All of Google’s CS Education Programs and Tools in One Place
April 12, 2016
Posted by Chris Stephenson, Head of Computer Science Education Programs
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(Cross-posted on the Google for Education Blog)
Interest in computer science education is growing rapidly; even the President of the United States has spoken of the importance of giving every student an opportunity to learn computer science. Google has been a supportive partner in these efforts by developing high-quality learning programs, educational tools and resources to advance new approaches in computer science education. To make it easier for all students and educators to access this information, today we’re launching a CS EDU website that specifically outlines our initiatives in CS education.
The President’s call to action is grounded in economic realities coupled with a lack of access and ongoing system inequities. There is an increasing need for computer science skills in the workforce, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimating that there will be more than 1.3 million job openings in computer and mathematical occupations by 2022. The majority of these jobs will require at least a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or in Information Technology, yet the U.S. is only producing 16,000 CS undergraduates per year.
One of the reasons there are so few computer science graduates is that too few students have the opportunity to study computer science in high school. Google’s research shows that only 25% of U.S. schools currently offer CS with programming or coding, despite the fact that 91% of parents want their children to learn computer science. In addition, schools with higher percentages of students living in households below the poverty line are even less likely to offer rigorous computer science courses.
Increasing access to computer science for all learners requires tremendous commitment from a wide range of stakeholders, and we strive to be a strong supportive partner of these efforts. Our new CS EDU website shows all the ways Google is working to address the need for improved access to high quality computer science learning in formal and informal education. Some current programs you’ll find there include:
- CS First: providing more than 360,000 middle school students with an opportunity to create technology through free computer science clubs
- Exploring Computational Thinking: sharing more than 130 lesson plans aligned to international standards for students aged 8 to 18
- igniteCS: offering support and mentoring to address the retention problem in diverse student populations at the undergraduate level in more than 40 universities and counting
- Blockly and other programming tools powering Code.org’s Hour of Code (2 million users)
- Google’s Made with Code: movement that inspires millions of girls to learn to code and to see it as a means to pursue their dream careers (more than 10 million unique visitors)
- ...and many more!
Computer science education is a pathway to innovation, to creativity and to exciting career opportunities, and Google believes that all students deserve these opportunities. That is why we are committed to developing programs, resources, tools and community partnerships that make computer science engaging and accessible for all students. With the launch of our CS EDU website, all of these programs are at your fingertips.
- Education Innovation