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Mateusz Malinowski

Mateusz Malinowski

I work at DeepMind as a research scientist with a broad interest in building responsive machines that understand natural language, surrounding environment, as well as human intentions, all necessary for human-like communication. Prior to my work at DeepMind, I worked at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, where I pursued PhD in Computer Vision. During my PhD studies, I pioneered the task of Visual Turing Test (also known as Visual Question Answering) that has been widely followed up by a research community. In this task, I study a problem of question answering about real-world images, and have proposed various architectures such as LSTM+CNN termed 'Ask Your Neurons', and logic-based that relies on a semantic parser. Besides of the Visual Turing Test, I also studied a retrieval problem and learnable spatial representations.
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    Preview abstract Visual QA is a pivotal challenge for higher-level reasoning, requiring understanding language, vision, and relationships between many objects in a scene. Although datasets like CLEVR are designed to be unsolvable without such complex relational reasoning, some surprisingly simple feed-forward, ``holistic'' models have recently shown strong performance on this dataset. These models lack any kind of explicit iterative, symbolic reasoning procedure, which are hypothesized to be necessary for counting objects, narrowing down the set of relevant objects based on several attributes, etc. The reason for this strong performance is poorly understood. Hence, our work analyzes such models, and finds that minor architectural elements are crucial to performance. In particular, we find that \textit{early fusion} of language and vision provides large performance improvements. This contrasts with the late fusion approaches popular at the dawn of Visual QA. We propose a simple module we call Multimodal Core, which we hypothesize performs the fundamental operations for multimodal tasks. We believe that understanding why these elements are so important to complex question answering will aid the design of better-performing algorithms for Visual QA while minimizing hand-engineering effort. View details
    Playing the Game of Universal Adversarial Perturbations
    Julien Perolat
    Bilal Piot
    Olivier Pietquin
    Arxiv (2018)
    Preview abstract We study the problem of learning classifiers robust to universal adversarial perturbations. While prior work approaches this problem via robust optimization, adversarial training, or input transformation, we instead phrase it as a two-player zero-sum game. In this new formulation, both players simultaneously play the same game, where one player chooses a classifier that minimizes a classification loss whilst the other player creates an adversarial perturbation that increases the same loss when applied to every sample in the training set. By observing that performing a classification (respectively creating adversarial samples) is the best response to the other player, we propose a novel extension of a game-theoretic algorithm, namely \fp, to the domain of training robust classifiers. Finally, we empirically show the robustness and versatility of our approach in two defence scenarios where universal attacks are performed on several image classification datasets -- CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet. View details
    Learning Visual Question Answering by Bootstrapping Hard Attention
    Carl Doersch
    Adam Santoro
    Peter Battaglia
    European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (2018)
    Preview abstract Attention mechanisms in biological perception are thought to select subsets of perceptual information for more sophisticated processing which would be prohibitive to perform on all sensory inputs. In computer vision, however, there has been relatively little exploration of hard attention, where some information is selectively ignored, in spite of the success of soft attention, where information is re-weighted and aggregated, but never filtered out. Here, we introduce a new approach for hard attention and find it achieves very competitive performance on a recently-released visual question answering datasets, equalling and in some cases surpassing similar soft attention architectures while entirely ignoring some features. Even though the hard attention mechanism is thought to be non-differentiable, we found that the feature magnitudes correlate with semantic relevance, and provide a useful signal for our mechanism’s attentional selection criterion. Because hard attention selects important features of the input information, it can also be more efficient than analogous soft attention mechanisms. This is especially important for recent approaches that use non-local pairwise operations, whereby computational and memory costs are quadratic in the size of the set of features. View details
    Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks
    Peter Battaglia
    Jessica Blake Chandler Hamrick
    Victor Bapst
    Alvaro Sanchez
    Vinicius Zambaldi
    Andrea Tacchetti
    David Raposo
    Adam Santoro
    Ryan Faulkner
    Caglar Gulcehre
    Francis Song
    Andy Ballard
    Justin Gilmer
    Ashish Vaswani
    Kelsey Allen
    Charles Nash
    Victoria Jayne Langston
    Chris Dyer
    Nicolas Heess
    Daan Wierstra
    Matt Botvinick
    Yujia Li
    Razvan Pascanu
    arXiv (2018)
    Preview abstract The purpose of this paper is to explore relational inductive biases in modern AI, especially deep learning, describing a rough taxonomy of existing approaches, and introducing a common mathematical framework for expressing and unifying various approaches. The key theme running through this work is structure—how the world is structured, and how the structure of different computational strategies determines their strengths and weaknesses. View details
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