Multiframe Deep Neural Networks for Acoustic Modeling

Matthieu Devin
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, Vancouver, CA(2013)


Deep neural networks have been shown to perform very well as acoustic models for automatic speech recognition. Compared to Gaussian mixtures however, they tend to be very expensive computationally, making them challenging to use in real-time applications. One key advantage of such neural networks is their ability to learn from very long observation windows going up to 400 ms. Given this very long temporal context, it is tempting to wonder whether one can run neural networks at a lower frame rate than the typical 10 ms, and whether there might be computational benefits to doing so. This paper describes a method of tying the neural network parameters over time which achieves comparable performance to the typical frame-synchronous model, while achieving up to a 4X reduction in the computational cost of the neural network activations.