Throughput-Oriented Multicore Processors

Robert Golla
Greg Grohoski
Multicore Processors and Systems, Springer(2009), pp. 205-230


Many important commercial server applications are throughput-oriented. Chip multiprocessors (CMPs) are ideally suited to handle these workloads, as the multiple processors on the chip can independently service incoming requests. To date, most CMPs have been built using a small number of high-performance superscalar processor cores. However, the majority of commercial applications exhibit high cache miss rates, larger memory footprints, and low instruction-level parallelism, which leads to poor utilization on these CMPs. An alternative approach is to build a throughput-oriented, multithreaded CMP from a much larger number of simpler processor cores. This chapter explores the tradeoffs involved in building such a simple-core CMP. Two case studies, the Niagara and Niagara 2 CMPs from Sun Microsystems, are used to illustrate how simple-core CMPs are built in practice and how they compare to CMPs built from more traditional high-performance superscalar processor cores. The case studies show that simple-core CMPs can have a significant performance/watt advantage over complex-core CMPs.

Research Areas