Latent Doodle Space

{Ken-ichi} Anjyo
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 25(2006), pp. 477-485


We propose the concept of a latent doodle space, a low-dimensional space derived from a set of input doodles, or simple line drawings. The latent space provides a foundation for generating new drawings that are similar, but not identical to, the input examples. The two key components of this technique are 1) a heuristic algorithm for finding stroke correspondences between the drawings, and 2) the use of latent variable methods to automatically extract a low-dimensional latent doodle space from the inputs. We present two practical applications that demonstrate the utility of this idea: first, a randomized stamp tool that creates a different image on every usage; and second, "personalized probabilistic fonts," a handwriting synthesis technique that mimics the idiosyncrasies of one's own handwriting.

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