Scale Calibration of Deep Ranking Models

28TH ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) (2022), pp. 4300-4309


Learning-to-Rank (LTR) systems are ubiquitous in web applications nowadays. The existing literature mainly focuses on improving ranking performance by trying to generate the optimal order of candidate items. However, virtually all advanced ranking functions are not scale calibrated. For example, rankers have the freedom to add a constant to all item scores without changing their relative order. This property has resulted in several limitations in deploying advanced ranking methods in practice. On the one hand, it limits the use of effective ranking functions in important applications. For example, in ads ranking, predicted Click-Through Rate (pCTR) is used for ranking and is required to be calibrated for the downstream ads auction. This is a major reason that existing ads ranking methods use scale calibrated pointwise loss functions that may sacrifice ranking performance. On the other hand, popular ranking losses are translation-invariant. We rigorously show that, both theoretically and empirically, this property leads to training instability that may cause severe practical issues.

In this paper, we study how to perform scale calibration of deep ranking models to address the above concerns. We design three different formulations to calibrate ranking models through calibrated ranking losses. Unlike existing post-processing methods, our calibration is performed during training, which can resolve the training instability issue without any additional processing. We conduct experiments on the standard LTR benchmark datasets and one of the largest sponsored search ads dataset from Google. Our results show that our proposed calibrated ranking losses can achieve nearly optimal results in terms of both ranking quality and score scale calibration.