Implementing Reliable Event Streams in Large Systems via Distributed Data Flows and Recursive Delegation

Ken Birman
Danny Dolev
Chuck Sakoda
3rd ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2009)


Strong reliability properties, such as state machine replication and virtual synchrony, are hard to implement in a scalable manner. They are typically expressed in terms of global membership views. However, global membership is non-scalable. We propose a new way of modeling protocols that does not rely on global membership. Our approach is based on the concept of a distributed data flow, a set of events distributed in space and time. We model protocols as networks of such flows, constructed through recursive delegation. The resulting system uses multiple small membership services instead of a single global service while still supporting stronger properties. This paper focuses on the theoretical model and its base properties; in particular, on the concept of monotonic aggregation. We present a high-level architecture overview and initial performance results.

Research Areas