CTV Reach Measurement Using Panel Data

Han Yan
Wei Liu
Uday Chaudhary
Google Research (2024)


Connected TV (CTV) devices blend characteristics of digital desktop and mobile devices--such as the option to log in and the ability to access a broad range of online content--and linear TV--such as a living room experience that can be shared by multiple members of a household. This blended viewing experience requires the development of measurement methods that are adapted to this novel environment. For other devices, ad measurement and planning have an established history of being guided by the ground truth of panels composed of people who share their device behavior. A CTV panel-only measurement solution for reach is not practical due to the panel size that would be needed to accurately measure smaller digital campaigns. Instead, we generalize the existing approach used to measure reach for other devices that combines panel data with other data sources (e.g., ad server logs, publisher-provided self-reported demographic data, survey data) to account for co-viewing. This paper describes data from a CTV panel and shows how this data can be used to effectively measure the aggregate co-viewing rate and fit demographic models that account for co-viewing behavior. Special considerations include data filtering, weighting at the panelist and household levels to ensure representativeness, and measurement uncertainty.