Jennifer Zamora

Jennifer Zamora
Authored Publications
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    Preview abstract As mobile internet growth continues to bring New Internet Users (NIUs) online, technology has adapted to fit this user segment. User barriers like devices and connectivity have declined as mobile phone prices have become more affordable and infrastructure has continued to develop, connecting more communities globally. App development has also evolved to better suit users on low-cost Android devices. Lite apps have entered the space as a solution for users in constrained environments. While there are many benefits to lite app designs, their effectiveness is unclear for their likely target beneficiaries: NIUs coming online. In this mixed-method study we explore the experience for NIUs trying out a smartphone with lite apps for a month in Brazil and India (n=62). We conducted this research by collecting diary data and follow-up in-person interviews. Results found that three phases of challenges occurred in the first 28 days with a lite smartphone: 1) getting started with accounts, 2) learning how to use the mobile platform and apps, and 3) meeting expectations and mastering the internet. Through understanding the friction points in each phase, insights surfaced design principles for future NIU technology. View details
    Preview abstract Personality of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is a vast and complex domain. Traits like trustworthiness and humanness have long been evaluated, but less so for traits like fun. In this study we evaluate fun in four conversational agents with a mix of menial tasks, games, and free play in the US and India on voice and text-based platforms. Our research explores user sentiment of fun in an A.I. personality, implications of fun personality on voice-based and text-based agents, and the perception of a fun A.I. personality in two culturally distinct markets. We used a mixed method approach to evaluate these objectives with 44 participants. Our results end with design principles for creating fun in artificial intelligence: 1) balance fun through conversational humor and goal-oriented actions, 2) create fun experiences through playful interactions, 3) convey fun through platform specific expressions like tone of voice or visual gestures and emojis, and 4) be inclusively fun by being culturally relevant so your conversational agent translates across borders. View details
    Preview abstract Religious information needs continue to play a critical role in the lives of millions of people around the world. The body of literature in HCI that focuses on religious information seeking is lacking. In this study we explore information sources for religious needs, gain deeper insights to contextualize religious needs over time, evaluate a prototype for prayer times, and propose design principles for religious information needs. We triangulated data from a qualitative mix-method approach including a remote task-based study (n=14), prayer app diary study (n=50), and in-depth interviews with design evaluation (n=10). The results surfaced and shaped design principles for religious seeking information. When it comes to religious information needs, users need an application to 1) Fulfill direct tasks, 2) Support peripheral needs, 3) Indicate credible sources, and 4) Provide content for a range of sensory. View details
    Preview abstract Mobile information seeking often involves search engines that are designed by Western cultures, but are used across the world. As we strive for a more global design, we have a need to evaluate the information seeking journey across different segments of the population in a structured and programmatic process. In this study we focus on qualitative insights from 84 participants to understand mobile information seeking patterns and barriers for users in Nigeria while developing a framework that can be used to assess information seeking across different regions. As this effort continues to evolve and scale, we can iterate on the framework with the intent of improving search engines for non-Western cultures. The framework has five domains: 1) Perception, 2) Infrastructure, 3) Input and output format, 4) Content and 5) Context. View details
    Preview abstract This research study explores how chatbots can broadly find a place in routine daily lives. Chatbot development has increased while in many cases its purpose still remains loosely defined. Due to its novelty and relatively new technology, there is an opportunity to create meaningful experiences with chatbots in a typical person’s life. Qualitative insights were collected from 54 participants in India and the US over the course of two weeks. To identify opportunities for chatbots, we must understand how these programs are perceived and what needs exist for people. The research objectives include: 1) anticipations for chatbots 2) preferred input modalities 3) finding a place for chatbots. View details
    Preview abstract Artificial intelligence continues to grow in popularity on mobile platforms, increasing exposure to chatbot apps. Chatbot technology has evolved over time, yet the purpose and added value that chatbots offer has not been clearly defined. In order to design a chatbot that provides a meaningful experience, we must first understand what expectations people have for this technology, and what opportunities are there for chatbots based on user needs. This study includes qualitative data from 54 participants in the US and India, sharing their expectations and experiences with a chatbot. The research objectives include: 1) understand user perception and expectations of chatbots 2) surface preferences for input modality and 3) identify domains where chatbots can add meaningful purpose. View details
    Preview abstract This research study investigates a proposed model using mobile phones as an accelerator for solar adoption in Uganda. Sixty-five percent of Uganda is non-electrified, and 72% of people are unbanked. Due to the lack of financial infrastructure and banking history, banks are not able to predict default loan behaviors. In an attempt to scale solar adoption, we propose a USSD model for users to receive energy loan approvals based on mobile financial history. The research involves a mix-method qualitative approach with 36 users to evaluate the following objectives: 1) user’s ability to understand and consent to a “mobile credit check” for loan approval 2) perception of variable loan discounts for those with good credit and 3) how the USSD model will fit in the broader solar environment. View details