Verifying Text Summaries of Relational Data Sets

Saehan Jo
Immanuel Trummer
Weicheng Yu
Cong Yu
Daniel Liu
Niyati Mehta
SIGMOD(2019) (to appear)
Google Scholar


We present a novel natural language query interface, the AggChecker, aimed at text summaries of relational data sets. The tool focuses on natural language claims that translate into an SQL query and a claimed query result. Similar in spirit to a spell checker, the AggChecker marks up text passages that seem to be inconsistent with the actual data. At the heart of the system is a probabilistic model that reasons about the input document in a holistic fashion. Based on claim keywords and the document structure, it maps each text claim to a probability distribution over associated query translations. By efficiently executing tens to hundreds of thousands of candidate translations for a typical input document, the system maps text claims to correctness probabilities. This process becomes practical via a specialized processing backend, avoiding redundant work via query merging and result caching. Verification is an interactive process in which users are shown tentative results, enabling them to take corrective actions if necessary. Our system was tested on a set of 53 public articles containing 392 claims. Our test cases include articles from major newspapers, summaries of survey results, and Wikipedia articles. Our tool revealed erroneous claims in roughly a third of test cases. A detailed user study shows that users using our tool are in average six times faster at checking text summaries, compared to generic SQL interfaces. In fully automated verification, our tool achieves significantly higher recall and precision than baselines from the areas of natural language query interfaces and fact-checking.