Analysis of the Reputation System and User Contributions on a Question Answering Website: StackOverflow

Peter Steenkiste
Christos Faloutsos


Question answering (Q&A) communities have been gaining popularity in the past few years. The success of such sites depends mainly on the contribution of a small number of expert users who provide a significant portion of the helpful answers, and so identifying users that have the potential of becoming strong contributers is an important task for owners of such communities. We present a study of the popular Q&A website StackOverflow (SO), in which users ask and answer questions about software development, algorithms, math and other technical topics. The dataset includes information on 3.5 million questions and 6.9 million answers created by 1.3 million users in the years 2008--2012. Participation in activities on the site (such as asking and answering questions) earns users reputation, which is an indicator of the value of that user to the site.

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