ICSE 2015 and Software Engineering Research at Google
July 30, 2015
Posted by Mohsen Vakilian, Software Engineer
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The large scale of our software engineering efforts at Google often pushes us to develop cutting-edge infrastructure. In May 2015, at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), we shared some of our software engineering tools and practices and collaborated with the research community through a combination of publications, committee memberships, and workshops. Learn more about some of our research below (Googlers highlighted in blue).
Google was a Gold supporter of ICSE 2015.
Technical Research Papers:
A Flexible and Non-intrusive Approach for Computing Complex Structural Coverage Metrics
Michael W. Whalen, Suzette Person, Neha Rungta, Matt Staats, Daniela Grijincu
Automated Decomposition of Build Targets
Mohsen Vakilian, Raluca Sauciuc, David Morgenthaler, Vahab Mirrokni
Tricorder: Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem
Caitlin Sadowski, Jeffrey van Gogh, Ciera Jaspan, Emma Soederberg, Collin Winter
Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Papers:
Comparing Software Architecture Recovery Techniques Using Accurate Dependencies
Thibaud Lutellier, Devin Chollak, Joshua Garcia, Lin Tan, Derek Rayside, Nenad Medvidovic, Robert Kroeger
Technical Briefings:
Software Engineering for Privacy in-the-Large
Pauline Anthonysamy, Awais Rashid
Workshop Organizers:
2nd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing (RET 2015)
Elizabeth Bjarnason, Mirko Morandini, Markus Borg, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, Michael Felderer, Matthew Staats
Committee Members:
Caitlin Sadowski - Program Committee Member and Distinguished Reviewer Award Winner
James Andrews - Review Committee Member
Ray Buse - Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Committee Member and Demonstrations Committee Member
John Penix - Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Committee Member
Marija Mikic - Poster Co-chair
Daniel Popescu and Ivo Krka - Poster Committee Members