Access and Analyze Broadband Measurements Collected using M-Lab
Measurement Lab (M-Lab) is an open, distributed server platform for researchers, to deploy Internet measurement tools. Everybody can use M-Lab's tools to measure their own broadband connection performance. The M-Lab servers collect logs of all the users' tests and make them publicly available. As of July 2010, users have run millions of tests that have generated many terabytes of measurement data.
This talk will present the public repositories of M-Lab data and will explain how to analyze M-Lab data using Google's BigQuery. BigQuery stores M-Lab's measurements logs in a table with more than 60 billions of rows. It takes less than 1 minute to run a query against the whole dataset.
This talk will present the public repositories of M-Lab data and will explain how to analyze M-Lab data using Google's BigQuery. BigQuery stores M-Lab's measurements logs in a table with more than 60 billions of rows. It takes less than 1 minute to run a query against the whole dataset.