Society-Centered AI


How can AI truly benefit society? Rapid advancement of AI has the transformative potential to benefit society at a scale and speed that wasn’t possible before. Google has seen that building responsibility and maximizing AI's benefit requires a multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary approach that we call Society-Centered AI. The Society-Centered approach involves understanding societal needs and challenges facing diverse communities around the globe, developing useful technologies or innovations that are responsive to these needs together with the communities impacted, and measuring the success by the impact on those communities. Crucially, the approach involves collective efforts that bring together multiple stakeholder groups, often through direct partnership with organizations that can represent the perspectives and needs of impacted communities.

Society-Centered AI will fund research projects that promote the society-centered research approach to shape the positive outcomes of AI for a better future. We are seeking research proposals that advance AI applications relating to accessibility, health care, cultural production, upskilling, or other topics related to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.