention layers on the One Billion Word (lm1b) benchmark and achieve new state of the art results for tokenizer-free language models, pushing these models to be on par with their word-based counterparts. View details
    Preview abstract Can neural networks learn to compare graphs without feature engineering? In this paper, we show that it is possible to learn representations for graph similarity with neither domain knowledge nor supervision (i.e. feature engineering or labeled graphs). We propose Deep Divergence Graph Kernels, an unsupervised method for learning representations over graphs that encodes a relaxed notion of graph isomorphism. Our method consists of three parts. First, we learn an encoder for each anchor graph to capture its structure. Second, for each pair of graphs, we train a cross-graph attention network which uses the node representations of an anchor graph to reconstruct another graph. This approach, which we call isomorphism attention, captures how well the representations of one graph can encode another. We use the attention-augmented encoder's predictions to define a divergence score for each pair of graphs. Finally, we construct an embedding space for all graphs using these pair-wise divergence scores. Unlike previous work, much of which relies on 1) supervision, 2) domain specific knowledge (e.g. a reliance on Weisfeiler-Lehman kernels), and 3) known node alignment, our unsupervised method jointly learns node representations, graph representations, and an attention-based alignment between graphs. Our experimental results show that Deep Divergence Graph Kernels can learn an unsupervised alignment between graphs, and that the learned representations achieve competitive results when used as features on a number of challenging graph classification tasks. Furthermore, we illustrate how the learned attention allows insight into the the alignment of sub-structures across graphs. View details