Ensemble Distillation for BERT-Based Ranking Models

Shuguang Han
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR ’21)


Over the past two years, large pretrained language models such as BERT have been applied to text ranking problems and showed superior performance on multiple public benchmark data sets. Prior work demonstrated that an ensemble of multiple BERT-based ranking models can not only boost the performance, but also reduce the performance variance. However, an ensemble of models is more costly because it needs computing resource and/or inference time proportional to the number of models. In this paper, we study how to retain the performance of an ensemble of models at the inference cost of a single model by distilling the ensemble into a single BERT-based student ranking model. Specifically, we study different designs of teacher labels, various distillation strategies, as well as multiple distillation losses tailored for ranking problems. We conduct experiments on the MS MARCO passage ranking and the TREC-COVID data set. Our results show that even with these simple distillation techniques, the distilled model can effectively retain the performance gain of the ensemble of multiple models. More interestingly, the performances of distilled models are also more stable than models fine-tuned on original labeled data. The results reveal a promising direction to capitalize on the gains achieved by an ensemble of BERT-based ranking models.