Memory Consistency and Event Ordering in Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Kourosh Gharachorloo
Daniel Lenoski
Phillip Gibbons
Anoop Gupta
John Hennessy
Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ACM, Seattle, WA, USA (1990), pp. 15-26


Scalable shared-memory multiprocessors distribute memory among the processors and use scalable interconnection networks to provide high bandwidth and low latency communication. In addition, memory accesses are cached, buffered, and pipelined to bridge the gap between the slow shared memory and the fast processors. Unless carefully controlled, such architectural optimizations can cause memory accesses to be executed in an order different from what the programmer expects. The set of allowable memory access orderings forms the memory consistency model or event ordering model for an architecture. This paper introduces a new model of memory consistency, called release consistency, that allows for more buffering and pipelining than previously proposed models. A framework for classifying shared accesses and reasoning about event ordering is developed. The release consistency model is shown to be equivalent to the sequential consistency model for parallel programs with sufficient synchronization. Possible performance gains from the less strict constraints of the release consistency model are explored. Finally, practical implementation issues are discussed, concentrating on issues relevant to scalable architectures.