Proceedings of the 2022 Quantitative User Experience Conference (Quant UX Con 2022). Sunnyvale, CA June 8-9, 2022

Chris Chapman
Kitty Z. Xu
Mario Callegaro
Fei Gao
Maria Cipollone


Quant UX Con 2022 was the first ever general industry conference for Quantitative User
Experience Researchers. When it was planned in the Fall of 2021, we expected to host an
in-person, loosely structured “unconference” event for 150–200 people.

By Spring 2022, registrations exceeded 2000 people and the organizing committee radically
revised the format to be an online conference open to anyone, anywhere. When the event
occurred in June 2022, there were over 2500 attendees with an average viewing time of 7.5
hours. It was a surprise and a delight to meet attendees from all over the world — more than 70
countries — who were interested in Quant UX.

This volume compiles the papers and slides from presenters at Quant UX Con 2022. We are
excited to share these with you!
As you review the materials here, please keep a few points in mind:

● There were no recordings of the talks. When we planned the event, it was expected to
be in person, and speakers expected it not to be recorded.
● Not every presentation is included. Some speakers were not able to include their
materials due to publication restrictions. Other sessions were discussion panels that had
no materials other than audience questions.
● The materials have varied formats. Some presenters shared raw slides; others shared
annotated slides; and others shared full papers.
● If you have any questions or wish to follow up with authors, please contact them directly.

In addition to this PDF, individual files are available at