Isabel Leal
Research Areas
Authored Publications
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Self-Adaptive Distillation for Multilingual Speech Recognition: Leveraging Student Independence
Brian Farris
Pedro Jose Moreno Mengibar
Yun Zhu
Interspeech 2021 (to appear)
Mixture of Informed Experts for Multilingual Speech Recognition
Brian Farris
Pedro Jose Moreno Mengibar
Yun Zhu
ICASSP 2021, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (to appear)
Multilingual Speech Recognition with Self-Attention Structured Parameterization
Yun Zhu
Brian Farris
Hainan Xu
Han Lu
Pedro Jose Moreno Mengibar
Qian Zhang
Interspeech 2020, 21st Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, ISCA