T. V. Raman

T. V. Raman

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    Preview abstract In this paper we introduce JustSpeak, a universal voice control solution for non-visual access to the Android operating system. JustSpeak offers two contributions as compared to existing systems. First, it enables system wide voice control on Android that can accommodate any application. JustSpeak constructs the set of available voice commands based on application context; these commands are directly synthesized from on-screen labels and accessibility metadata, and require no further intervention from the application developer. Second, it provides more efficient and natural interaction with support of multiple voice commands in the same utterance. We present the system design of JustSpeak and describe its utility in various use cases. We then discuss the system level supports required by a service like JustSpeak on other platforms. By eliminating the target locating and pointing tasks, JustSpeak can significantly improve experience of graphic interface interaction for blind and motion-impaired users. View details
    AxsJAX: A Talking Translation Bot using Google IM: Bringing Web-2.0 Applications to Life
    Charles L. Chen
    Proceedings of the 2008 International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A), ACM, Beijing, pp. 54-56
    Emacspeak --- The Complete Audio Desktop
    Beautiful Code, O'Reilly Media (2007), pp. 503 - 526
    Preview abstract A desktop is a workspace that one uses to organize the tools of one's trade. Graphical desktops provide rich visual interaction for performing day-to-day computing tasks; the goal of the audio desktop is to enable similar efficiencies in an eyes-free environment. Thus, the primary goal of an audio desktop is to use the expressiveness of auditory output (both verbal and nonverbal) to enable the end user to perform a full range of computing tasks: Communication through the full range of electronic messaging services Ready access to local documents on the client and global documents on the Web Ability to develop software effectively in an eyes-free environment View details