On the oracle complexity of smooth strongly convex minimization
We construct a family of functions suitable for establishing lower bounds on the oracle complexity of first-order minimization of smooth strongly-convex functions.
Based on this construction, we derive new lower bounds on the complexity of strongly-convex minimization under various accuracy criteria. The new bounds match the known upper bounds up to a constant factor, and when the accuracy of a solution is measured by its distance to the solution set, the new lower bound \emph{exactly} matches the upper bound attained by the recent Doubly Optimal Method, thereby establishing the exact complexity for this class of problems.
Based on this construction, we derive new lower bounds on the complexity of strongly-convex minimization under various accuracy criteria. The new bounds match the known upper bounds up to a constant factor, and when the accuracy of a solution is measured by its distance to the solution set, the new lower bound \emph{exactly} matches the upper bound attained by the recent Doubly Optimal Method, thereby establishing the exact complexity for this class of problems.