Structure-property relationships from universal signatures of plasticity in disordered solids

Robert Ivancic
Samuel S. Schoenholz
Danny Strickland
Anindita Basu
Zoey Davidson
Julien Fontaine
Jyo Lyn Hor
Yun-Ru Huang
Y. Jiang
Nathan Keim
K. D. Koshigan
J. A. Lefever
T. Liu
X. -G. Ma
D. J. Magagnosc
E. Morrow
C. P. Ortiz
J. M. Rieser
A. Shavit
T. Still
Y. Xu
Y. Zhang
Kerstin N. Nordstrom
Paulo E. Arratia
Robert W. Carpick
Douglas J. Durian
Zahra Fakhraai
Douglas J. Jerolmack
Daeyoon Lee
Ju Li
Robert Riggleman
Kevin T. Turner
Arjun G. Yodh
Daniel S. Gianola
Andrea J. Liu


When deformed beyond their elastic limits, crystalline solids flow plastically via particle rearrangements localized around structural defects. Disordered solids also flow, but without obvious structural defects. We link structure to plasticity in disordered solids via a microscopic structural quantity, “softness,” designed by machine learning to be maximally predictive of rearrangements. Experimental results and computations enabled us to measure the spatial correlations and strain response of softness, as well as two measures of plasticity: the size of rearrangements and the yield strain. All four quantities maintained remarkable commonality in their values for disordered packings of objects ranging from atoms to grains, spanning 7 to 13 orders of magnitude in diameter and elastic modulus. These commonalities suggest that the spatial correlations and strain response of softness correspond to rearrangement size and yield strain, respectively.

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