Exploiting Locality in Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry

Jarrod McClean
Peter Love
Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5 (2014), pp. 4368-4380


Accurate prediction of chemical and material properties from first principles quantum chemistry is a challenging task on traditional computers. Recent developments in quantum computation offer a route toward highly accurate solutions with polynomial cost; however, this solution still carries a large overhead. In this Perspective, we aim to bring together known results about the locality of physical interactions from quantum chemistry with ideas from quantum computation. We show that the utilization of spatial locality combined with the Bravyi-Kitaev transformation
offers an improvement in the scaling of known quantum algorithms for quantum
chemistry and provides numerical examples to help illustrate this point. We combine
these developments to improve the outlook for the future of quantum chemistry on
quantum computers.