Latent Translation Cross-Lingual Transfer

Edoardo Ponti
Ivan Vulic
Julia Kreutzer
Siva Reddy


While achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple tasks and languages, translation-based cross-lingual transfer is often overlooked in favour of massively multilingual pre-trained encoders. Arguably, this is due to its main limitations: 1)<\b> translation errors percolating to the classification phase and 2)<\b> the insufficient expressiveness of the maximum-likelihood translation. To remedy this, we propose a new technique that integrates both steps of the traditional pipeline (translation and classification) into a single model, by treating the intermediate translations as a latent random variable. As a result, 1)<\b> the neural machine translation system can be fine-tuned with a variant of Minimum Risk Training where the reward is the accuracy of the downstream task classifier. Moreover, 2)<\b> multiple samples can be drawn to approximate the expected loss across all possible translations during inference. We evaluate our novel latent translation-based model on a series of multilingual NLU tasks, including commonsense reasoning, paraphrase identification, and natural language inference. We report gains for both zero-shot and few-shot learning setups, up to 2.7 accuracy points on average, which are even more prominent for low-resource languages (e.g., Haitian Creole). Finally, we carry out in-depth analyses comparing different underlying NMT models and assessing the impact of alternative translations on the downstream performance.